,"h's ,,hank ,"!'s a ,zombie 9 ,my ,ba?tub ,h5ry ,w9kl] @& ,l9 ,oliv] ,,,illu/rat$ by scott g>rett,' ,9 #a ,volume ,brl ,pages t#a-t#b & #a-#fb ,pr9t ,pages #a-#abd ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org t#a ,text copy"r ^c #bjae by ,h5ry ,w9kl] & ,l9 ,oliv] ,produc;ns1 ,9c4 ,illu/ra;ns copy"r ^c #bjae by ,scott ,g>rett4 ,publi%$ by ,grosset @& ,dunlap1 an impr9t ( ,p5gu9 ,r&om ,h\se ;,,llc1 #cde ,hudson ,/reet1 ,new ,york1 ,new ,york #ajjad4 ,,isbn #igh-#j-#ddh-#dheab-#f p5gu94com_/"yr1d]s ,to ,lulu3 y 5]gize "ey"o y meet4 ,& to ,/acey1 alw,-,,hw ,= ,kiya & ,teio ,%imozato1 & _! wond];l mom6,-,,lo ,= my ,big ,sis ,jo1 ,*>lie1 & ,mia,-,,sg ,"h's ,,hank #a ,"!'s a ,zombie 9 ,my ,ba?tub ,,*apt] #a ,! mo/ fun way to sp5d ! niy movie ) yr be/ fr1 %>+ a b[l ( popcorn4 ,? is "s?+ ,frankie ,t[ns5d & ,i h be5 do+ "e s9ce ,i c rememb]4 ,we turn \ ! liy "uwat] s.ds4 ,frankie pret5ds to 2 a giant vampire squid4 ------------------------------------#b ,i'm r1lly gd at hold+ my nose & groan+4 ,i don't ?9k any "uwat] cr1ture actually makes t noise1 b ,i l to d x1 anyway1 2c x drives my si/]1 ,emily1 crazy4 8,hey1 ,zip10 ,frankie sd to me z we sat 9 ! kit*5 eat+ froz5 oatm1l rais9 cookies4 ,call me weird1 b ,i l my cookies froz54 ,x 0 ,fri"d niy = h]80 8,let's ask h]10 ,frankie sd4 ------------------------------------#c ,i pick$ up ! ph"o & dial$ ,a%ley's numb]4 8,big ,joe's ,hot ,dogs10 sd a man's voice4 8,": e bite is "r40 ,oops4 ,i guess ,i didn't dial ,a%ley's numb]4 8,excuse me10 ,i sd 9to ! ph"o4 8,i 0 try+ to call ,a%ley ,w;g40 8,no "o "h by t "n10 ,big ,joe answ]$4 8,b if y f9d h]1 come on 9 = \r ,hall[e5 special4 ,i call x ! ,hal-,o-,wi5]40 ,i cd / he> hm lau<+ z ,i hung up4 ,)\t say+ a ^w1 ,frankie took ! ph"o & dial$ ,a%ley4 ,he "ks ------------------------------------#d ,i'm n ! be/ dial] 9 ! _w4 ,i ?9k ,i've memoriz$ a numb]1 b :5 ,i a#d try to dial x1 all ! numb]s get jumbl$ up 9 my bra94 ,i talk to a lot ( nice p t way1 ?\<4 ,:5 we ask$ h] ov] = ! movie1 ,a%ley sd %e'd love to come4 ,%e wasn't sc>$ a bit4 ,%e j _h to f9i% glu+ ! la/ fake diamonds on h] gira6e co/ume1 & %e'd 2 "r up4 ,if y're wond]+ :y a gira6e is we>+ a diamond necklace1 y'll h to ask ------------------------------------#e ,a%ley4 ,hey1 if x "ws = h]1 x "ws = me4 ,we _h j hung up ! ph"o :5 my si/]1 ,emily1 came /omp+ 9to ! kit*54 ,%e _h gre5 c>dbo>d pat*es hang+ all ov] h] body4 8,i give up60 ,%e seem$ r1dy to bur/ \ cry+4 8,my bony plate is com+ loose ag40 ------------------------------------#f ,! kit*5 door swung op51 & my mom came runn+ 9 af h]4 ,%e 0 c>ry+ a glue gun4 #c 8,come "h1 ,emily10 %e sd4 8,i a#f c fix yr co/ume if y give me a m9ute40 8,:at >e y suppos$ to be80 ,i ask$ ,emily4 8,c't y tell8 ,i am a ,komodo dragon1 :1 9 case y don't "k1 lives only 9 ,9donesia40 8,>e y go+ to move "! once ,hall[e5 is ov]80 ,i %ot back4 8,i he>d t1 ,hank10 my dad sd1 jo9+ u 9 ! kit*54 8,don't t1se ,emily4 ,hall[e5 is suppos$ to 2 fun4 ,2 nice to ea* o!r40 ------------------------------------#g 8,no problem1 ,dad10 ,i sd4 ,!n1 putt+ on my be/ smile1 ,i sd to ,emily1 8,h[ wond];l t y won't ne$ to we> a mask 2c y alr look l a dragon40 8,hank1 :at did ,i j say80 my dad snapp$4 8,y [e yr si/] an apology40 ------------------------------------#h 8,f9e10 ,i sd4 8,emily1 ,i'm s sorry t ,i ?9k yr face looks l a dragon40 ,frankie cdn't hold x 9 any l;g]1 & he crack$ up4 ,i knew we _h to get \ ( "! a#h fa/1 or else ,i'd 2 gr.d$ until next ,febru>y4 ,we bolt$ = ! liv+ room to set up = movie niriv$ at exactly sev5 o'clock4 ,frankie & ,i _h alr gott5 \ \r copy ( .7,! ,eid1 he makes a tidal wave40 8,i've se5 t movie10 ,a%ley sd4 8,x's n r1lly t sc>y4 ,i h a bett] idea40 ,r1*+ 9to h] bag1 %e pull$ \ ano!r movie & h&$ x to me4 8,i say let's wat* .7,attack ( ! ,zombies.'10 %e su7e/$4 ,i gl.ed at ! cov]4 ,two pale1 d1d-look+ zombies 7 m>*+ t[>d a h\se4 ,9side1 a family look$ l !y 7 scr1m+ _! lungs \4 #e ,j look+ at ! picture made my #aj h&s />t to sw1t4 ,if ,i cd b>ely /& to look at ! cov]1 ,i cd only imag9e h[ m* ! movie wd sc>e me4 8,i don't "k10 ,i sd1 %ak+ my h1d4 8,zombies give me ! creeps4 ,! way !y walk >.d moan+ & eat+ human knees & "ey?+40 ,a %iv] ran d[n my sp9e4 8,i vote = ,a%ley's movie10 ,frankie sd4 8,i ?9k x'd 2 gd = u to *ange ?+s up1 ,zip40 8,frankie1 d y rememb] t zombie book ,ms4 ,f9nigan r1d to u 9 ! libr>y80 8,y1h4 .7,! ,my/]y ( ! ,zombie ,cave.'4 ,x 0 cool40 -----------------------------------#aa 8,maybe = y1 b t /ory gave me bad dr1ms all week4 ,i _h to sleep on ! floor 9 my mom & dad's room40 8,we 7 9 f/ grade !n10 ,frankie sd4 8,y 7 j a ll kid4 ,ll kids alw get sc>$40 ,i didn't "k h[ to tell ,frankie t ! ?"\ ( t /ory / made ! hair on ! back ( my neck /& /raie "r "h ) y4 ,we won't let any zombies eat y1 w we1 ,a%80 8,maybe j a toe or two10 ,a%ley sd ) a lau<4 -------------------------------#ab-#ac 8,y don't ne$ all t5 toes1 anyway40 8,okay10 ,i sd1 try+ to jo9 9 ! joke4 8,! way my feet smell1 no zombie wd want to ni2le on my toes1 anyway40 8,t's ! ,hank ,zipz] ,i "k10 ,frankie sd1 slapp+ me on ! back4 8,funny4 ,cool4 ,n afraid ( any?+4 ,"r1 dude80 8,"r10 ,i sd4 ,b my bra9 0 scr1m+1 .7,n "r6 ,n "r6 ,n "r6.' -----------------------------------#ad ,,*apt] #b ,,,five excuses i cd use to get \ ( wat*+ ! zombie movie,' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,i h to g wa% my hair4 ,i ?9k ,i =got to use %ampoo ! f/ "t4 #g #b4 ,i h to g wa% my dog a#ad ,*e]io's hair4 ,i ,,"k he =got to use %ampoo4 #c4 ,i h to f9i% my home"w4 "<,wait1 !y won't 2lieve t4 ,i n"e f9i% my home"w6"> -----------------------------------#ae #d4 ,! ,mets call$4 ,!y want me to play f/ base4 "<,no1 ,i m1n !y actually want me to ,,2 ! f/ base4"> #e4 ,i'm too sc>$ to wat* ! zombie movie4 "<,i c't say t4 ,x makes me feel l a f/-grad]4"> -------------------------------#af-#ag ,,*apt] #c ,2f ,i cd get up ! n]ve to use ev5 "o ( ^? excuses1 movie nit$4 ,a%ley took ! pill[s f ! c\* & >rang$ !m on ! floor = u4 ,frankie got ! movie all set up 9 ! ,,tv4 ,*e]io settl$ 9 on my dad's *air1 pant+ h>d l he does :5 he gets excit$4 ,& my dad surpris$ u by br++ 9 a big b[l ( popcorn4 ,emily1 / half cov]$ ) a#ag scales1 foll[$ hm4 -----------------------------------#ah 8,ev5 ?\< ,i'm n all[$ to wat* ! movie ) y1 ,i help$ ,dad make y popcorn10 %e sd4 8,j to %[ y h[ nice u ,komodo dragons >e40 8,w[1 ,mr4 ;,z10 ,frankie sd4 8,t's a :ole lot ( popcorn40 8,we made extra10 my dad sd1 82c ,nick ,mc,kelty is com+ ov] to wat* ! movie ) y guys40 ,did he j say ,nick ,mc,kelty1 ! bi7e/ bully 9 \r class1 0 com+ ov]8 ,to my a"p;t8 ,t wasn't possible4 ,my e>s m/ h g"o \ = a walk4 8,wait1 ,dad 444 n"o ( u 9vit$ hm40 8,i ran 9to 8 "f on ! -----------------------------------#ai /reet10 my dad expla9$4 8,he & ,i >e go+ to ! nei!/ away40 8,pluto is no l;g] a planet10 ,emily ! "k-x-all dragon sd4 8,x is n[ "kn z a dw>f planet1 &1 if y'd l1 ,i c expla9 to y :y40 8,y "k :at1 ,em80 ,i sd4 8,:y don't y save t = a ra9y "d80 ,! doorbell rang ag4 8,f9e10 ,emily sd4 8,h a gd "t ) ,mc,kelty4 ,mom & ,i w 2 9 my room "w+ on my co/ume40 -----------------------------------#ba ,%e /omp$ \1 l1v+ a trail ( gre5 c>dbo>d scales 2h h]4 ,my dad pick$ !m up z he w5t to op5 ! front a#ba door4 ,/&+ 9 ! doorway1 %ov+ a jelly donut 9 8 m\?1 0 ,nick ,mc,kelty4 8,i h >riv$10 he grunt$1 ) ! r$ jelly f ! donut squirt+ "? 8 tee?4 8,n[ ! "py c f9ally />t40 ,my dad got 8 jacket1 yell$ gd-bye1 & 4appe>$ 9to -----------------------------------#bb ! hallway ) ,mr4 ,mc,kelty4 ,nick ! ,tick m>*$ 8 blo2y self 9to ! liv+ room & plopp$ d[n on ! pill[s4 8,:at >e we wat*+80 he ask$1 /u6+ ! la/ ( ! donut 9to 8 m\? :ile 8 o!r h& 0 r1*+ = popcorn4 ,i wond]$ if he 0 go+ to wipe 8 jelly-cov]$ f+]s on ! c\* pill[s4 ,he wip$ !m on 8 pants 9/1d4 8.7,attack ( ! ,zombies.'10 ,frankie told hm4 8,t movie is = babies10 he sd ) -----------------------------------#bc a snort4 8,i've se5 x eit$4 ,z soon z he he>d ! sc>y music1 ,*e]io />t$ to :imp]4 ,9side1 ,i 0 :imp]+ "r al;g ) hm4 -----------------------------------#bd ,i hate sc>y music4 ,i tri$ to hum a tune 9side my h1d to dr[n x \1 b ! only "o ,i cd ?9k ( 0 8,five ,ll ,monkeys ,jump+ on ! ,b$40 ,t got too annoy+1 s ,i _h to /op4 ,& !n1 "! x 0 ag1 t creepy music4 ,*e]io jump$ (f my dad's *air & ran 9to ,emily's room4 ,ev5 ?\< ,i h no 9t]e/ 9 c>dbo>d liz>d scales1 ,i want$ s badly to g ) hm4 ,b ,a%ley 0 gr9n+ at me & %oot+ me a big ?umbs-up sign4 ,%e r1lly want$ me to love ? movie4 ,i decid$ a#bd ,i'd try4 -----------------------------------#be ,b n = l;g6 ,9 ! v f/ sc5e1 a bun* ( zombies miss+ hunks ( _! faces m>*$ 9to ! t[n4 ,) _! >ms /ret*$ \ 9 front ( !m1 _! l[ moans s.d$ l a h]d ( sick c[s4 ,i clos$ my eyes s ,i wdn't h to see _! moldy faces4 8,hey1 ,zipp]butt1 y're n afraid1 >e y80 ,mc,kelty sd ) 8 usual m1n lau<4 8,( c\rse n6 ,:y wd y ?9k ,i'm afraid80 -----------------------------------#bf 8,2c y're cov]+ yr eyes40 8,oh1 "o ( my eyela%es fell \4 ,!y d t "s"ts40 ,i wasn't sure if he 2liev$ ! excuse or n4 ,we w5t back to wat*+ ! movie4 ,by n[1 ! zombies _h r1*$ a h\se & 7 bang+ on ! front door4 ,! family 9side 0 scr1m+4 ,i cdn't take x4 ,2f ,i cd /op myf1 ,i crawl$ "u ! c(fee table & press$ my h1d 9to ! rug4 #ac 8,:at's yr problem80 ,mc,kelty #bg ask$ me4 8,oh1 ,i dropp$ a piece ( popcorn10 ,i sd4 8,j look+ = x40 8,y eat floor food80 he sd4 8,five-second rule10 ,i %ot back4 8,i alw knew y 7 gross1 ,zipp]butt1 b t's .1sup] gross40 8,y %d talk1 ,mc,kelty10 ,frankie sd4 8,y're ! "o ^: m\? alw looks l a g>bage b940 ,mc,kelty wasn't (f5d$ by t4 ,he j /u6$ ano!r h&;l ( popcorn 9 8 m\? l a hungry hog4 ,to my relief1 ! zombies cdn't br1k 9to ! h\se -----------------------------------#bh s !y turn$ away & left ! family al"o4 ,i relax$ j a t9y bit4 ,maybe ^! 7 nice zombies4 ,maybe !y 7 j tak+ a nice walk 9 ! c.tryside4 ,b !n came ! "p ) ! goat4 ,! music sudd5ly got hi< & scree*y4 ,i knew "s?+ t]rible 0 go+ to happ5 to t poor ll goat4 ,my he>t />t$ to b1t l x 0 go+ to fly \ ( my *e/4 a#bh ,i c't tell y :at happ5$ next1 2c ,i jump$ to my feet & ran \ ( "! z fa/ z ,i cd4 ,i ?"\ ,i he>d ,a%ley call+ af me1 b ,i didn't turn >.d4 ,i ran 9to ! ba?room & slamm$ ! door %ut4 -------------------------------#bi-#cj ,okay1 ,i 3fess4 ,i did d a qk *eck 9 ! ba?tub to see if "! 7 any zombies lurk+4 ,"! w]5't4 ,i guess !y 7 all 9 ! ,,tv4 ,i took a deep br1? & spla%$ "s cold wat] on my face4 .7,:at's wr;g ) y1 ,hank8.' ,i sd to myf4 .7,x's only a movie4.' ,myf didn't answ]4 ,x j felt sc>$4 ,"! 0 a knock on ! door4 -----------------------------------#ca 8,zip10 ,i he>d ,frankie's voice say4 8,"ey?+ okay 9 "!80 8,sure1 f9e4 ,no problem4 ,:y d y ask80 8,well1 y've be5 9 "! a pretty l;g "t4 ,we /opp$ ! movie to wait = y40 8,oh1 y don't h to d t = me40 ,i tri$ to s.d calm4 ,frankie 0 my #ae be/ fr4 ,:y cdn't ,i j tell hm a#ca t ! movie 0 too sc>y = me8 ,"! 0 no?+ wr;g ) t4 ,p get sc>$4 ,x doesn't m1n y're a *ick54 ,i op5$ my m\? to tell hm4 ,& "h's :at came \4 8,be "r "!1 ,frankie40 ,:5 ,i w5t back 9to ! -----------------------------------#cb liv+ room1 ,a%ley :isp]$1 8,>e y okay1 ,hank8 ,y want u to turn (f ! movie80 ,yes ,i did4 ,"! 0 my *.e4 ,b ,mc,kelty butt$ 9 & answ]$ = me4 8,we're j gett+ to ! gd "p10 he sd4 8,i don't want to miss ! blood & guts60 ,s ,i sat "! ) my eyes half clos$ = ! re/ ( ! movie4 ,i tri$ to focus on my mom's pa9t+ ( a b[l ( lemons t hung abv ! ,,tv4 ,e "t "! 0 a zombie attack1 ,i />$ h>d] & h>d] at ^? lemons4 ,pretty soon1 ev5 !y />t$ to look l -----------------------------------#cc zombies to me,-dripp+ yell[ faces ) rott+ sk94 a#cc ,i 0 s happy :5 ! movie f9ally 5d$4 ,:at ,i didn't "k 0 t x 0 j ! 2g9n+ ( a niie/ "ps ( my nie 2c ,i don't want y to close ? book & run away scr1m+4 ,b "h >e "s his old4 ,i 0 at ! b1*1 -----------------------------------#cf build+ a s& ca/le :5 a bun* ( zombies came \ ( ! oc1n4 ,!y _h jellyfi% = noses1 & 9/1d ( >ms1 !y _h giant octopus t5tacles4 ,) /+]s on ! 5d ( ea* "o6 ,i scr1m$ & ran d[n ! b1*4 ,! zombies *as$ me4 ,z !y got #ag clos]1 ,i cd alm feel _! a#cf t5tacles /++ me4 ,"o ( !m actually wrapp$ xf >.d my >m & />t$ to squeeze4 ,i us$ e bit ( my /r5g? to br1k free4 ,i ran = ! lifegu>d %ack1 b ! fa/] ,i ran1 ! f>!r away x got4 ,!n ,i fell faced[n 9 ! s&4 ,! s& got up my nose -----------------------------------#cg & ,i cdn't br1!4 ,i felt a cold slimy t5tacle wrap >.d my ankle1 & />t pull+ me,-clos] 444 clos] 444 clos] 444 ,& !n ,i woke up4 ,i 0 scr1m+1 8,let me g6 ,let me g60 ,t woke up ,frankie4 ,he _h be5 asleep 9 8 ,spid]-,man sleep+ bag next to my b$4 8,zip1 :at >e y do+80 he sd ) a yawn4 8,runn+ f a zombie attack40 8,t's nice10 he sd1 / half asleep4 8,did !y eat yr bra9s80 8,i don't ?9k s4 ,i'm / "h40 -----------------------------------#ch ,i r1*$ up to my h1d to *eck if "! 7 any zombie bite m>ks4 ,"! a#ch w]5't4 ,i l1n$ d[n to %[ ,frankie1 b he _h alr fall5 back asleep4 ,i roll$ back 9 b$ & clos$ my eyes4 ,z soon z ,i did1 "! !y 7 ag6 -----------------------------------#ci ,zombies 444 hundr$s ( !m,-p.d+ on ! hot s& ) _! t5tacles4 ,! t]rible drumm+ s.d got l\d] & l\d] 9 my e>s4 ,my eyes flew op54 ,x 0 late1 & ,i 0 s tir$4 ,b "! 0 no way ,i cd fall asleep4 ,n ) all ^? zombies 9 my room4 ,x 0 go+ to 2 a l;g1 h>d nipet4 ,! movie la/ nie attract$ to l\d -----------------------------------#db noises1 s ,i want$ to 2 extra special quiet4 ,i op5$ ! door to my room & look$ d[n ! hall4 ,x 0 empty4 ,i c.t$ to ?ree & ran z fa/ z ,i cd 9to ! ba?room4 ,i br1!d a si< ( relief4 8,hank10 ,i :isp]$ to myf4 8,yr imag9a;n has g"o wild4 ,? is n a movie4 ,? is r1l life & y're 9 yr r1l ba?room4 ,) r1l too?pa/e & a r1l %[] curta9 t ,i'm go+ to *eck ag n[40 ,i gra2$ ! curta9 & pull$ x all ! way to "o side4 8.1,aaa7g.d l;g 5 to cl1n x up4 ,i turn$ on my heels & bolt$ = ! hall4 8,zip10 a famili> voice sd4 8,x's j me1 ,frankie40 8,frankie60 ,i :eel$ >.d to look at hm4 8,did !y get y1 too8 ,>e y a zombie80 ,frankie lau<$ & /ood up 9 ! ba?tub4 8,x's j me 9 my ,hall[e5 co/ume10 he answ]$4 8,i _h x 9 my bag1 s ,i ?"\ ,i'd te/ x -----------------------------------#de \ = trick-or-tr1t+ tn4 ,looks l x "w$40 ,i want$ to tell ,frankie t 8 ll te/ _h sc>$ me s m* t my :ole =eh1d _h brok5 \ 9 a cold sw1t4 ,b ,i 0 a%am$ to admit t ! zombie movie _h #ba gott5 to me4 a#de 8,tell ! tru?10 ,frankie sd1 climb+ \ ( ! ba?tub4 8,i _h y 2liev+ ,i 0 a r1l zombie1 didn't ,i80 8,no way10 ,i answ]$1 us+ my coole/ voice4 8,i knew x 0 y all al;g40 ,i he>d small feet /omp+ d[n ! hall4 ,!n a hiss4 ,x cd only 2 ,emily4 ,no "o else 9 my family walks l an elephant -----------------------------------#df & we>s a hiss+ iguana >.d h] neck l a sc>f4 8,hi1 ,frankie10 %e sd z %e came 9to ! ba?room1 n ev5 bl9k+ at 8 zombie co/ume4 ,wait a m9ute4 ,emily is "y] ?an me1 & %e wasn't sc>$ = "o s+le second by ,frankie's zombie-ness4 ,:at 0 wr;g ) me8 8,hank1 ,papa ,pete's on ! ph"o = y10 ,emily sd4 8,he wants to make a plan = td,-al? ,i don't get :y any"o wd want to sp5d ! "d ) y4 ,i'd r sp5d ! "d ) a banana peel40 ,t 0 s* a weird ?+ to say1 ,i #dg didn't ev5 "k h[ to answ] h]4 ,s 9/1d1 ,i j made l a banana peel & slid all ! way to ! ph"o4 8,hankie1 my boy10 ,papa ,pete sd4 ,i cd he> ! smile 9 8 voice4 8,h['s yr ?r[+ >m td8 ,>e y 9 ! mood to g to ! p>k & h a ll pre-trick-or-tr1t cat*80 8,sure1 ,papa ,pete4 ,b ,i _h -----------------------------------#dh a bad niate class ? morn+1 s ,i'll come by af lun*40 8,okay10 ,i sd4 ,!n j 2f ,i hung up1 ,i add$1 8,papa ,pete1 y don't ?9k "! >e go+ to 2 any zombies 9 ! p>k1 d y80 8,zombies80 ,he s.d$ surpris$ at my "q4 8,y1h4 ,l ! liv+-d1d k9d ( zombies4 ,! "os ^: faces hang (f _! *9s40 8,oh1 ^? zombies10 he sd ) a lau<4 8,well1 y n"e "k4 ,"! mi.d4 ,b if we don't yell1 !y #di won't bo!r u4 ,i he> !y're attract$ to noise40 ,i hung up ! ph"o & gulp$4 ,i ?9k ,papa ,pete 0 kidd+1 b !n ag1 he did say 8,y n"e "k40 ,:5 ,i w5t back to my room1 ,frankie 0 fold+ up 8 co/ume & gett+ r1dy to g home4 8,s1 ,zip10 he sd4 8,>e y / go+ z a kit*5 s9k tn8 ,i c l5d y my pla/ic faucet t /icks on yr =eh1d ) a suc;n cup4 ,x came ) my magic set40 8,i j *ang$ my m9d4 ,i'm go+ z a zombie fi40 ,frankie left1 & ,i got busy4 ,i w5t "? e draw] & cab9et1 pick+ \ any?+ t look$ l x cd 2 us$ = protec;n ag/ a zombie attack4 ,an egg b1t]4 ,a a#ej c\ple ( wood5 spoons4 ,a clump ( g>lic to we> >.d my neck4 ,a fry+ pan4 ,i us$ ! belt ( my t]ry-clo? robe to hang all ! anti-zombie ge> >.d my wai/4 ,z a f9al t\*1 ,i wrapp$ my *e/ 9 t9foil -----------------------------------#ea s a zombie cdn't detect my body h1t4 ,i *eck$ my co/ume \ 9 ! mirror4 ,if ,i d say s myf1 ,i look$ v prep>$4 ,& ev5 a ll bit sc>y4 ,a guy mo/ zombies wdn't want to mess )4 ,n t "!'s any s* ?+ z zombies1 ( c\rse4 -------------------------------#eb-#ec ,,*apt] #f ,af lun*1 ,i ?rew on my ,mets baseball sw1t%irt & w5t d[n/airs to wait = ,papa ,pete4 "<,i %d m5;n "h t ,i al put on pants & sn1k]s4 ,i don't want y to ?9k ,i 0 /&+ 9 ! lo2y ) only a sw1t%irt on4"> ,papa ,pete >riv$ ) two #be black-&-:ite cookies = u1 & we a#ec set \ = ,riv]side ,drive ,p>k4 ,i tuck$ my baseball glove "u my >m :ile ,i ate ! *ocolate "p ( ! cookie f/4 ,by ! "t we -----------------------------------#ed r1*$ ! p>k1 ! only ?+ left 0 ! ic+ on my f+]s4 ,we f.d a place on ! grass "r next to ! basketball c\rts4 ,papa ,pete toss$ me ! ball1 & ,i caud 2c ,i 0 r1lly close to hm4 8,back up1 ,hankie10 he sd af a few m9utes4 8,i'm go+ to toss y "s h1t40 8,n too fa/1 ,papa ,pete10 ,i sd1 2+ c>e;l to keep my voice d[n4 8,y "k my eyes & my h&s >e n alw frs40 8,:y >e y :isp]+80 he ask$ me4 8,oh1 no r1son40 ,i %ru7$4 8,? wdn't h any?+ to -----------------------------------#ee d ) 444 oh 444 zombies1 cd x80 ,he rais$ "o eyebr[4 ,i lau<$1 a ll too h>d4 ,okay1 way too h>d4 a#ee 8,y've got to 2 kidd+ me10 ,i sd4 ,papa ,pete nodd$4 ,i ?9k he knew :at ,i 0 r1lly sc>$ (4 ,papa ,pete alw "ks "ey?+ ab me4 8,well1 we're "h to h fun1 s let's d x10 he sd4 8,j back up a ll m1 ,hankie4 ,e c\ple ( ?r[s y c back up ano!r /ep4 ,pretty soon1 y'll 2 cat*+ & ?r[+ l a ,major ,l1gu]40 ,we toss$ ! ball back & =?4 ,i dropp$ "s ( ! balls4 -----------------------------------#ef ,to 2 h"o/1 ,i dropp$ mo/ ( !m4 ,b ,papa ,pete didn't m9d4 ,he j smil$ & sd1 8,gd try40 ,i took ano!r few /eps back1 & ,papa ,pete ?rew me a r1l smok]4 ,he has a gd >m = a gr&pa4 ,j z ,i /ret*$ up 9 ! air to cat* x1 ,i he>d a m1n s.d+ voice %\t1 8,i got ? "o1 ,zipp]butt40 ,f \ ( no":1 ,nick ,mc,kelty _h zoom$ "r 9 front ( me4 ,": _h he come f8 ,he held 8 claw-l h& up 9 ! air & sna7$ ! ball j 2f x r1*$ my #bg glove4 a#ef 8,t's h[ y cat* a ball1 d+-d;g10 he sn>l$4 -----------------------------------#eg 8,excuse me1 "y man10 ,papa ,pete call$ to hm4 8,my gr&son & ,i >e hav+ a cat* "h40 8,y call ? hav+ a cat*80 ,mc,kelty snick]$4 8,i call x toss+ >.d m1tballs40 8,:o br"\ y "h80 ,papa ,pete ask$1 giv+ ,nick a /]n eye4 8,my dad4 ,we j came f -----------------------------------#eh *eck+ \ 8 new b[l+ alley4 ,x's go+ to h "o hundr$ fifty lanes4 ,oh & did ,i m5;n1 ! balls gl[ a million di6]5t colors4 ,x's s b"r1 y c b[l 9 ! d>k40 8,>e y sure y're n mak+ "s ( ? up80 ,papa ,pete ask$ hm4 ,i want$ to blurt \ t ,mc,kelty 0 no?+ b a big bully & a li>4 ,b ,i didn't want to raise my voice 9 case ( zombies4 8,i've he>d ab ? new b[l+ alley10 ,papa ,pete sd4 8,in fact1 a#eh ,i've be5 look+ =w>d to />t+ a b[l+ l1gue 9 ! nei.d :ile ,i talk ) yr dad10 ,papa ,pete sd4 8,i'll 2 back 2f y c say ,8,pet] ,pip] pick$ a peck ( pickl$ pepp]s4,00 8,:y wd ,i want to say t80 ,mc,kelty sd4 ,obvi\sly ! big lug _h n"e he>d ( ,"m ,goose4 ,papa ,pete walk$ ov] to ! basketball c\rt4 ,9/1d ( -----------------------------------#fj back+ up = a cat*1 ,mc,kelty came r1lly close to my face & fla%$ me a crook$ smile4 8,s1 ,zipp]h1d1 y alm wet yr #bi pants la/ ni$1 ,i ?"\ y 7 go+ to cry4 ,i bet y _h zombie dr1ms1 too40 8,:o told y t80 ,i fr[n$1 mak+ my voice s.d angry j l my dad's does :5 he looks at my report c>d4 -----------------------------------#fa 8,i "k ^! ?+s10 ,mc,kelty sd4 8,y don't "k any?+60 ,i 9si/$4 8,i wasn't sc>$40 8,t's gd1 ,zipp]butt1 2c ,i wdn't want y to 2 afraid ( t old zombie sitt+ on ! b5* ov] "!40 ,my eyes d>t$ to ! p>k b5*4 ,a v wr9kl$ man 0 sitt+ "! eat+ a br[n banana4 ,a l>ge b&age cov]$ "o eye & "p ( 8 face4 8,t's ,"o-,ey$ ,gilb]t10 ,mc,kelty :isp]$ 9 my e>4 8,! b&age is hold+ 8 face on4 ,if y take x (f1 8 eye falls \ & 8 *eek slides "r (f 8 face40 ,! man's face did seem k9d ( #fb grey & loose4 ,i didn't want to 2lieve ,mc,kelty1 b ,i cd feel myf %iv]+1 & x wasn't ev5 cold \4 8,he's gett+ r1dy = tn10 ,mc,kelty w5t on4 8,! zombies alw come \ on ,hall[e54 ,:5 !y cat* y1 !y bite -----------------------------------#fc y4 ,& !n y turn 9to "o ( !m40 8,"ey"o80 ,i ask$4 ,he nodd$4 8,"ey"o !y c cat*4 ,!y especially l old p4 ,!y alw g = !m f/40 ,a woman pu%+ a baby /roll] walk$ by4 ,! baby 0 cry+4 8,see t baby80 ,mc,kelty :isp]$4 8,i happ5 to "k 8 r1l "n is ,m1tbag1 b !y call hm ,zoms = %ort4 ,he's a baby zombie4 -----------------------------------#fd ,_! bite is ! wor/4 ,_! ll baby tee? >e %>p z ne$les40 ,2f ,i cd answ]1 ! baby pick$ up 8 bottle & ?rew x "r at me4 ,x hit me 9 ! elb[4 8,oh no1 he's ta7$ y10 #ca ,mc,kelty :isp]$4 8,y bett] a#fd wat* \4 ,& wat* \ = t gr&pa ( yrs1 too4 ,he's an easy t>get40 ,! baby's mom ask$ if ,i wd pick up ! bottle & h& x to h]4 ,i didn't want to t\* x1 j 9 case x _h zombie cooties4 ,s ,i pick$ up a /ick & %ov$ ! bottle t[>d h]4 -----------------------------------#fe 8,": >e yr mann]s80 %e sd4 ,i didn't answ] h]4 ,i cdn't4 ,i 0 busy />+ at h] zombie baby4 ,%e pick$ up ! bottle h]f & qkly pu%$ ! /roll] away f u4 ,i look$ >.d = ,papa ,pete4 ,he 0 j l1v+ ! basketball c\rt & walk+ ov] to u4 -----------------------------------#ff 8,c>e;l10 ,nick ! ,tick sd1 po9t+ to a sk9ny black dog t 0 ly+ "u a ne>by tree4 8,y don't want to g ne> hm4 ,zombie dogs >e bad news40 8,zombie dogs8 ,i didn't "k "! 0 s* a ?+10 ,i he>d myf say+4 8,!y're ! wor/4 ,!y don't c>e :at k9d ( bra9s !y eat4 ,squirrel4 ,spid]4 ,i bet t guy is j ab to p\nce a#ff on ! next squirrel he sees40 ,sudd5ly1 ! dog jump$ to xs feet & />t$ to b>k at a ll squirrel 9 ! tree4 ,i cd see 8 black gums & %>p tee?4 8,x's okay1 boy10 ,i tri$ to -----------------------------------#fg :isp]1 b my voice crack$ ) fe>4 ,! dog turn$ to me1 & 8 b>k *ang$ 9to a gr[l4 ,a l[ gr[l t s.d$ l a moan4 ,a zombie moan4 ,i />t$ to %ake all ov]4 -------------------------------#fh-#fi ,,*apt] #g ,by ! "t ,papa ,pete r1*$ me1 ,i 0 totally froz5 ) fe>4 8,:oa "!1 ,hankie10 he sd1 ?r[+ 8 big /r;g h& on my %\ld]4 8,:at's gott5 9to y80 8,t ;d-;d-dog10 ,i /amm]$4 8,he wants to eat spid] bra9s4 ,or squirrels4 ,or maybe ev5 m9e60 8,oh1 y m1n ,dext]10 ,papa #cc ,pete sd4 8,no way4 ,he j likes a#fi to relax "u ! tree & b>k at ! squirrels4 ,he's "h e "d40 ,z ,papa ,pete talk$1 ,i notic$ -----------------------------------#gj t ! dog _h /opp$ b>k+4 ,i let myf turn >.d & look at hm4 ,he wasn't *as+ me4 ,9 fact1 8 tail 0 wa7+4 ,i look$ at ,mc,kelty1 :o _h a huge gr9 on 8 ?ick face4 8,y li$10 ,i sd to hm4 8,t dog isn't a zombie40 8,oh y1h80 he :isp]$4 8,j wait until d>k & 8 eyes />t to gl[4 ,y'll see :at ,i m1n40 ,) t1 ,mc,kelty walk$ t[>d ! basketball c\rts4 8,n[ :at is ? all ab80 ,papa ,pete ask$4 ,i op5$ my m\? & all my fe> came \ 9 "o giant wave ( ^ws4 8,mc,kelty sd t tn -----------------------------------#ga "!'s go+ to 2 a huge zombie 9va.n4 ,& t ,m1tbag is go+ to attack y4 ,papa ,pete1 :at if zombies take ov] a#ga ! c;y8 ,:at if !y live 9 my build+8 ,:at if !y're 9 my b$ "r n[1 j wait+ = me to come home80 ,papa ,pete held up 8 h&4 8,okay1 let's take a deep br1? & j sl[ d[n "h10 he sd4 8,f/ ( all1 zombies >e make-2lieve4 ,!y don't r1lly exi/1 except 9 /ories & movies & ,,tv40 8,b1 ,papa ,pete10 ,i >gu$4 8,nick ,mc,kelty po9t$ \ ?ree zombies "r "h 9 ! p>k4 ,"o guy's face 0 2+ held on by j a b&age40 -----------------------------------#gb ,papa ,pete look$ at me & scrat*$ 8 *94 8,i c see t ,i'm n go+ to talk y \ ( ? v easily10 he sd4 8,s ,i h a wond];l idea4 ,let's g to ! libr>y40 8,grt idea60 ,i sd4 8,i'll bet libr>ies >e zombie-free z"os4 ,x's probably h>d = !m to r1d :5 _! eyes >e slid+ \40 8,boy oh boy1 yr imag9a;n is #ce r1lly fly+10 ,papa ,pete sd4 a#gb 8,b ,i h a cure = t40 8,d ,i take x ) a spoon80 8,no1 x's call$ facts1 ,hankie4 ,! be/ cure = fe> is to h ! facts1 no?+ b ! facts4 ,i say1 let's g to ! libr>y & look up zombies4 ,i ?9k r1l facts -----------------------------------#gc w calm y d[n & make y feel bett]40 ,i held ,papa ,pete's h& tik & h1d$ up #ghth ,/reet pa/ my a"p;t build+4 ,at ,am/]dam ,av5ue1 we turn$ left & walk$ ! two blocks to ! libr>y4 -----------------------------------#gd 8,i love ? place10 ,papa ,pete sd1 hold+ ! big wood5 door op5 = me4 8,x's got ! delici\s smell ( books40 8,i l ! smell ( books1 too10 ,i sd4 8,i j wi% !y w]5't s h>d = me to r1d4 ,x's fun to *eck !m \ ) my libr>y c>d1 b !n :5 ,i get !m home1 !y sc>e me4 ,: rem9ds me,-c we look up zombies1 pl1se8 ,"r n[80 ,papa ,pete walk$ me up to ! desk ": a woman 0 sitt+ on a hi< /ool1 a#gd we>+ a ;,t-%irt t sd1 .7,op5 a book1 op5 yr m9d.'4 ,9 front ( h] 0 a sign t r1d3 ,,,ms4 lopez1 h1d libr>ian4,' -----------------------------------#ge 8,excuse me1 ,ms4 ,lopez10 ,papa ,pete sd 9 8 quiet libr>y voice4 8,c y help u f9d "s 9=ma;n ab zombies80 8,( c\rse ,i c10 %e answ]$4 8,!y don't call me ,9fo to ,g = no?+4 ,foll[ me40 ,%e took u to ! rese>* sec;n on ! second floor4 8,y c f9d ! hi/ory ( zombies 9 ! 5cyclop$ia10 %e sd4 8,wd y l to r1d t -----------------------------------#gf on ! comput] scre5 or 9 ! actual book80 8,my gr&pa says t books smell delici\s10 ,i sd4 8,s ,i'll g = ! book40 ,ms4 ,lopez pull$ \ ! ;,z volume ( ! 5cyclop$ia & put x on ! r1d+ table4 ,%e op5$ x to ,,zombie1 & !n turn$ to ,papa ,pete4 #cg 8,:ile yr gr&son is r1d+1 is a#gf "! "s?+ special ,i c help y f9d80 8,well1 ,i 0 j ?9k+ ab />t+ a b[l+ l1gue4 ,d y happ5 to h ! (ficial b[l+ l1gue h&book80 -----------------------------------#gg 8,( c\rse1 x's 9 ! sports sec;n4 ,let me %[ y40 8,hankie1 ,i'll 2 two %elves ov] 9 ! sports sec;n10 ,papa ,pete sd4 8,call if y ne$ me40 ,!y left4 ,i look$ d[n at ! small pr9t on ! 5cyclop$ia page4 ,"! 7 s _m ^ws "!4 ,all ( a sudd51 !y look$ l ll fi% swimm+ >.d 9 a tank ( wat]4 ,b if ,i 0 go+ to f9d \ ! tru? ab zombies1 ,i _h to />t "s":4 ,no "o 0 wat*+ me1 s ,i us$ my f+] to foll[ e ^w acr ! page4 ,i 2gan to r1d4 -----------------------------------#gh 8.1,! .1^w zombie .70 f/ us$ 9 #ahai 9 ,brazil1.'0 ! lrs sd4 ,i 0 do+ f9e r1d+ until t la/ ^w1 ! "o t />t$ ) a capital ;,b4 ,i cdn't s.d x \4 ,:at cd x be8 ,bug hill8 ,t didn't make s5se4 ,bugs don't a#gh use ^ws4 ,maybe x 0 ,bad ,bill8 ,i wond]$ if he 0 a zombie4 .1,okay1 .1,hank1 ,i ?"\ to myf4 .7,y're n gett+ t ;,b ^w1 s let's j g to ! next s5t;e4.' ,mov+ my f+]s "u ea* ^w1 ,i r1d ?4 8.7,ac to exp]ts1 "! is evid;e t zombies exi/4.'0 ,wait6 ,:at did t say8 ,x sd t zombies exi/4 ,9 o!r -----------------------------------#gi ^ws1 !y're r1l4 ,"r "! 9 black & :ite4 ,on ! page4 ,9 ! actual 5cyclop$ia4 ,9 ! ,new ,york ,public ,libr>y4 ,x sd t zombies >e r1l6 ,) %ak+ h&s1 ,i slamm$ ! book %ut4 ,i cd feel my *eeks />t to burn & my ?roat close up4 ,i want$ to call \ = ,papa ,pete4 ,i op5$ my m\? & scr1m$1 8,help60 b only a ll squ1k came \4 ,i look$ >.d ! room1 & "ey"o else 0 j sitt+ "!1 r1d+ _! books4 ,l "ey?+ 0 normal4 ,i 0 ! only "o :o knew t tn 0 ! nie = ! zombie 9va.n,' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,move to ! ,moon4 "<,oh1 wait1 "!'s no air "!4"> #b4 ,move to ,m>s4 "<,oh1 wait1 "!'s no air "!1 ei4"> #c4 ,move to ,fr.e4 "<,oh1 wait1 ,i don't "k ! ,fr5* ^w = black-&-:ite cookie4"> #d4 ,move to ! ,nor? ,pole4 "<,oh1 wait1 my w9t] jacket is at ! dry cl1n]s4"> -----------------------------------#ha #e4 ,move to ,hawaii4 "<,oh1 wait1 ,emily wants to g "!1 s ,i'd h to take h]4 ,=get t6"> #f4 ,move ,*e]io & me to ! base;t4 "<,oh1 wait1 t's ! f/ place ! zombies wd look4"> #g4 ,hide "u ! c\* 9 ! liv+ a#ha room4 "<,oh1 wait1 "!'s s m* du/ "u "!1 ,i'd sneeze & give myf away4"> #h4 ,face x1 ,hank4 ,y're toa/4 -------------------------------#hb-#hc ,,*apt] #i ,papa ,pete 0 9 a grt mood :5 he return$ ) ,ms4 ,lopez4 8,? trip to ! libr>y has be5 v su3ess;l10 he sd4 8,i n[ "k m ab b[l+ l1gues ?an any human %d4 ,h[ ab y1 ,hankie8 ,did y le>n ! tru? ab zombies80 8,i sure did10 ,i sd4 8,see :at ,i told y80 ,he patt$ me on ! %\ld]4 8,"k+ ! facts is ! be/ way n to 2 afraid40 -----------------------------------#hd ,he sd gd-bye to ,ms4 ,lopez & we walk$ d[n/airs & \ ! door onto ,am/]dam ,av5ue4 ,i 0 completely sil5t4 ,y're probably wond]+ :y ,i didn't tell ,papa ,pete ! r1l #da tru? ,i le>n$ ab zombies4 ,? is a#hd :y4 ,i love ,papa ,pete m ?an any"o 9 ! _w4 ,& ,i knew t zombies w5t = old p f/4 ,x 0 go+ to 2 up to me to protect hm4 ,i j _hn't figur$ \ h[ to d t yet4 ,s ,i decid$ to keep quiet until ,i figur$ \ a plan4 ,! la/ ?+ ,i want$ 0 to sc>e hm1 too4 ,:5 ,papa ,pete dropp$ me (f at my a"p;t1 ,i sd to hm1 -----------------------------------#he 8,keep yr ph"o close1 okay80 8,:y80 8,i'm go+ to ne$ to talk to y 9 a ll :ile40 8,oh1 y've got a secret1 d y80 ,papa ,pete sd ) a w9k4 8,i love secrets40 ,he wasn't go+ to love ? "o1 t's = sure4 8,oh1 & ,papa ,pete10 ,i add$4 8,y miate moves4 ,!y cd come 9 h&y40 8,? gets m 9t]e/+ by ! m9ute10 he sd4 ,!n he gave me "o ( 8 giant hugs & h1d$ = home4 a#he ,:5 ,i walk$ 9to my liv+ room1 my p>5ts 7 busy help+ ,emily 9to h] ,hall[e5 co/ume4 -----------------------------------#hf ,%e 0 9 a r1lly bad mood 2c h] tail _h fall5 (f4 8,i told y t we put too _m scales on x10 my dad 0 tell+ h]4 8,! co/ume j cdn't take ! wei = ? nid t "o ( ! toenails fell (f1 too4 8,hank10 my mom sd4 8,maybe y c talk ,emily 9to go+ \ trick-or-tr1t+ ) y & yr frs4 ,i don't want h] to miss a gd "t40 8,i ?9k ,i'll /ay home1 too10 ,i sd4 8,y "k h[ ,i alw want to support #dc my ll si/]40 a#hg 8,:5 did t />t happ5+80 my dad ask$4 -----------------------------------#hh 8,a m9ute ago40 8,:at's up ) y1 ,hank80 ,emily ask$4 8,y seem weird40 8,me8 ,no?+'s up ) me4 ,i 0 j ?9k+ t :at we %d d tn is call ,papa ,pete & h hm come ov]4 ,once he's 9side ! a"p;t1 we lock all ! doors & w9d[s & don't turn on any wat] faucets4 ,we'll h a fun family ni$ blankly at me4 ,b 2f any"o cd answ]1 ! doorbell rang4 -----------------------------------#hi 8,nobody op5 t10 ,i :isp]$4 8,( c\rse we're go+ to op5 ! door10 my mom sd4 8,x's probably ,frankie & ,a%ley4 ,!y call$ a few m9utes ago to say !y'd meet y "h to g \ trick-or-tr1t+40 8,b h[ d y "k x's !m & n "s a#hi creepy zombie80 ,i blurt$ \4 ,my "f _h alr r1*$ ! front door & op5$ x4 ,/&+ "! 0 a creepy zombie1 8 eyes half clos$ & 8 >ms r1*+ \ to me6 8.1,haaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnk10 ! zombie moan$4 ,i knew t voice4 ,x 0 ,frankie4 ,/&+ -------------------------------#ij-#ia 2h hm 0 ,a%ley4 ,at l1/1 ,i ?9k x 0 ,a%ley4 ,ei t1 or a gira6e we>+ a r1lly sp>kly necklace _h j walk$ 9to my a"p;t4 8,frankie10 ,i sd4 8,y c't j come 9 "h & sc>e me l t40 8,:y n1 ,zip8 ,x's ,hall[e54 ,we're suppos$ to 2 sc>y40 8,h[ w ,i 2 able to tell y f ! r1l zombies80 ,frankie lau<$4 8,w[1 my co/ume m/ r1lly 2 gd4 ,n[ hurry up1 ,zip4 ,y're n ev5 9 yr co/ume yet40 8,we're go+ to miss all ! be/ c&y10 ,a%ley add$4 #de 8,i don't ?9k we %d g a#ia -----------------------------------#ib trick-or-tr1t+ 9 ? build+10 ,i sd4 8,i ?9k we %d h1d "r ov] to ,papa ,pete's40 8,oh1 is "! bett] c&y 9 8 build+80 ,a%ley ask$4 8,yes10 ,i sd4 8,t's exactly ! r1son40 ,actually1 ! r1l r1son was1 ,i want$ to get to ,papa ,pete to protect hm4 8,b we'll miss ! full-size *ocolate b>s 9 #c,b4 ,!y alw run \ fa/10 ,frankie rem9d$ me4 ,frankie 0 "r4 ,s ,i w5t al;g ) x4 8,give me a m9ute10 ,i sd4 8,i h to make an important ph"o call f/40 ,i ran 9to ! kit*51 pick$ up ! ph"o1 & dial$ ,papa ,pete's -----------------------------------#ic numb] f memory4 ,x's ! only "o ,i n"e get wr;g4 8,papa ,pete10 ,i sd1 :5 ,i he>d 8 voice4 8,we're com+ to y "r away4 ,x's n safe = y to 2 "! by yrf40 8,hankie10 he sd4 8,y're n / a#ic worri$ ab zombies1 >e y8 ,i ?"\ t 0 ! r1son we w5t to ! libr>y40 8,y1h1 & ,i n"e told y -----------------------------------#id :at ,i le>n$ at ! libr>y4 ,9 ! 5cyclop$ia1 x sd t,-0 8,hankie10 ,papa ,pete 9t]rupt$4 8,"!'s my doorbell4 ,x m/ 2 my f/ trick-or-tr1t]4 ,come in60 ,i he>d hm call \4 8,no60 ,i holl]$ 9to ! ph"o4 8,don't let any"o in4 ,lock yr door60 ,papa ,pete wasn't li/5+4 ,i he>d hm lau< & say1 8,:at >e y suppos$ to be8 ,oh1 a bumblebee pr9cess4 ,t's s -----------------------------------#ie cl"e40 ,!n sp1k+ 9to ! ph"o1 he sd to me1 8,hankie1 come :5"e y want1 b ,i h to g n[4 ,i've got a pla/ic pumpk9 full ( c&y to h& \40 .1,click4 ,j l t1 ! ph"o w5t d1d4 ,i didn't ev5 h "t to tell hm t ! zombies 7 go+ af hm f/4 ,t did x4 ,i _h no *oice4 ,i 0 #dg go+ to h to get trick-or-tr1t+ a#ie 9 \r build+ ov] ) z fa/ z possible4 ,!n ,i'd make "ey"o trick-or-tr1t all ! way ov] to ,papa ,pete's a"p;t build+4 ,i cdn't let myf 2 /opp$ by ! zombie 9va.n4 ,i _h to save ,papa ,pete4 -------------------------------#if-#ig ,,*apt] #aj ,z ,i hung up ! ph"o1 ! door to ! kit*5 swung op51 & ,frankie /uck 8 h1d in4 8,we r1lly h to g1 ,zip4 ,d y ne$ help ) yr co/ume80 8,actually1 ,i d4 ,i c tie on my anti-zombie ge>1 b ,i cd use "s help ) ! t9foil40 8.1,okaaaay10 ,frankie sd1 rais+ 8 eyebr[s4 8,i'm yr t9foil man40 ,i took \ ! t]ry-clo? robe belt t _h all ! /uff hang+ (f x & ti$ x >.d my wai/4 ,!n ,i w5t to ! second draw] "u #ih ! s9k ": my mom keeps ! s&wi* bags & /uff l t4 ,i pull$ \ ! roll ( t9foil & h&$ x to ,frankie4 8,wrap me up10 ,i sd4 8,y pull ! t9foil (f ! roll & ,i'll turn4 ,don't /op until ,i'm completely wrapp$ up l a hot dog at a ,mets game40 ,my idea 0 t if no zombie cd pick up my body h1t1 !y wd pass me "r by4 ,i wasn't sure if x wd "w1 b x 0 wor? a try4 ,any?+ to get safely to ,papa ,pete's4 ,frankie & ,i "w$ qkly4 ,9 a few m9utes1 ,i 0 wrapp$ 9 t9foil f h1d to toe1 except -----------------------------------#ii = my nose & m\? & eyes4 8,actually1 y look pretty cool10 ,frankie sd1 /&+ back to admire 8 "w4 8,let's g r+ "s doorbells40 8,okay10 ,i sd4 8,b we h to hurry s we c get to ,papa ,pete's soon40 8,:at's ! ru%80 ,frankie ask$4 8,afraid !y'll run \ ( c&y 9 8 #di build+80 a#ii 8,y n"e "k10 ,i answ]$4 ,i hurri$ 9to ! liv+ room4 ,y cd he> ! t9foil cr9kle z ,i took ea* /ep4 ,emily let \ a huge lau< :5 %e saw me4 8,:at >e y suppos$ to be8 ,a tuna s&wi* 9 a lun* bag80 ----------------------------------#ajj 8,c we j g80 ,i snapp$4 8,okay1 ,i've decid$ to g ) y10 ,emily sd4 8,ev5 my brok5 dragon co/ume doesn't look z bad z yrs40 8,i'll come ) y kids10 my dad sd4 8,mom w /ay "h to h& \ c&y40 8,oh1 ,i don't 2lieve 9 unh1l?y snacks10 my mom sd4 8,i'm h&+ \ ll boxes ( rais9s40 ----------------------------------#aja ,normally1 ,i wd h told my mom t rais9s >e = putt+ 9 c]1l & n = ,hall[e5 tr1ts4 ,b ,i 0 9 a ru% to get go+1 s ,i j sd1 8,grt idea1 ,mom4 ,& pl1se *eck to make sure "ey"o y op5 ! door = is actually alive60 ,we left ! a"p;t & w5t acr ! hall4 ,! f/ doorbell we rang 0 a"p;t a#aja #aj,b ": ,dr4 ,james ,watson & 8 family live4 ,! ,watsons _h j mov$ 9 a c\ple weeks 2f1 s we didn't "k hm v well4 8,trick or tr1t10 ,emily gr[l$1 try+ to s.d l :at a ,komodo dragon wd s.d l if x spoke ,5gli%4 ----------------------------------#ajb 8,trick or tr1t10 ,frankie & ,a%ley *im$ in4 8,oh my10 ,dr4 ,watson sd z he op5$ ! door4 8,:at h we "h8 ,a zombie1 a sp>kly gira6e1 a roll ( t9foil1 & a dragon ) a miss+ tail40 ,emily look$ d[n on ! floor1 & saw t h] tail _h completely fall5 (f once ag4 ,%e bur/ 9to te>s1 pick$ up h] tail1 & /omp$ back t[>d \r a"p;t4 8,i'll g ) h] & d an ----------------------------------#ajc em]g5cy repair10 my dad sd4 8,y kids /ay on ? floor until ,i'm back40 ,dr4 ,watson held \ a b[l ( c&y4 ,x 0 fill$ ) :ole c&y b>s1 n ! #ea fun-size "os4 ,a%ley & a#ajc ,frankie />t$ to sort "? all ! di6]5t c&y b>s to pick _! favorite "o4 8,hurry up1 guys10 ,i :isp]$4 8,we h to move fa/] ?an ?40 ,a ll boy 9 a ,sup]man cape & r$ ra9 boots came runn+ to ! door4 8,look1 ,daddy10 he sd1 po9t+ at me4 8,he looks l a s&wi* 9 my lun* box40 8,t he does1 ,luke10 ----------------------------------#ajd ,dr4 ,watson agre$4 8,h y kids met my son1 ,luke80 8,i'm n ,luke1 ,i'm ,sup] ,luke10 he sd4 8,well1 ,sup] ,luke10 ,i sd to hm4 8,j s y "k1 ,i am n "s?+ y eat4 ,i am a zombie-detect+ robot40 ,luke's eyes grew wide4 8,zombies60 ,luke scr1m$4 8,i hate zombies60 ,& he ran z fa/ z he ----------------------------------#aje cd back 9to 8 a"p;t4 8,i bett] g n[10 ,dr4 ,watson sd1 clos+ ! door on u4 8,?anks = a#aje com+ by1 kids40 ,boy1 did ,i "k h[ ll ,sup] ,luke felt4 ,i hat$ zombies1 too4 ,all ( a sudd51 ,i he>d ! elevator .1d+ z x >riv$ on \r floor4 ,i /epp$ \ 9 front ( ,frankie & ,a%ley4 8,hide 2h me10 ,i :isp]$4 8,x mim & yank$ hm t[>d ! door ( my a"p;t4 8,y too1 ,a%ley10 ,i scr1m$1 82f t horrible gre5 zombie eats yr bra960 ,i 0 alr bang+ on ! door ( a#aji \r a"p;t1 wildly turn+ ! knob try+ to get x op54 8,help1 ,mom60 ,i yell$4 8,op5 ! door40 ,b x 0 too late4 ,! slimy gre5 h& t\*$ my %\ld]1 & ! cr1ture pull$ me t[>d h]4 ,& !n t sc>y1 aw;l zombie let \ a wick$ lau<4 -----------------------------#aaj-#aaa ,,*apt] #aa ,! door to \r a"p;t op5$ j 9 "t4 ,i _h n"e be5 s glad to see my mom's face4 ,i broke free f ! zombie & zoom$ 9side l ,i _h a jet pack on my back4 8,frankie6 ,a%ley6 ,get 9 "h10 ,i yell$4 8,& ,mom6 ,slam ! door6 ,qk60 ,b my mom wasn't fa/ 5\<1 & ! gre5-fac$ zombie foll[$ u 9to ! liv+ room4 ,? 0 x4 ,i _h no *oice4 ----------------------------------#aab ,x 0 "t = me to 2 brave4 8,/op "r "!10 ,i sd1 /epp+ 9 #ee front ( my family & frs & a#aab spr1d+ my t9foil >ms 9 front ( !m4 8,i am a zombie fi!r & ,i'll h to use my p[]s to melt y 9to a gre5 puddle40 8,hank10 my mom sd4 8,t's no way to talk to ,mrs4 ,f9k40 8,b1 ,mom1 c't y see8 ,t's n r1lly ,mrs4 ,f9k anymore4 ,%e's be5 tak5 ov] by zombies4 ,j look at h]40 8,oh10 ,mrs4 ,f9k sd1 r1*+ \ to t\* my >m4 8,i ?9k ,i "u/& ! problem40 8,don't get ne> me10 ,i w>n$ ----------------------------------#aac h]4 8,y c't eat my bra94 ,x's (f-limits40 8,i'm n a zombie1 h"oy10 %e sd4 8,i promise40 8,!n :y is yr face gre580 8,i 0 j hav+ "s ,hall[e5 fun4 ,s ,i cov]$ my face ) my avocado face cr1m40 8,oh r1lly8 ,!n ": h yr tee? g"o80 8,!y're 9 a glass on ! s9k4 ,maybe y didn't "k1 b ,i we> false tee?4 ,i'm s sorry t ,i sc>$ y40 8,mrs4 ,f9k10 my mom sd4 a#aac 8,i'm s emb>rass$ ab ! way ,hank spoke to y4 ,if y'll excuse u1 ,i'd l to h a ^w ) hm40 ----------------------------------#aad ,mrs4 ,f9k w9k$ at me z %e left1 & a big glob ( gre5 slime slid (f h] face onto h] %oes4 8,don't =get to come back = a ,tootsie ,roll10 %e sd to all ?ree ( u z %e left \r a"p;t4 ,my mom look$ me "r 9 ! eye4 8,:at is all ? ab1 ,hank80 %e ask$4 8,i ?9k ,i "k1 ,mrs4 ,zipz]10 ,a%ley sd4 8,"e s9ce la/ nie made up40 8,oh y1h80 ,i sd4 8,!n h[ come x says 9 ! 5cyclop$ia at ! libr>y #eg t zombies d exi/8 ,i r1d x1 "r a#aae on ! page4 ,x sd1 8.7,ac to exp]ts1 "! is evid;e t zombies exi/4.'0 ,my mom nodd$ h] h1d4 8,i ?9k ,i "u/& :at's happ5+ "h10 %e sd sl[ly4 8,isn't x true1 sweetie1 t r1d+ is v h>d = y8 ,& "s"ts y add ^ws to :at's on ! page 444 or l1ve ^ws \80 ----------------------------------#aaf 8,i guess t's true1 ,mom40 8,s ,i su7e/ we all g to ! comput] & look up zombies ag4 ,we'll give x ano!r r1d+40 ,frankie1 ,a%ley1 & ,i foll[$ my mom to ! d9+-room table1 ": %e sat d[n 9 front ( h] laptop4 ----------------------------------#aag ,%e typ$ 9 "s ^ws4 ,9 j a few seconds1 ! 5cyclop$ia page ab zombies popp$ up4 ,x 0 ! same page t 0 9 ! book ,i r1d4 ,frankie l1n$ t[>d ! scre5 & r1d ! f/ s5t;e \ l\d4 8.1,! .1^w zombie .70 f/ us$ 9 #ahai 9 ,brazil1.'0 he r1d4 8,oh1 t's :at t ^w was10 ,i sd4 8.1,brazil6 ,well1 t makes m* a#aag m s5se ?an ,bad ,bill40 ,frankie 3t9u$ r1d+4 8.7,ac to exp]ts1 "! is no evid;e t zombies exi/4.'0 8,wait a m9ute10 ,i sd4 8,": d y see ! ^w .1no80 ----------------------------------#aah 8,x's "r "h1 ,zip10 he sd1 po9t+ to ! ^w on ! scre54 8,d y ?9k x 0 "! ? :ole "t80 ,i ask$4 8,yes1 ,i d40 ,"! 0 a l;g sil;e z ,i ?"\ ab t4 8,s ,i've be5 sc>$ ( a zombie 9va.n ? :ole "t 2c ,i skipp$ ov] a two-lr ^w80 ,frankie & ,a%ley & my mom all nodd$4 ,= "s r1son1 ,i felt l ,i 0 go+ to cry4 ,:y cdn't ,i r1d l ,frankie & ,a%ley8 ,at t mo;t1 ,i r1lly didn't l my bra94 ,:y didn't x "w l "ey"o else's8 #ei ,a%ley put "o ( h] gira6e #aai hooves on my %\ld]4 8,y'll cat* on to ? r1d+ ?+1 ,hank10 %e sd4 8,in ! m1n"t1 ,frankie & ,i >e "h to help y40 8,does ? m1n we c g \ trick-or-tr1t+ n[80 ,frankie sd4 8,2c "!'s a :ole lot ( c&y \ "! ) \r "ns on x40 ,= ! f/ "t 9 tw5ty-f\r h\rs1 ,i 0 able to smile4 ----------------------------------#abj ,i 0 safe4 ,my p>5ts & ,emily 7 safe4 ,& be/ ( all1 ,papa ,pete 0 safe4 8,let's d x10 ,i sd4 ,my dad came \ ( ,emily's room4 8,ladies & g5tlem51 gira6es & zombies1 may ,i h yr att5;n1 pl1se80 he sd 9 8 circus-ann\nc] voice4 8,9troduc+ ! _w's only ,komodo dragon ) an upside-d[n tail4 ,emily1 if y pl1se40 ,my si/] came \ ( h] b$room look+ v happy ) h]f4 ,h] tail _h be5 /apl$ back on1 & ? "t1 ! tip ( x 0 po9t+ "r up to ! ceil+4 ,a /r+ ti$ x to ! top ( h] dragon h1d4 a#abj ----------------------------------#aba 8,! /r+ 0 all my idea10 %e sd pr\dly4 8,? tail w /ay on = weeks4 ,i mi x to s*ool ,mon"d60 8,no?+ weird ab t10 ,i sd4 8,rem9d me n to walk to s*ool ) y ,mon"d40 8,s10 my dad sd1 go+ to ! front door4 8,>e we all r1dy = "s trick-or-tr1t+80 ----------------------------------#abb ,we all *e]$ & h1d$ acr ! liv+ room4 ,!n we he>d x3 a f"r5$ scr1m com+ f ! hall4 8,don't eat my h1d10 ! voice wail$4 8.1,plee1se1 ,mrs4 ,zombie4 ,i'll d any?+ y want60 ,t voice 0 s famili>4 8,isn't t 44410 ,a%ley sd4 8,i ?9k x is40 ,frankie nodd$4 ,i pull$ op5 ! door4 ,kneel+ 9 \r hallway 0 a kid dress$ z a hockey play]1 hold+ up 8 /ick to protect hmf f gre5-fac$ ,mrs4 ,f9k1 ! zombie4 ,he _h a big face & a ?ick neck & a #fa huge wad ( r$ licorice /uck 2t a#abb 8 tee?4 ----------------------------------#abc ,t's "r4 ,x 0 t\< guy ,nick ,mc,kelty1 %ak+ & :9+ l a two-ye>-old4 ,i bur/ \ lau<+4 ,"sbody %d tell t guy "!'s no s* ?+ z zombies4 ----------------------------------#abd ,,*apt] #ab ,,,?ree ?+s i le>n$ f ? hall[e5,' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,brazil is a c.try4 #b4 ,tootsie ,rolls >e h>d to get \ ( yr tee?4 #c4 ,zombies d ,,n r1lly exi/4 #d4 ,oops1 ,i 0 only suppos$ to write ?ree4 ,sorry6 @.<,! ,5d@.>