,"h's ,,hank ,h[ to ,hug an ,elephant ,h5ry ,w9kl] @& ,l9 ,oliv] ,,,illu/rat$ by scott g>rett,' ,9 #a ,volume ,brl ,pages t#a-t#b & #a-#fc ,pr9t ,pages #a-a#abd ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org t#a ,text copy"r ^c #bjae by ,h5ry ,w9kl] & ,l9 ,oliv] ,produc;ns1 ,9c4 ,illu/ra;ns copy"r ^c #bjae by ,scott ,g>rett4 ,publi%$ by ,grosset @& ,dunlap1 an impr9t ( ,p5gu9 ,r&om ,h\se ;,,llc1 #cde ,hudson ,/reet1 ,new ,york1 ,new ,york #ajjad4 ,,isbn #igh-#j-#ddh-#dhfef-#g p5gu94com_/"yr1d]s ,= ,frank ,d9es1 a man :o def9es fr%ip4 ,& to ,/acey1 alw,-,,hw ,= ,paula & ,m>k ,maxman1 & ! elephants we saw tgr,-,,lo ,= ! ,furm/ons1 ,m>k1 ,mi*elle1 ,betty1 ,daisy & ,r5,-,,sg ,"h's ,,hank #a ,h[ to ,hug an ,elephant ,,*apt] #a 8,we're (f to ! zoo10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd z ! doors ( ! yell[ s*ool bus clos$4 ,"ey"o *e]$4 ,\r :ole class _h be5 look+ =w>d to ? field trip all week4 ,my be/ frs1 ,frankie & ,a%ley1 7 sitt+ 9 ! s1t 9 front ( me4 ,i _h ! bad luck to h gott5 ,nick ,mc,kelty z my "pn]4 ,t m1nt ,i _h to sit next to hm on ! bus4 ,& t m1nt ,i _h v ll s1t4 ,nick ! ,tick's ?ick ------------------------------------#b body took up mo/ ( x4 ,i don't m1n to gross y \1 b my "r butt *eek 0 rid+ 9 ! air4 8,:at d y mo/ want to see at ! zoo80 ,ms4 ,fl[]s ask$ z %e walk$ up & d[n ! aisle collect+ \r lun*es4 ,"o ( ! p>5ts1 ,ms4 ,%imozato1 held ! big yell[ 3ta9] ": \r lun*es wd 2 kept until x 0 "t to eat4 #a 8,a giant squid10 ,luke a#b ,:itman sd1 h&+ h] 8 br[n bag ) a salami gr1se m>k cov]+ ! bottom4 8,we're go+ to ! zoo1 ,luke1 n ! aqu>ium10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s answ]$4 ,h] voice s.d$ l %e 0 hold+ h] nose1 ev5 ------------------------------------#c ?\< %e wasn't4 ,t happ5s a lot >.d ,luke4 8,:at ab y1 ,hank80 8,i want to see a gira6e t;gue10 ,i sd4 8,i he> !y're purple & cov]$ 9 hair40 8,s >e y1 ,zipp] ,fang10 ,nick sd4 ,he ?rew 8 >ms up 9 ! air & bur/ \ lau<+ at 8 usual n-funny joke4 ,t "o move;t put my nose "r next to 8 >mpit1 : is n a place any nose wants to be4 ,x smell$ l rott5 e7s on toa/4 ------------------------------------#d 8,gira6e t;gues >e d>k 9 color to protect !m f gett+ sunburn$10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd4 8,_! t;gues >e \ a lot :5 !y're pick+ l1ves (f trees40 ,t set (f a lot ( 3v]sa;n ab weird-b-true animal facts4 ,x seem$ l "ey"o on ! bus knew "o4 ,x 0 a a#d fun way to sp5d ! bus ride4 8,spid]s h eioos _c walk backw>d10 ,frankie *im$ in4 8,tig]s h /rip$ sk91 n j /rip$ fur10 ,ryan ,%imozato ------------------------------------#e sd4 ,8 mom smil$ pr\dly1 z if %e _h sd x h]f4 8,elephants >e ! only animals t c't jump10 ,a%ley sd4 8,t's 2c !y c wei< up to fifte5 ?\s& p.ds4 ,h>d to get t (f ! gr.d40 8,i love !m1 anyway10 ,i sd to ,a%ley4 8,i've wat*$ lots ( %[s ab !m on televi.n4 ,i hope we get to see "o td40 8,well1 ,hank1 ,i ?9k y're go+ to get yr wi%10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd4 8,"! is an elephant 5closure at ! zoo40 8,c we g "! f/80 ,i be7$4 8,we h a t\r guide :o has ! :ole morn+ plann$ = u10 #c ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd4 8,x's important t #f we all /ay tgr4 ,rememb] \r mo/ important rule,-no w&]+ away4 ,& t goes especially = y1 ,hank40 ,%e didn't ev5 h to say :y4 ,i knew :at %e m1nt4 ,i get lo/ a lot4 ,maybe x's 2c ,i / c't tell my left f my "r4 ,la/ week1 ,ms4 ,fl[]s gave me ! att5d.e %eet to take to ! (fice4 ,%e sd to walk to ! 5d ( ! hall & turn "r1 !n g to ! wat] f.ta9 & turn left4 ,i ?"\ ,i foll[$ h] direc;ns p]fectly4 ,t is1 until ,i pull$ ! door op5 & walk$ "r 9to ! girls' ba?room4 ,lucky = me1 x 0 empty4 ------------------------------------#g 8,! zoo is v l>ge10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s expla9$ z we pull$ 9to ! p>k+ lot4 8,y >e ea* responsible to alw "k ": yr "pn] is40 "333333333333 ,af we 5t]$ ! zoo1 we met \r t\r guide1 ,g9a1 :o told u \r f/ /op 0 ,gorilla ,_w4 ,:ile %e 0 tell+ u all ab :at we 7 go+ to see1 ,i notic$ ,nick w&]+ away4 ,he 0 h1d+ = a a#g c>t t sold toy zoo animals4 ,s9ce he 0 my "pn]1 x 0 my responsibil;y to tell hm to /ay ) ! gr\p4 ,8 back 0 to me1 s ,i cdn't see :at he 0 do+4 ,i snuck ov] to hm & :isp]$ 9 8 e>1 ------------------------------------#h s ,ms4 ,fl[]s cdn't he>4 8,y're n suppos$ to 2 "h10 ,i sd4 ,sudd5ly1 he :eel$ >.d & fla%$ :at look$ l a rat 9 front ( my face4 ,2f ,i cd d any?+1 he dropp$ x d[n ! front ( my %irt4 ,x felt cold & /icky4 ------------------------------------#i 8,a>r<60 ,i scr1m$1 2f ,i cd /op myf4 ,i pull$ my %irt \ ( my pants1 & ! /icky ?+ fell \ ! bottom ( my %irt to ! gr.d4 ,i look$ d[n & saw x 0 j a ru2] rat4 ,i turn$ >.d to tell ,mc,kelty h[ annoy+ t was1 b he _h alr snuck back to ! gr\p4 ,s ,i /ood "! al"o1 ) "ey"o 9 ! class lau<+ at me4 ,"ey"o b ,ms4 ,fl[]s4 ,%e did n look happy4 8,hank10 %e sd4 8,:at 0 ! la/ #e ?+ ,i sd to y on ! bus8 ,no w&]+ a#i away40 -----------------------------------#aj 8,b ,ms4 ,fl[]s1 ,i 0 j try+ to 2 responsible40 8,well1 y didn't su3e$1 ,hank4 ,n[ pl1se apologize to ,g9a = 9t]rupt+ h] 9troduc;n to ,gorilla ,_w40 ,i apologiz$1 b x wasn't fair4 ,x 0 ,mc,kelty :o _h w&]$ away4 ,i _h only g"o af hm to help4 ,we />t$ d[n ! pa? t l$ to ! gorillas4 -----------------------------------#aa 8,i'm go+ to h a fun "d ) y1 ,zipp]butt10 ,mc,kelty sd4 8,y're my favorite k9d ( "pn]4 ,y make ! animals 9 ? zoo seem sm>t40 ,i look$ at ,frankie & ,a%ley1 :o 7 at ! front ( ! l9e ask+ ,g9a lots ( "qs4 ,!y seem$ r1lly happy4 ,!n ,i look$ at ,nick ,mc,kelty next to me1 :o snick]$ j 2f he tripp$ me4 8,wat* yr /ep10 ! big creep sd4 ,only "o ?"\ 0 runn+ "? my m9d3 .7,:y did ,i get /uck ) ? guy8.' ,,*apt] #b #ab-#ac ,gorilla ,_w 0 r1lly cool4 ,we walk$ al;g a pa? next to ! ra9 =e/ ! zoo _h built to h\se ab tw5ty gorillas4 ,:5 we /opp$1 ,g9a told u all ab !m4 ,x 0 h>d to li/5 to :at %e 0 say+1 2c ,i 0 wait+ to see ! gorillas sw+ f tree to tree4 ,!y j sat on ! gr.d pick+ bugs \ ( "o ano!r's hair4 ,i rais$ my h&4 -----------------------------------#ad 8,:5 >e !y go+ to sw+ f ! bran*es80 ,i ask$ ,g9a4 8,z soon z y %[ !m h[1 ,zipp]h1d10 ,mc,kelty mumbl$4 8,actually1 t's an excell5t "q10 ,g9a sd4 ,i smil$ 9side myf4 .7,take t1 ,mc,kelty6.' 8,gorillas sp5d mo/ ( _! "t on ! gr.d10 ,g9a expla9$4 8,!y climb trees only to f9d fruit40 8,i'd climb a tree = a p1*10 ,i sd1 8b def9itely n = a plum4 ,!y're s #g s\r !y make my lips puck]40 a#ad ,"ey"o 9 ! class lau<$1 9clud+ ,ms4 ,fl[]s & ,ms4 ,%imozato4 -----------------------------------#ae ,we /ay$ 9 ,gorilla ,_w = half an h\r1 b x seem$ l a mon? to me4 ,ev5 ?\< gorillas >e v 9t]e/+1 ,i cdn't wait to get to ! elephants4 ,2ss1 "!'s only s l;g y c wat* l>ge apes pick bugs (f "o ano!r )\t />t+ to it* yrf4 ,\r next /op 0 ! snack b>4 ,ms4 ,fl[]s ord]$ tw5ty-"o froz5 lemonades ) ! m"oy \r p>5ts _h s5t4 -----------------------------------#af 8,froz5 lemonades >e /upid10 ,nick compla9$4 8,!y wr9kle yr t;gue40 8,!n y don't h to get "o10 ,ms4 ,%imozato sd4 8,gd4 ,i'll h a d\ble ord] ( *eese g>lic fries 9/1d40 ,t's j :at ,mc,kelty ne$$,-z if 8 br1? didn't smell bad 5 alr4 8,i'm sorry1 ,nick10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd4 8,we're all gett+ ! same ?+4 ,x's froz5 lemonade or no?+40 8,f9e1 :ile ^! guys >e freez+ a#af _! t;gues (f1 ,i'm go+ to ! ba?room40 8,t's odd10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s -----------------------------------#ag sd4 8,i don't ?9k ,i he>d y ask p]mis.n40 8,i did10 he li$4 8,i j did x sil5tly40 8,all "r1 ,nick4 ,y h p]mis.n to g to ! re/room1 b yr "pn] has to g ) y4 ,& don't 2 l;g40 ,boy1 did ,i feel sorry = 8 "pn]4 ,!n ,i r1liz$ x 0 me4 8,wait a m9ute4 ,does t m1n ,i don't get froz5 lemonade80 ,i ask$4 8,( c\rse y w1 ,hank10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s answ]$4 8,we'll h yrs wait+ :5 y get back40 ,g9a gave u direc;ns to ! ba?room4 ,x wasn't f> away1 -----------------------------------#ah b "! 7 s"eal left & "r turns we _h to make4 ,? 0 ! "o & only "t ,i 0 "e happy to 2 ) ,nick ! ,tick4 ,he may 2 a j]k1 b he's a j]k :o's bett] at #i direc;ns ?an ,i am4 a#ah ,on ! way 9to ! ba?room1 we pass$ a dad c>ry+ a baby 9 a backpack4 ,t ll kid 0 lucky 444 he cd j ride >.d on 8 dad's back & pee 9 8 diap]s any"t he want$4 ,i /opp$ to give hm a hi< five1 b ,mc,kelty yank$ me away4 8,babies >e gross10 he sn>l$ at me4 8,2ss1 ,i want to get back to t froz5 lemonade4 ,i'm s ?ir/y ,i mid ,mc,kelty's grumpy voice1 he bur/ \ cry+4 8,t's ! "r call1 ll guy10 ,i :isp]$ to hm4 ,9side1 ! ba?room wasn't cr[d$4 ,9 fact1 we 7 ! only "os 9 "!4 ,z usual1 ,mc,kelty ?"\ he 0 ! boss ( me4 8,i'll take ? /all10 he sd4 8,y g to ! "o on ! 5d40 8,:y80 -----------------------------------#bj 8,2c ,i ne$ to 2 al"o4 ,& don't ev5 ask :y40 ,t 0 f9e ) me4 ,any plan t a#bj puts space 2t me & ,mc,kelty is a gd plan4 ,:5 ,i came \ ( ! /all1 ,i wa%$ my h&s & wait$ = hm at ! s9k4 ,i wait$ & wait$4 ,at la/1 ,i call$ \4 8,hey1 ,mc,kelty4 ,y /ay 9 "! any l;g] & y're go+ to h to pay r5t40 ,"! 0 no answ]4 ,i walk$ ov] to ! /all1 b5t d[n1 & look$ to see if ,i cd see 8 %oes4 ,"! 0 no?+ "!4 ,) "o f+]1 ,i pu%$ op5 ! door4 ,n only 0 x unlock$1 ! /all 0 empty4 -----------------------------------#ba ,nick ! ,tick _h /ruck ag4 ,he _h dit*$ me4 ,i />t$ to panic a ll1 b !n ,i told myf t ,i cd h&le ?4 ,i wd f9d my way back all by myf4 ,i j ne$$ to give ! situa;n ! old ,hank ,zipz] attitude4 ,i took a deep br1? & walk$ \ ( ! ba?room4 ,i look$ 9 bo? direc;ns4 ,i _h absolutely no idea ": ,i was4 #aa ,,*apt] #c #bb-#bc .7,/ay calm1 ,hank/]1.' ,i sd to myf z ,i felt ! panic />t 9 my toes & %oot \ ! top ( my h1d4 ,my neck felt l x 0 on fire4 ,i bl9k$ h>d & look$ >.d4 ,i ask$ myf1 .7,hank1 does any?+ look famili>8.' ,& ,i c h"o/ly say1 ! answ] 0 ,,no4 ,": 0 my h1d :5 ,i 0 walk+ to ! ba?room8 ,i guess x _h tak5 a trip to ,saturn1 : is my favorite planet 2c ( ! r+s4 -----------------------------------#bd ,b ,saturn 0 sure n help+ me n[4 ,& !n1 ,i saw a big map ( ! zoo po/$ 9 a glass case4 ,problem solv$4 ,i wd j *eck ! map4 ,except = ! small problem t ,i c't r1d maps4 ,b ,i wasn't go+ to let t ll detail get me d[n4 ,i walk$ 3fid5tly ov] to ! map & /udi$ x v c>e;lly4 ,"! 7 blue trails1 gre5 trails1 yell[ "os1 & r$ "os4 ,all ,i _h to d 0 f9d ! "o ) ! snack b> on x4 ,) my f+]1 ,i trac$ ea* a#bd trail to ! 5d4 ,& !n panic gra2$ me by ! neck ag :5 ,i r1liz$ t ea* "o ( -----------------------------------#be ! trails _h a snack b> on x4 ,i ask y1 :y d "! h to 2 s _m snack b>s at "o zoo8 ,h[ _m snacks does a p]son ne$8 ,i /ood "! & took a deep br1?4 ,my mom alw says t tak+ a deep br1? w let yr bra9 "w bett]4 ,& sure 5\<1 a grt ?"\ jump$ 9to my m9d4 ,maybe ,i c't r1d a map4 ,& maybe ,i don't "k left f "r4 ,b ,i c sp1k ,5gli%1 & s cd "ey"o else 9 ! zoo4 ,all ,i _h to d 0 f9d an adult & ask !m to take me to ! snack b> close/ to ! gorillas4 ,t 0 "o grt idea1 if -----------------------------------#bf ,i d say s myf4 ,i actually r1*$ my h& ov] my %\ld] & patt$ myf on ! back4 ,i look$ >.d = a frly face1 & decid$ to ask a frly-look+ c\ple :o bo? _h cam]as >.d _! necks4 8,excuse me10 ,i sd1 us+ my #ac be/ mann]s4 8,d y ?9k y cd %[ a#bf me ! way to ! gorillas80 ,!y look$ at ea* o!r & %ru7$4 8.7,je ne p>le pas anglais.'10 sd ! man4 8,huh80 ,i sd4 -----------------------------------#bg ,he rep1t$ "s?+ t s.d$ ev5 m =eign4 ,h[ cd x be8 ,( all ! visitors to ! zoo1 ,i pick$ ! two :o don't sp1k a ^w ( ,5gli%4 8.1,gracias1 anyway10 ,i sd4 ,i didn't ?9k !y 7 sp1k+ ,spani%1 b ,i ?"\ ,i'd ?r[ t \ "! to impress !m4 ,!y %ru7$ ag & walk$ away4 ,i /ood "!1 try+ to figure \ :at to d next4 ,! only idea t came to me 0 t ,i mi+ lions close by4 ,i felt a h& on my %\ld] -----------------------------------#bh & spun >.d1 hop+ x 0 ,ms4 ,fl[]s4 ,x wasn't4 ,x 0 a woman we>+ a br[n uni=m ) a .7,wild ,ab ,g+]br1d.' ;,t-%irt4 8,i l g+]br1d1 too10 ,i sd to a#bh h]1 8b ,i h to say ,i'm n wild ab x40 8,i don't "u/&10 %e sd4 8,:y >e we talk+ ab g+]br1d80 8,2c t's :at x says on yr %irt,- .7,wild ,ab ,g+]br1d.'40 ,%e look$ d[n at h] %irt1 !n back at me1 !n bur/ \ lau<+4 8,x says .7,wild ,ab ,gira6es.'10 %e sd4 8,n g+]br1d40 -----------------------------------#bi 8,at l1/ ,i 0 close10 ,i sd4 8,!y bo? />t ) a ;,g4 ,i'm n m* ( a r1d]40 8,i wasn't at yr age1 ei10 %e sd1 / smil+4 8,b x didn't /op me f do+ "s?+ ,i love4 ,i'm ,nora ,bicks10 %e w5t on4 8,i "w "h at ! zoo ) ! gira6es & ! elephants4 ,y seem to 2 lo/40 8,i'm only half lo/10 ,i sd4 8,! half t c't f9d ! snack b> ": my class is wait+40 -----------------------------------#cj 8,is x ! "o ne> ! gorillas8 ,) ! grt froz5 lemonades80 8,t's exactly ! "o60 #ae 8,i c take y "!4 ,i j h to a#cj make a qk /op at ! elephant 5closure & !n *eck on ,elsie40 8,oh1 is ,elsie yr mom80 8,actually1 ,elsie .1is my mom's "n4 ,t's :y ,i "nd \r newe/ elephant af h]4 ,elephant ,elsie j >riv$ at ! zoo ye/]"d4 ,we're keep+ h] sep>at$ f ! o!rs until we "k %e's com=table "h at h] new home4 ,come on4 ,we'll say hi1 & ,i'll get y back to yr class40 -----------------------------------#ca ,z we foll[$ ! yell[ l9e al;g ! pa?1 ,i cdn't 2lieve t ,i 0 actually go+ to see a r1l live elephant up close4 ,i cdn't /op smil+4 8,if ,i _h a ;,t-%irt10 ,i told ,nora1 8m9e wd say .7,wild ,ab ,elephants.'4 ,i ?9k !y're v sm>t40 8,!y >e10 %e sd4 8,t's "o ( ! r1sons :y x makes me s angry :5 !y're mi/r1t$4 ,elsie 0 9 a circus ": %e wasn't tak5 c>e ( prop]ly4 ,we rescu$ h]40 ,by !n1 we _h r1*$ ! elephant 5closure4 ,9 ! 4t.e1 ,i cd see a#ca ?ree v big elephants /&+ >.d a -----------------------------------#cb pool ( wat]1 spray+ _! backs ) _! trunks4 ,next to !m1 9 a sep>ate f;ed-(f >ea1 0 ano!r elephant t 0 ru2+ h] body ag/ a tree trunk4 -----------------------------------#cc 8,"!'s my ,elsie10 ,nora sd4 8,looks l %e's got an it*y back40 8,maybe ,i cd l5d h] my bamboo back scrat*] t ,i b"\ 9 ,*9at[n10 ,i (f]$4 8,x r1lly "ws4 ,( c\rse1 h] back is a lot bi7] ?an m9e40 8,y wait "h10 ,nora sd4 8,i'm go+ to run 9side & refre% h] wat]4 ,!n ,i'll take y to ! snack b>4 ,x's j up ! r$ trail4 ,y c see x f "h40 8,oh1 t's okay10 ,i sd to ,nora4 8,i c get "! f "h4 ,x's easy4 ,i'll j foll[ ! r$ l9e40 8,y sure80 8,totally sure40 -----------------------------------#cd 8,okay1 ,mr4 ,wild ,ab #ag ,elephants10 %e sd4 8,nice a#cd talk+ to y40 ,i wat*$ ,nora unlock ! gate & walk 9to ! 5closure4 ,elsie trumpet$ :5 %e came in4 ,nora talk$ s(tly to h] z %e pick$ up ! hose & fill$ up ,elsie's gigantic wat] bucket4 ,!n ,nora op5$ ! gate & w5t 9to ! 5closure ": ! o!r elephants 7 / spray+ ea* o!r4 ,i tri$ to l1ve1 ,i r1lly did4 ,i ev5 turn$ >.d & walk$ ov] to ! r$ trail4 ,b ,i cdn't d x4 ,i 0 s close to a r1l live elephant,-"o t 0 probably l"oly & sc>$ 9 h] -----------------------------------#ce new home4 ,poor ,elsie4 ,maybe %e ne$$ a visitor4 ,& maybe ,i 0 t visitor4 ,2f ,i cd /op myf1 ,i w5t to ! unlock$ gate & pu%$ x op54 ,9 a few /eps1 ,i 0 face-to-face ) ! l>ge/ animal ,i h "e se54 ,,*apt] #d #cf ,,,! f/ five ?+s i saw 9 ! elephant 5closure,' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,elephant poop ! size ( a h\se4 #b4 ,m elephant poop4 -----------------------------------#cg #c4 ,:oops1 "h comes ano!r "o4 #d4 ,i bett] get \ ( ! way or y won't 2 able to see me4 #e4 ,sorry "!'s no numb] five1 b :5 an elephant's got to g1 x's got to g6 -------------------------------#ch-#ci ,,*apt] #e ,i j /ood "! />+ 9to ,elsie's big br[n eyes1 : 7 ab a mile abv my h1d4 ,%e />$ "r back at me4 ,nei ( u mov$ a muscle4 ,:5 ,i h a />e-d[n ) my si/]1 ,emily1 %e bur/s \ lau<+ 9 ab two seconds1 s ,i alw w94 ,b ,elsie didn't ev5 bat an eyela%4 ,i wasn't sure :e!r \r />e-d[n #ai 0 a gd ?+ or a bad ?+4 ,x 0 a#ci def9itely gd t %e wasn't *>g+ -----------------------------------#dj at me ) h] giant tusks4 ,b maybe %e 0 ?9k+ ab do+ x1 : wd def9itely 2 bad4 8,hi1 ,elsie10 ,i :isp]$4 8,my "n is ,hank4 ,well1 r1lly x's ,h5ry1 b "ey"o calls me ,hank1 s y c1 too40 ,sudd5ly1 h] e>s />t$ to flap4 ,9 fact1 !y flapp$ s h>d t ,i cd feel ! air bru% acr my face4 ,i jump$ back a few feet4 ,i hop$ ? 0 h] way ( say+1 8,nice to meet y1 too40 ,b x 0 possible ? 0 h] way ( say+1 8,? is my space1 buddy4 ,n[ b1t x40 ,sudd5ly1 ,i he>d foot/eps crun*+ on ! l1ves ( ! 5closure4 ,i 0 pretty sure x 0 -----------------------------------#da ,nora1 com+ back f visit+ ! o!r elephants4 ,i knew ! "r ?+ to d 0 to tell ,nora ,i 0 "!4 ,b "s"ts ! "r ?+ to d isn't alw ! mo/ fun ?+ to d4 ,)\t ?9k+1 ,i duck$ 9to ! cave t 0 "p ( ,elsie's 5closure4 ,i hid 2h a rock & a#da peek$ \4 ,nora _h /opp$ & 0 pett+ ,elsie's trunk4 8,h[ y do+1 girl80 %e sd s(tly4 ,at ! s.d ( ,nora's voice1 ,elsie />t$ flapp+ h] e>s ag4 -----------------------------------#db 8,i "k y're happy :5 yr e>s flap10 ,nora sd4 8,i'm glad y're feel+ bett]4 ,t circus y 7 ) didn't take gd c>e ( y1 b we w40 ,i 0 s curi\s ab :at happ5$ to ,elsie at t circus1 b ,i 0 hid+ s ,i cdn't ask4 8,d y want a tr1t80 ,%e r1*$ 9to h] pocket & pull$ \ an 5tire e> ( corn4 ,elsie lift$ h] trunk & g5tly took ! corn f ,nora4 ,!n %e popp$ ! :ole ?+ 9 h] m\?4 ,ev5 f ": ,i was1 ,i cd he> h] tee? gr9d+4 ,i cd tell ,elsie lov$ t tr1t1 2c h] e>s />t+ flapp+ l crazy4 ,i smil$1 -----------------------------------#dc ?9k+ ab :5 ,i h a black & :ite cookie1 : is .1my favorite tr1t4 ,my e>s #ba >e too small to flap1 b ,i sure a#dc hop >.d a lot4 8,"!'s m ": t came f10 ,nora told ,elsie4 8,y 2 a gd girl n[40 ,i wat*$ z ,nora walk$ acr ! 5closure to ! hi< metal f;e4 ,%e op5$ ! gate1 & )\t look+ back1 lock$ x 2h h]4 .1,w[1 ,i ?"\4 .7,? is grt4 ,n[ x's j me & ,elsie6.' ,! next ?"\ ,i _h was1 .7,w[4 ,? is n s grt4 ,i'm lock$ 9 "h ) fifte5 ?\s& p.ds ( elephant6.' -----------------------------------#dd ,:5 ,nora 0 \ ( sis obvi\sly "w$ v well4 ,%e :ipp$ >.d1 swi%+ h] tail back & =?4 ,:5 %e saw me1 %e rais$ h] giant trunk & let \ a l\d trumpet+ s.d4 ,i /ood completely /1 z if ,i _h turn$ 9to a clay /atue4 ,elsie took a /ep t[>d me4 ,!n ano!r /ep4 ,my he>t />t$ to b1t r1lly fa/1 & :5 ,i say fa/1 ,i m1n l a spe$+ race c>4 ,:at 0 ,elsie go+ to d to me8 ,pu% me8 #de ,sit on me8 ,cru% me8 .7,br1!1 ,hank4 ,don't panic4 ,x's only ! l>ge/ l& mammal on ,e>?4 ,y c ?9k ( "s?+4 ,look >.d & use yr bra94.' ,my eyes d>t$ >.d ! 5closure1 hop+ to f9d an e> ( corn t ,i cd give ,elsie4 ,t wd at l1/ 4tract h] = a m9ute4 ,!n1 ,i spott$ a du/y so3] ball4 .7,maybe ,elsie plays so3]1.' ,i ?"\4 ,& maybe %e 0 9 ! mood = a game4 ,y n"e "k4 8,elsie10 ,i sd1 9 my calme/ voice4 ,! "o ,i use :5 ,i'm try+ to expla9 to my dad :y -----------------------------------#df my report c>d is alw s bad4 8,i'm go+ to walk ov] to t so3] ball1 & y're go+ to /ay "r "!4 ,okay80 ,elsie lift$ h] trunk & let \ ano!r l\d trumpet4 8,i'm go+ to take t z a yes10 ,i sd4 8,& "h ,i g40 ,my bra9 told my feet to move4 ,at f/1 !y didn't4 ,b !n !y did4 #bc ,n"e tak+ my eyes (f ,elsie1 ,i a#df />t+ creep+ t[>d ! ball4 8,s ,elsie1 want to he> a joke80 ,i ask$4 8,jokes alw make me feel happy4 ,"h x is4 ,:at's ! be/ "t to g to ! d5ti/8 ,give up8 .1,too?-hurty40 -----------------------------------#dg ,elsie didn't move a muscle4 ,i guess %e didn't get ! joke4 ,t made s5se4 ,i m1n1 elephants don't sp5d a lot ( "t 9 ! d5ti/'s *air4 ,elsie wat*$ c>e;lly z ,i took ! la/ few /eps t[>d ! ball4 8,i'm go+ to pass ! ball to y1 v g5tly10 ,i expla9$4 8,& !n y pass ! ball back to me1 v1 v1 v g5tly4 ,we humans call t play+ so3]40 ,keep+ my eyes glu$ to h] eyes1 ,i kick$ ! ball 9 h] direc;n4 ,:5 x /opp$ at h] feet1 %e tilt$ h] big h1d & j />$ at x4 .7,hank1 y dummy6 ,( c\rse -----------------------------------#dh %e's j />+ at x4 ,elephants don't play so3]4.' ,sudd5ly1 ,elsie lift$ h] big a#dh r.d foot & kick$ ! ball4 ,i m1n1 %e kick$ x "r back to me4 8,no6 ,y didn't60 ,i sd1 trapp+ ! ball "u my foot4 8,t 0 a p]fect pass40 ,i us$ ! side ( my foot to pass x back to h]4 ,%e look$ d[n at ! ball ag1 took aim1 & s5t x fly+ back to me4 ,i cdn't 2lieve x4 -----------------------------------#di ,i 0 play+ so3] ) an elephant4 ,i cdn't wait to tell ,frankie & ,a%ley4 ,i mid ,e>?,-except at t mo;t1 .2,i 0 ,e>?4 ,i _h no "t to ?9k4 ,luckily1 my reflexes took ov]1 & ,i dove 9to ! dirt4 ,:5 ,i lift$ my h1d1 ,i saw ! ball cra% 9to ! f;e 2h me4 ,x l&$ s h>d1 x actually made ! *a9-l9k f;e rattle4 8,y got "o hot foot "!1 -----------------------------------#eb ,elsie10 ,i told h]4 8,y %d 3sid] go+ pro40 ,z ,i /ood up & />t$ to bru% myf (f1 ,i he>d "s"o call+ my "n4 ,i've he>d t same voice "e s9ce ,i 0 two ye>s old4 8,hank60 ,frankie call$4 8,yo1 ,hank6 ,": >e y80 8,if y c he> u1 give u a sign10 ,a%ley yell$4 8,i'm 9 "h1 guys10 ,i answ]$4 8,hank10 ano!r voice call$4 8,? is ,ms4 ,%imozato4 ,": exactly >e a#eb y8 ,we're all s worri$40 8,i'm 9 ! elephant 5closure4 ,) ,elsie40 ,"! 0 a l;g sil;e4 ,!n -----------------------------------#ec ,ms4 ,%imozato sd1 8,y m1n y're 9side "!80 8,z in1 actually 9side80 ,frankie call$ \4 8,z in1 next to an elephant80 ,a%ley add$4 8,h] "n is ,elsie10 ,i call$ \4 8,come >.d ! corn] to ! gate & ,i'll 9troduce y40 ,i look$ ov] at ,elsie :o 0 %ift+ h] wei$ at ! f;e4 ,:5 !y saw me 9side1 /&+ next to ,elsie1 ,ms4 ,%imozato let \ a %riek4 -----------------------------------#ee 8,hank1 get \ ( "! "r ? second10 %e sd4 8,:at's ! ru%80 ,i sd4 8,x's safe 9 "h40 8,hank10 ,a%ley sd4 8,in case y hav5't notic$1 "!'s a giant elephant /&+ "r next to y40 8,don't worry4 ,elsie & ,i >e frs4 ,well1 maybe n frs1 b t1mmates40 8,mrs4 ,fl[]s s5t u to br+ y back immly10 ,ms4 ,%imozato sd4 8,y bett] li/5 ? "t1 ,zip10 ,frankie sd4 8,y're 9 big tr\ble40 8,:5 y didn't come back ) ,mc,kelty1 ,ms4 ,fl[]s got -----------------------------------#ef worri$10 ,a%ley w5t on4 8,%e call$ ! (fice & got a bun* ( /aff memb]s to help look = y4 ,i talk$ h] 9to a#ef lett+ ,frankie & me g on a se>* if we promis$ to /ick ) ,ms4 ,%imozato & come back "r away40 8,i c't get \ ( "h10 ,i told !m4 8,! f;e is too hi<1 & ! gate is lock$40 8,s y're /uck 9 "! ="e80 ,a%ley ask$4 8,a zookeep] "nd ,nora has ! key10 ,i expla9$4 8,%e's we>+ a ;,t-%irt t says .7,wild ,ab ,gira6es.'4 ,if y f9d h]1 %e'll help40 8,we're on x10 ,frankie sd4 -----------------------------------#eg 8,hank1 y /ay "r "!10 ,ms4 ,%imozato told me4 8,z if ,i h any *oice10 ,i mutt]$4 8,come on1 *n10 ,i he>d ,ms4 ,%imozato sd4 8,? is an em]g5cy4 ,we h to hurry40 ,! ?ree ( !m ran (f d[n ! pa? & ,i turn$ >.d to see :at ,elsie 0 up to4 ,%e _h w&]$ ov] to h] cave1 ": s"eal l>ge bales ( hay 7 /ack$ up ag/ ! wall4 ,%e lift$ ! top "o ) h] #bi trunk & c>ri$ x ov] to ! middle a#eg ( h] 5closure4 8,y m/ 2 hungry10 ,i sd to h]4 8,t's a lot ( hay = lun*4 ,talk+ ab lun*1 ,i'm hungry1 -----------------------------------#eh too4 ,i wi% ,i lik$ hay1 b ,i'm m ( a hot dog guy myf40 ,elsie w5t ov] to ! /ack1 lift$ ano!r huge bale ( hay1 & br"\ x back to ! middle ( h] space4 ,!n %e pick$ x up z hi< z %e cd & slamm$ x ag/ ! f/ "o4 ,i ?9k %e 0 try+ to br1k !m up s %e cd />t eat+ ! hay4 ,boy1 0 %e /r;g4 -----------------------------------#ei 8,i bet yr trunk cd lift me10 ,i sd to ,elsie4 8,i wei< a lot less ?an ^? bales40 .7,wait a m9ute1 ,hank ,zipp] bra91.' ,i ?"\4 .7,y may h a h>d "t 9 s*ool1 b "s"ts t bra9 ( yrs comes up ) a brilliant idea4 ,& ? is "o ( ^? "ts4.' 8,elsie10 ,i 2gan4 8,i ne$ yr help40 ,%e /opp$ eat+ h] hay & />$ at me4 8,t's gd10 ,i sd4 8,n[ wat* a#ei me4 ,i'm go+ to expla9 :at ,i ne$ y to d4 ,y're go+ to pret5d t ,i'm a bale ( hay1 & lift me up & ov] ! f;e ) yr trunk4 -----------------------------------#fj ,d y ?9k y c d t80 ,elsie j kept />+ at me4 ,? wasn't "w+4 ,i took a deep br1? & />t$ ag4 8,,y10 ,i sd1 po9t+ at h] ) bo? ( my po9t] f+]s4 8,,me10 ,i sd1 po9t+ at myf4 8,,trunk10 ,i sd1 r1*+ \ & patt+ h] trunk4 8,,up10 ,i sd1 po9t+ to ! sky4 8,,ov]10 ,i sd1 po9t+ to ! f;e4 ,elsie j look$ at me )\t mov+4 8,give me a sign if y "u/& any?+ ,i j sd10 -----------------------------------#fa ,i be7$ h]4 8,pl1se1 ,elsie40 ,elsie %ift$ h] weid h] m\?1 popp$ ! :ole h&;l 9 at once4 ,i li/5$ :ile %e *ew$4 ,!n %e burp$4 8,well ( c\rse t's go+ to happ510 ,i sd4 8,y put too -----------------------------------#fe m* 9 yr m\? at "o "t4 ,! same ?+ happ5s to me :5 ,i'm %>+ a pickle ) my gr&"f1 ,papa ,pete4 ,i love pickles s m*1 ,i %ove ! :ole ?+ 9 my m\? at once4 ,!n x's ,burp ,c;y40 ,elsie 0 m 9t]e/$ 9 ! hay ?an 9 my /ory4 ,i pick$ up ano!r fi/;l & %e r1*$ \ = x ) h] trunk4 ,? "t1 ,i took a few /eps backw>d1 & %e foll[$ me4 ,i took a few m /eps t[>d ! f;e t surr.d$ h] 5closure4 ,%e foll[$ me ag4 ,i kept rep1t+ ? until we 7 alm t\*+ ! f;e4 8,t's a gd girl10 ,i sd to #cc ,elsie4 8,n[ comes ! h>d "p4 ,b #ff ,i "k y c d x4 ,my mom alw says ,8if y c imag9e x1 y c make x happ54,0 ,( c\rse1 ,i don't "k if t applies to elephants1 b ,i'm go+ to 2 positive "h & say t x does40 ,i held ! hay 9 front ( me1 & ,elsie /ret*$ \ h] l;g trunk4 ,9/1d ( giv+ h] ! hay1 ,i took hold ( h] trunk ) my h&s4 ,!n %e did ! mo/ amaz+ ?+4 ,%e curl$ up h] trunk s t x 0 9 ! %ape ( a hook,-! p]fect place = me to put my feet4 ,i /epp$ onto h] trunk1 wrapp$ my >ms >.d x1 & held on tioni1 ,zip10 ,i he>d ,frankie's voice call4 8,oh my gd;s1 :at is go+ on80 ,ms4 ,%imozato %\t$4 8,elsie & ,i >e "w+ on a plan40 8,:at"e x is1 x looks extremely dang]\s10 %e %\t$4 8,x sure does10 ,a%ley agre$4 8,hank1 >e y okay up "!80 8,a ll dizzy4 ,i'm glad ,i didn't f9i% my scrambl$ e7s at br1kfa/1 ?\<4 ,did y guys f9d ,nora80 -----------------------------------#fi 8,we f.d "s"o :o knew ": %e 0 & w5t to get h]4 ,we ru%$ back "h to make sure y're okay10 ,a%ley sd4 8,zip60 ,frankie call$4 8,c ,i j po9t \ y're on an elephant trunk80 ,i tri$ to s.d calm1 l rid+ an elephant's trunk 0 "s?+ ,i did e "d4 8,elsie is j giv+ me a ll lift60 8,a ll lift60 ,ms4 ,%imozato #ce cri$4 8,y're sc>+ me1 ,hank60 a#fi -----------------------------------#gj 8,2lieve me1 y're n ! only "o10 ,i answ]$4 8,get d[n "h "r n[60 ,ms4 ,%imozato comm&$4 8,y he>d hm1 ,elsie10 ,i sd 9to h] big e>4 8,d[n1 girl4 ,put me d[n on ! o!r side ( ! f;e40 ,elsie /ood v / = a m9ute1 !n h] big eyes turn$ to look me "r 9 ! eye4 8,y c d ?10 ,i told h]4 8,"o /ep =w>d & l[] me d[n to my frs40 ,elsie took a baby /ep =w>d4 ,let me rem9d y t a baby /ep = h] is l a giant l1p = u4 ,!n %e />t$ to l[] h] trunk4 ,sev5? floor4 ,six? -----------------------------------#ga floor4 ,fif? floor4 ,soon1 ,i 0 close 5 to ! gr.d to slide d[n h] trunk l a firefid :at #gb s.d$ l p clapp+4 ,i look$ >.d1 & = ! f/ "t1 notic$ t a gr\p ( p _h ga!r$4 ,!y 7 all po9t+ at me4 ,a few 7 ev5 tak+ pictures4 8,t's q a %[1 kid10 a man 9 a ,yankees baseball cap call$ \4 8,d y d t e "d at noon80 a woman hold+ a baby %\t$4 8,i r1lly didn't d any?+ b hold on10 ,i sd to "ey"o4 8,elsie did ! h>d "p1 didn't y1 girl80 ,elsie rais$ h] trunk up to ! sky & trumpet$ l\dly4 -----------------------------------#gc 8,t's "r10 ,i sd to h]4 8,y %d 2 pr\d ( yrf40 ,elsie trumpet$ ag4 8,oh1 ,i get x10 ,i sd4 8,y want yr hay4 ,okay1 "h x is40 ,i held ! hay \ 9 my h& & ,elsie's big trunk swoop$ d[n & pick$ x all up4 ,!n ! trunk & ! hay 4appe>$ ov] ! f;e4 8,hey "ey"o1 ,i've got ! key10 ,nora call$1 runn+ d[n ! pa? t[>d u4 8,:at's ! big em]g5cy80 #cg 8,hank 0 9side t 5closure ) ! a#gc elephant10 ,ms4 ,%imozato told h]4 8,x 0 s f"r5+40 ,nora turn$ to me4 ,%e look$ %ock$4 -----------------------------------#gd 8,y snuck 9 "!80 %e ask$4 8,i hope y "k t's v dang]\s60 8,n if y "k ,elsie l ,i d10 ,i answ]$4 8,%e's my fr4 ,did y "k t %e's a grt so3] play]8 8,%e's an elephant4 ,elephants don't play so3]40 ,luckily1 ,i didn't h to say a ^w4 ,elsie came to my rescue :5 a so3] ball came fly+ "? ! air4 ,usually ,i'm n v gd at cat*+ a ball1 b ? "o 0 kick$ up & ov] ! f;e1 "r to me4 ,i r1*$ \ & gra2$ x4 ,! p :o 7 ga!r$ let \ a huge *e]4 -----------------------------------#ge 8,t's amaz+10 ! man ) ! ,yankees cap yell$4 8,i want h] on my t1m10 a kid call$ \4 ,nora turn$ to ! elephant 5closure4 ,elsie 0 /&+ at ! f;e1 wait+ = a#ge me to kick ! ball back to h]4 ,i "k x seems weird1 b ,i'd swe> t elephant 0 smil+4 -------------------------------#gf-#gg ,,*apt] #h ,nora cdn't 2lieve h] eyes4 8,did ,i j see :at ,i ?9k ,i saw80 %e ask$4 ,frankie1 ,a%ley1 & ,i all nodd$ at ! same "t1 z if we _h plann$ x4 8,y've se5 h] kick ! ball l t 2f80 ,nora ask$ me4 8,sure10 ,i sd4 8,elsie & ,i h be5 play+ a lot ( so3] ? morn+40 ,nora gave me a funny look4 8,i'd l to see ? ) my [n -----------------------------------#gh eyes10 ,nora sd4 8,2c s9ce ,elsie has be5 ) u1 %e hasn't seem$ at all play;l4 ,9 fact1 q ! opposite40 8,!n j wat* ?10 ,i sd to h]4 ,i put ! so3] ball on ! gr.d4 #ci 8,okay1 girl10 ,i call$ \ to a#gh ,elsie4 8,"h x comes4 ,keep yr eye on ! ball40 ,elsie flapp$ h] e>s1 : 0 a gd sign 2c x m1nt %e 0 excit$4 ,i took aim & kick$ ! ball h>d1 :ile lift+ my foot4 ,! ball sail$ ov] ! f;e & "r to ,elsie4 ,z ! ball roll$ t[>d h]1 %e put \ h] gigantic foot & j l t1 kick$ x back to me4 -----------------------------------#gi ,"! 0 a gasp f ! p 9 ! cr[d4 8,amaz+10 ,i he>d ,nora :isp]4 ,we pass$ ! ball back & =? ag4 ,:5 ! ball 0 on my side ( ! f;e1 ,elsie lift$ h] trunk & %e trumpet$ l\dly1 z if to say 8,%e %oots1 %e scores60 ,nora actually />t$ to lau< \ l\d4 8,i don't "k :at y sd to t elephant10 %e sd to me1 8b %e sure is act+ l a di6]5t animal40 8,i ?9k ,elsie's r1dy to make new frs10 ,i told ,nora4 8,we h to 2 c>e;l putt+ ,elsie 9 ) ! o!rs10 %e sd4 #hj 8,9troduc+ a new elephant 9to a gr\p c 2 risky4 ,we h to 2 sure !y all get al;g40 8,b if y put ,elsie 9 ) ! o!r elephants1 !y cd />t _! [n so3] t1m4 ,maybe ,i'll help y ?9k ( a "n4 ,my so3] t1m 0 ! ,%>ks1 b t wd 2 a weird "n = elephants4 ,h[ ab,-0 ,ms4 ,%imozato put h] h& up to /op me4 -----------------------------------#ha 8,i hate to block yr cr1tiv;y1 ,hank10 %e sd1 8b ,i ?9k y %d l1ve ! deci.ns ab ? elephant up to ! zookeep]s4 ,i ne$ to get y back to yr class "r away4 ,i "k ,ms4 ,fl[]s is v worri$4 ,i wd call h] to let h] "k y're okay1 b ,i left my ph"o at ! snack b>40 8,i'll let y g10 ,nora sd4 8,>e y sure y "k ! way80 ,ms4 ,%imozato nodd$ & ?ank$ ,nora = h] help4 ,!n %e l$ u up ! pa? t[>d ! snack b>4 #da 8,i hope ,ms4 ,fl[]s hasn't a#ha call$ my p>5ts10 ,i sd z we walk$4 8,i'll 2 gr.d$ -----------------------------------#hb until ,i'm old 5 to %ave40 8,i've got to h& x to y1 ,zip10 ,frankie sd ) a lau<4 8,no matt] h[ m* tr\ble y're in1 y're alw funny40 ,we hurri$ up ! r$ pa?1 pa/ ! lions & ! zebras4 8,oh look10 ,i sd1 po9t+ to an especially b1uti;l zebra t 0 /&+ by ! f;e4 8,c we j /op & try to c.t 8 /ripes80 8,? is no "t = /ripe c.t+10 ,ms4 ,%imozato sd4 8,okay1 b ,i / ?9k x 0 a gd su7es;n10 ,i answ]$4 8,i don't ?9k y "u/& h[ m* tr\ble y're in1 ,hank10 ,a%ley :isp]$4 -----------------------------------#hc 8,did y "k t no two sets ( zebra /ripes >e exactly alike80 ,i w5t on4 8,v 9t]e/+1 ,zip10 ,frankie sd4 8,5\< talk+1 kids10 ,ms4 ,%imozato sd4 8,we've got to hurry40 a#hc ,up ah1d1 at ! 5d ( ! r$ trail1 ,i saw ! snack b>4 ,\r :ole class 0 sitt+ at ! tables1 look+ bor$4 ,ms4 ,fl[]s 0 on h] ph"o1 pac+ back & =?4 ,nick ,mc,kelty 0 ! f/ to notice u approa*+4 8,well1 x's ab "t1 ,zipp] ,tee?10 he yell$ \4 8,\r 5tire trip has be5 ru9$ 2c ( y40 -----------------------------------#hd ,ms4 ,fl[]s look$ up f h] ph"o & immly ran t[>d u4 -----------------------------------#he 8,oh1 ?ank gd;s10 %e call$ \4 8,i've be5 s worri$4 ,hank1 >e y okay80 8,he's f9e10 ,ms4 ,%imozato sd4 8,he 0 hav+ an unusual 5c.t] ) an elephant40 8,wait until ,i tell y ab x10 ,i sd4 8,no1 ,hank6 ,n[ is n ! "t40 ,ms4 ,fl[]s s.d$ r1lly angry4 8,i'm too upset4 ,:at 0 ! f/ rule we 4cuss$ ab \r field trip80 8,um 444 don't fe$ ! animals80 ,i guess$4 #dc 8,y see1 ? is an example ( h[ a#he y don't pay att5;n10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s scold$4 8,! mo/ important rule we 4cuss$ 0 -----------------------------------#hf no w&]+ away4 ,we specifically w5t ov] h[ "ey"o /ays tgr1 un.s y >e ) yr walk+ buddy40 ,i look$ ov] at ,nick1 :o 0 5joy+ wat*+ me get 9 all ? tr\ble4 8,my "pn]1 ^: "n ,i won't say \ l\d b 2g9s ) an ;,n & 5ds ) an .1elty1 ran (f & left me 9 ! ba?room40 8,i did n6,0 ,mc,kelty yell$4 8,y 7 j too /upid to f9d me40 8,t's 5\<1 ,nick10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s answ]$4 8,we don't call p "ns4 ,i w h&le ?40 ,!n turn+ to me1 %e -----------------------------------#hg sd1 8,hank1 :y didn't y return immly80 8,t 0 my plan10 ,i sd tru?;lly4 8,b :5 ,i came \ ( ! ba?room1 ,i 0 lo/4 ,& !n ,i saw ,elsie & %e seem$ l"oly1 s ,i decid$ to /ay ) h] a:ile40 8,y1h10 ,mc,kelty %\t$4 8,& 2c ( t1 y're ! only "o :o got to see ! a#hg elephants4 ,! re/ ( u _h to sit "h />+ at \r froz5 lemonade cups40 ,i ?"\ ab :at he sd = a m9ute1 & z m* z ,i didn't want to admit x1 ,nick ,mc,kelty 0 "r4 8,i'm sorry10 ,i sd to "ey"o4 -----------------------------------#hh 8,i didn't m1n to ru9 ! class trip4 ,i guess ,i j wasn't ?9k+40 8,no?+ new ab t10 ,mc,kelty grumbl$4 ,frankie put 8 h& on my %\ld]4 -----------------------------------#hi 8,we "k y didn't m1n to mess ?+s up10 he :isp]$4 8,hank1 ,i hope y "u/& t "! w 2 3sequ;es = :at y did10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd4 ,"h's "o ?+ ,i h le>n$ ab adults4 ,:5 !y say1 8,"! w 2 3sequ;es10 :at !y r1lly m1n is t y're go+ to get puni%$4 ,i look$ at ,ms4 ,fl[]s :o 0 /&+ "! ) h] >ms fold$ 9 front ( h]4 ,i gave h] a ll smile1 b %e did n smile back4 ,i knew :at t m1nt4 ,tr\ble ) a capital ;,t4 #de ,,*apt] #i #ij ,,,five possible 83sequ;es0 t mimpits on all ! class trips4 ,boy1 ,i am r1lly go+ to ne$ t nose clip4 -----------------------------------#ia #c4 ,i w get ! l;ge/ "t-\ 9 ! hi/ory ( ! _w4 ,x w la/ s l;g t x w actually g 9to ! .7,gu9;s ,book ( ,_w ,records.'4 #d4 ,i w h to write a ?ree-p>agraph report on my exp]i;e at ! zoo4 ,?ree :ole p>agraphs6 ,i'd r %ovel monkey poop6 #e4 ,i alr =got numb] five4 ,s sorry1 b t's life 9 ! ,zipz] bra94 ,,*apt] #aj #ib-#ic ,! gd news was1 ,i didn't h to %ovel up monkey poop4 ,! bad news was1 ,i actually got all ( ! o!r puni%;ts1 plus "s ,i _h n"e ?"\ (4 ,f/ ( all1 ,i _h to sit next to ,nick ,mc,kelty on ! bus ride back to s*ool4 ,8 >mpits 7 especially /9ky af sp5d+ ! "d at ! zoo4 ,my poor nose got s tir$ f try+ to block ! smell t ,i 0 go+ to h to put x to b$ e>ly4 -----------------------------------#id ,second1 :5 ,ms4 ,fl[]s told my p>5ts :at ,i _h d"o1 ,i got gr.d$4 ,my dad sd = ! next two weeks1 ,i cd eat1 br1!1 & g to s*ool4 ,& t 0 x4 ,?ird1 all ( my scre5 "t 0 tak5 away = two weeks4 ,t m1nt no comput]1 no video games1 & ,i cdn't ev5 use my mom's ph"o to play a ma? game %e _h d[nload$ = me4 ,:5 ,i tri$ to tell my dad t ma? 0 gd = me1 he sd1 8,use a p5cil & pap] 9/1d40 ,!n he put a #dg :ole %eet ( subtrac;n problems a#id 9 front ( me4 ,0 he kidd+8 ,i cdn't ev5 d !m 2h me4 -----------------------------------#ie ,! h>de/ "p ( ! puni%;t 0 writ+ ! ?ree-p>agraph report on my exp]i;e at ! zoo4 ,= me1 writ+ ev5 "o s5t;e is h>d4 ,writ+ a p>agraph is v1 v h>d4 ,writ+ ?ree p>agraphs is z close to impossible z a p]son c get4 ,af d9n] t niagraphs10 he sd4 8,b ,dad10 ,i answ]$4 8,? isn't fair4 ,my bra9 is alr cr1m *eese f "w+ on ^? subtrac;n problems4 ,2ss1 ,i'm n a gd p>agraph writ]40 8,y %d h ?"\ ( t 2f y w&]$ away1 ,hank4 ,n[ get to "w4 ,i want y 9 b$ ) ! lid "t "k+ my left f my "r4 ,b no matt] :at leg x was1 ,i _h to take x = a walk >.d my room4 ,i m1nt to g "r back to my desk1 b ,i made a ll /op at my dress] & op5$ ! draw]4 ,! next ?+ ,i knew1 ,i 0 look+ "? my collec;n ( baseball c>ds4 ,i don't "k h[ !y got \ ( ord]1 b ! ,mets 7 all mix$ tgr ) ! ,yankees4 ,i knew ^? c>ds wdn't 2 happy until ,i sep>at$ !m1 2c ^? two t1ms don't get al;g at all4 -----------------------------------#ih ,i took ! c>ds \ ( my draw] & put !m d[n on ! c>pet4 ,i 0 busy sort+ !m 9to two piles :5 ! door op5$ & my mom /uck h] h1d in4 8,t doesn't look l writ+ to me10 %e sd1 com+ 9 & clos+ ! door 2h h]4 #di 8,y alw say ,i h to get a#ih organiz$10 ,i answ]$4 8,well1 look4 ,i'm organiz+40 -----------------------------------#ii 8,? is n go+ to help y get yr report d"o10 %e po9t$ \4 8,y %d 2 organiz+ yr ?"\s1 n yr baseball c>ds40 ,t 0 easy = h] to say4 ,:5 ,i tell my bra9 to organize my ?"\s1 x doesn't li/54 ,x j ?9ks ab :at"e x wants to ?9k ab4 ,& at t mo;t1 x 0 ?9k+ ab baseball c>ds4 8,hank10 my mom sd4 8,? assign;t %dn't 2 h>d = y4 ,y "k a lot ab elephants4 ,y've wat*$ s _m %[s ab !m on televi.n4 ,j comb9e :at y alr "k ) :at y ----------------------------------#ajj rememb] ab yr field trip4 ,y'll 2 d"o 9 no "t40 ,my mom help$ me cl1n up ! baseball c>ds & put !m back 9 ! draw]4 8,! ,yankees & ! ,mets >e go+ to h to le>n to get al;g on _! [n10 ,i told h]4 ,%e lau<$1 b !n put h] h& on a#ajj my %\ld] l %e does :5 %e gets s]i\s4 8,get to "w1 h"oy4 ,once yr report is d"o1 y'll feel s m* bett]40 ,%e left & ,i sat d[n at my desk1 = r1l ? "t4 ,i 0 det]m9$ to write my ?ree p>agraphs4 ,i pick$ up "o ( ! p5cils & wrote my "n at ! ----------------------------------#aja top ( ! pap]4 ,w[1 t 0 a gd />t4 ,!n ,i ?"\ ( a title3 8,h[ to ,hug an ,elephant40 ,i r1lly lik$ t4 ,i only _h "o problem4 ,i cdn't spell .1elephant4 ,actually1 ,i _h two problems 2c ,i pu%$ s h>d on ! p5cil1 ,i snapp$ ! po9t "r (f4 ,x took me tw5ty m9utes to f9d my ----------------------------------#ajb p5cil %>p5]1 : ,i f9ally f.d hidd5 "u my ru2] b& collec;n4 ,once ,i 0 all set up ) my %>p5$ p5cil1 ! r1lly h>d "p />t$4 ,! ?"\s 7 all "! 9 my m9d1 wait+ to come \4 ,i j cdn't pu% !m "? my p5cil4 ,i'd write "o ^w1 !n ]ase x4 ,i ]as$ ov] t spot s m*1 ,i ]as$ #ea a hole "r "? ! pap]4 ,i ?"\ x a#ajb mis lov$ ^? s5t;es6 ----------------------------------#ajc ,:y cdn't ,i j get ! ^ws onto ! pap] 9 front ( me8 ,i held ! p5cil & tri$ to write ! f/ ^w4 ,x didn't look "r to me1 probably 2c ,i spell$ ,elsie .1;;,l-z-y4 ,!n my m9d took (f on xs [n4 ,i cdn't foll[ "o ?"\4 ,! facts ( ! televi.n %[ got all mix$ up ) my visit to ! zoo4 ,no?+ made s5se4 ,my ?"\s 7 \ ( ord]1 j l my baseball c>ds4 ,i don't "k h[ l;g ,i sat "! try+ to write ! f/ s5t;e4 ,x felt l tw5ty ye>s1 b ,i'm sure x 0 less4 ,i 0 glad :5 my dad came 9 & told me x 0 ein$ yr lesson10 0 all he sd4 8,n[ g to b$40 ,i put on my pajamas & walk$ d[n ! hall to ! ba?room4 ,z ,i bru%$ my tee?1 ,i />$ at myf 9 ! mirror4 ,i tri$ to imag9e h[ ,i 0 go+ to expla9 to ----------------------------------#aje ,ms4 ,fl[]s t all ,i _h = h] 0 an empty page ) a hole 9 x4 ,b ! only ?+ ,i saw 0 a worri$ kid ) a m\?;l ( too?pa/e & n ev5 "o p>agraph to turn in4 -----------------------------#ajf-#ajg ,,*apt] #aa ,x took me a l;g "t to walk to #ec s*ool ! next morn+4 ,x 0 ! a#ajg same 4t.e z alw,-a half block to ! corn] & ano!r half block to ,,ps #hg4 ,b ,i 0 walk+ z sl[ly z ,i cd 2c ,i knew :at 0 wait+ = me :5 ,i got "!4 8,y're walk+ z sl[ z a snail ? morn+10 ,frankie notic$4 8,actually10 my si/]1 ,emily1 *im$ in4 8,snails don't walk4 ----------------------------------#ajh ,walk+ m1ns y h legs4 ,snails glide on surfaces40 8,f9e10 ,frankie sd4 8,!n ,hank is glid+ v sl[ly on ! sidewalk surface40 ,frankie's mom1 :o 0 tak+ u to s*ool1 agre$4 8,usually y're b\nc+ all >.d1 ,hank10 %e sd4 8,l ye/]"d1 :5 y app>5tly didn't /ay ) yr class dur+ ! field trip40 8,y "k ab t1 too80 ,i ask$4 8,sure10 %e sd4 8,we 4cuss$ yr elephant adv5ture ov] \r m1tloaf & ma%$ potatoes la/ niriv$ at s*ool4 ,he 0 /&+ on ! front /eps 9 8 weird ,velcro sn1k]s1 greet+ all ! /ud5ts4 ,z soon z he saw me1 he came m>*+ ov]4 ,i cd he> 8 sn1k]s squ1k+ on ! pave;t4 ,i didn't l ! s.d ( t4 ----------------------------------#aaj 8,well1 "y man1 t 0 q a sc>e y gave "ey"o ye/]"d40 ,i notic$ t ! mole on 8 *eek1 : looks l ! ,/atue ( ,lib]ty1 seem$ to 2 %ak+ xs h1d at me4 ,0 8 mole angry1 too8 8,ms4 ,fl[]s sd t "p ( yr puni%;t 0 to write a report on yr trip to ! zoo10 he w5t on4 8,i'll 2 "! = yr pres5ta;n40 8,y m1n y're com+ to my class80 8,yes1 9de$40 8,& actually sitt+ d[n to li/5 to me80 #ee 8,yes1 9de$1 ag40 a#aaj ----------------------------------#aaa 8,w[10 ,i sd4 8,t's go+ to 2 s 444 um 444 x's go+ to 2 s 444 ,i j c't ?9k ( ! ^w "r n[40 8,"! >e _m ^ws to describe my visit10 ,pr9cipal ,love sd4 8,?rill+4 ,/imulat+4 ,deliy4 ,r1lly sc>y4 -----------------------------#aab-#aac ,,*apt] #ab ,i kept hop+ t ,ms4 ,fl[]s _h =gott5 ab my ?ree-p>agraph report4 ,%e didn't m5;n x af %e took att5d.e4 ,%e didn't m5;n x :5 %e wrote h] quote ( ! "d on ! bo>d4 ,%e didn't m5;n x :5 %e ann\nc$ t x 0 taco "d 9 ! cafet]ia4 ,i 0 />t+ to feel pretty gd & 0 ev5 ?9k+ h[ m* ,i'd l a taco = lun*4 ,b !n ,pr9cipal ,love ----------------------------------#aad walk$ in1 & ,i lo/ my appetite completely4 a#aad 8,pr9cipal ,love has jo9$ u = ,hank's pres5ta;n10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd to ! class4 8,hank1 >e y r1dy80 ,my m9d scr1m$ no4 ,my m\? sd yes4 8,f9e10 %e sd4 8,pl1se come up to ! front ( ! class & r1d u yr report40 ,i op5$ my notebook & took \ ! piece ( l9$ pap] ,i _h "w$ on4 ,nick ,mc,kelty l1n$ acr 8 desk z f> z he cd )\t flipp+ ov]4 ,ev5 ?\< ,i tri$ to hide ! pap]1 he got a qk look at x4 8,hey1 "!'s no?+ writt5 on ----------------------------------#aae "!10 he %\t$4 8,x's totally empty40 8,x is n10 ,i sd4 8,see1 "!'s ! title1 .7,h[ to ,hug an ,elephant.'40 8,oh is t :at x says80 ,mc,kelty snort$4 8,to me1 x looks l "sbody ?rew up on yr pap]40 8,nick1 t's 5\<10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd4 8,hank1 c ,i pl1se see yr report80 ,my he>t />t$ to b1t fa/]4 8,x's n :at x looks l10 ,i sd z ,i got close to h] desk4 8,i "k x #eg looks empty1 b "!'s a lot ( a#aae ?"\ 2h x40 ----------------------------------#aaf ,ms4 ,fl[]s held \ h] h&1 & ,i _h no *oice b to give h] ! pap]4 8,hank10 %e sd1 look+ at bo? sides4 8,"!'s no?+ b a big hole 9 ! middle ( ? page40 8,i "k4 ,t's ": all ! ?"\s fell "?4 ,!y w5t "r d[n t hole & 9to ! c>pet 9 my b$room4 ,b luckily = all ( u1 ,i / h !m "h 9 my m9d40 ,2f %e cd answ]1 ,i turn$ to ! class & />t$ to talk4 8,ye/]"d ,i _h ! mo/ amaz+ exp]i;e ) ,elsie ! ----------------------------------#aag elephant10 ,i 2gan4 8,i le>n$ t ,elsie c use ! 5d ( h] trunk l f+]s4 ,t's h[ %e picks up ?+s to eat4 ,i al le>n$ t if an elephant raises h] trunk up 9 ! air :ile %e's trumpet+1 x m1ns %e's happy to see y4 ,b ! mo/ important ?+ ,i le>n$ f ,elsie is t elephants h feel+s z big z _! bodies40 8,h['d y le>n t80 ,mc,kelty a#aag %\t$ \4 8,did y two d.e or "s?+80 8,actually1 ,elsie & ,i play$ so3]4 ,& x turns \ %e's a natural4 ,%e cd score a goal f a mile away40 8,i don't 2lieve y10 he sd4 8,well1 x's true4 ,y c ask ----------------------------------#aah ,frankie & ,a%ley4 ,!y saw h] d x40 8,we sure did10 ,frankie sd4 8,t ,elsie's got a grt goal kick10 ,a%ley add$4 8,elephants >e ! l>ge/ l& animals 9 ! _w10 ,i 3t9u$4 8,:5 "o ( _! frs 9 ! h]d dies1 !y feel sad4 ,:5 ,elsie >riv$ at ! zoo1 %e felt v sad4 ,b af my visit ) h]1 ,i 2lieve %e %[$ ! zookeep] ano!r side ( h]1 a happy side40 ----------------------------------#aai 8,s.ds l y help$ h] feel bett]1 ,hank10 ,katie ,sp]l+ sd4 8,i ?9k t's s cool40 ,a bun* ( ! o!r kids nodd$4 8,y1h1 ,i ?9k ,i did4 ,s ,i'm #ei r1lly sorry t ,i sc>$ "ey"o by a#aai gett+ lo/4 ,& t ,i did "s?+ dang]\s by go+ 9to ! 5closure4 ,i'm al sorry ,i mess$ up yr visit to ! zoo4 ,b ,i hope y "u/& t "s?+ wond];l happ5$ ) ,elsie40 8,i h a "q10 ,pr9cipal ,love sd f ! back ( ! room4 8,okay1 ,pr9cipal ,love4 ,i call on y40 ----------------------------------#abj 8,yr 2havior prev5t$ yr classmates f 5joy+ ! field trip z m* z y did10 he sd4 8,h[ d y plan to make t up to !m80 ,t 0 a gd "q4 ,i _h be5 ?9k+ ab x a lot4 8,f/1 let me rep1t to "ey"o h[ sorry ,i am4 ,& second1 ,i h decid$ to donate "ey?+ 9 my pi7y bank to a ,save ! ,elephants organiza;n4 ,elephants l ,elsie >e 9 dang]1 & ,i want to help !m40 8,:y1 ,hank1 :at a wond];l idea10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd4 8,i c.t$ my m"oy la/ nis & ?irte5 c5ts4 ,x mit$ to *e]4 8,i ?9k y %d give ! m"oy to u10 ,nick ,mc,kelty blurt$ \4 ,"ey"o />t$ to boo4 ,t felt amaz+4 ,ev5 ?\< ,i _h ru9$ _! field trip1 !y 7 ----------------------------------#abb /ick+ up = me4 ,well1 actually n = me1 b = ,elsie & all ! o!r elephants 9 ! _w4 8,i'm glad to see t y've le>n$ yr lesson10 ,pr9cipal ,love sd4 8,& on top ( t1 y've taus cdn't 2lieve t ,pr9cipal ,love 0 talk+ ab me4 #fa ,i /ood "! 9 front ( my a#abb class4 ,& y "k :at8 ,i felt pr\d4 ,my trip to ! zoo turn$ \ to 2 ! grte/ field trip "e4 ----------------------------------#abc ,,*apt] #ac ,,,six 9cr$ible facts ab elephants,' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,elephants c live to 2 ov] sev5ty ye>s old4 ,w[1 t's ev5 old] ?an ,papa ,pete6 #b4 ,an elephant's sk9 is an 9* ?ick4 ,s is my si/]'s h1d4 #c4 ,elephants purr l cats4 ,x m/ 2 r1lly h>d :5 !y try to curl up 9 yr lap4 ----------------------------------#abd #d4 ,an elephant too? c wei< five p.ds & is z big z a brick4 ,i wond] ": !y sell too?bru%es t big4 #e4 ,elephants "s"ts 8hug0 by wrapp+ _! trunks tgr4 ,j ! ?"\ ( t a#abd makes me happy4 #f4 ,elephants >e 9 dang] f p :o want to kill !m = _! ivory tusks4 ,if y want to help !m z m* z ,i d1 y c le>n all ab elephants at websites = gr\ps l ! ,_w ,wildlife ,organiza;n " or ,unit$ = ,wildlife "4 @.<,! ,5d@.> #fc