,"h's ,,hank ,fake ,snakes & ,weird ,wiz>ds ,h5ry ,w9kl] @& ,l9 ,oliv] ,,,illu/rat$ by scott g>rett,' ,9 #a ,volume ,brl ,pages t#a-t#b & #a-#fc ,pr9t ,pages #a-#abd ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org t#a ,text copy"r ^c #bjae by ,h5ry ,w9kl] & ,l9 ,oliv] ,produc;ns1 ,9c4 ,illu/ra;ns copy"r ^c #bjae by ,scott ,g>rett4 ,publi%$ by ,grosset @& ,dunlap1 a divi.n ( ,p5gu9 ,"y ,r1d]s ,gr\p1 #cde ,hudson ,/reet1 ,new ,york1 ,new ,york #ajjad4 ,,isbn #igh-#j-#ddh-#dhbeb-#a p5gu94com_/"yr1d]s ,to my h]o1 ,daniel ,silva,-a fr & writ] ( grt adv5tures4 ,& to ,/acey1 alw,-,,hw ,= ,tyl]1 ,gregory1 & ,alex ,k+ 444 *ildhood & ="e frs,-,,lo ,= my wond];l ,nan1 my e>lie/ fan6,-,,sg ,"h's ,,hank #a ,fake ,snakes & ,weird ,wiz>ds ,,*apt] #a 8,hank60 my si/]1 ,emily1 yell$1 z %e ran up to me & gra2$ my >m4 8,y h to come meet ,g+]4 ,%e's ! cute/ snake ,i've "e se540 8,emily10 ,i sd1 8l;g slimy reptiles ) no eyelids or e>s >e n cute4 ,!y're creepy40 8,g+]'s n slimy4 ,h] sk9 is dry4 ,come pet h]40 8,i don't pet snakes1 or any?+ else t cd eat me :ole = lun*40 ------------------------------------#b ,\r family 0 sp5d+ ! morn+ at ! ,we/ ,5d ,av5ue /reet fair4 ,! :ole block 0 l9$ ) boo?s sell+ "ey?+ f blueb]ry mu69s to tube socks4 ,l1ve x to ,emily to f9d ! "o snake boo?4 ,t girl c sniff \ a reptile bett] ?an my dog1 ,*e]io1 c sniff \ a hunk ( pot roa/ "u ! d9+-room table4 #a ,ignor+ ,emily1 ,i h1d$ = a a#b boo? t 0 sell+ cool comic books4 ,emily /ood "! & /omp$ h] foot4 8,mom6 ,dad60 %e :9$4 8,? isn't fair4 ,we j sp5t tw5ty m9utes wait+ = ,hank to ta/e e flavor ( ice cr1m ------------------------------------#c :5 we knew he 0 go+ to pick *]ry-vanilla all al;g4 ,n[ ! family %d d "s?+ ,i want to d40 8,emily has a gd po9t1 ,hank10 my mom sd4 8,i ?9k we %d all g say hello to ,g+] ! snake40 8,f9e10 ,i mutt]$4 8,b ,i'm n t\*+ h] ) any "p ( my body4 ,i w use my eyes & t's x40 ,we walk$ ov] to a l>ge purple sign t r1d ,,,ralph's reptile %[4,' ,"u ! sign1 "! 0 a table ) "s reptiles 4play$ 9 di6]5t k9ds ( glass tanks4 ,a giant tortoise 0 sitt+ 9 ! middle ------------------------------------#d ( ! table4 ,& :5 ,i say giant1 ,i m1n .1giant4 ,t guy's %ell 0 z big z my ba?room s9k4 ,9 front ( ! table 0 ,ralph hmf1 ) a l;g orange1 a#d yell[1 & black /rip$ snake wrapp$ >.d 8 >m4 8,"!'s ,g+]60 ,emily scr1m$4 ------------------------------------#e 8,hi1 ,emily10 ,ralph sd4 8,oh1 ,i see y've br"\ yr family ov] to meet ,g+]40 8,!y're all s excit$ to get to "k h]10 ,emily sd1 r1*+ \ to /roke ,g+]'s l;g back4 8,make t all b "o ( u10 ,i add$ qkly4 8,i hope ? doesn't hurt yr feel+s1 ,ralph1 b ,i'm n a big snake pett]40 8,well1 !n maybe ,i c 9t]e/ y 9 ,clive1 my sn[ leop>d gecko10 ,ralph sd4 8,or ,boris1 my adorable blue-tail$ sk9k40 ,okay1 ,i don't ev5 "k :at a sk9k is4 ,b x s.ds too close to 8/9k0 = me to ev5 3sid] pett+ x4 ,ralph 0 we>+ a tan floppy ------------------------------------#f hat t look$ l 8 h1d _h sw1t$ 9 x #c = at l1/ a hundr$ ye>s4 ,he _h a#f on a br[n %irt & %orts1 br[n 3/ruc;n boots1 & a %irt ) a million pockets & zipp]s4 ,maybe t's ": he keeps 8 sk9ks4 8,is t tortoise ev5 alive80 ,i ask$ ,ralph4 8,he's n mov+40 8,y m1n ,spe$y80 ,ralph pett$ ! tortoise's bumpy h1d ) two f+]s4 8,he's probably j ?9k+ ab ! lettuce l1f he _h = lun*4 ,if y want a ll m excite;t1 y %d get to "k ,g+]4 ,%e's a hoot40 ------------------------------------#g ,ralph mov$ 8 >m s t ,g+]'s face 0 v close to my nose4 ,maybe x wasn't .1v close1 b x 0 close 5 = me to jump way back4 8,look at ,hank10 ,emily lau<$4 8,afraid ( a ll snake40 8,i'm n afraid1 exactly10 ,i told h]4 8,i j don't happ5 to love snakes ! same way y d4 ,maybe ,i'm n an animal p]son40 8,y love ,*e]io1 don't y80 8,( c\rse4 ,b ,*e]io's a dog1 a#g : m1ns y c play ball ) hm4 ,& take hm = a walk4 ,la/ "t ,i *eck$1 !y don't make l1%es = snakes40 ------------------------------------#h 8,snakes >e v sweet 9 _! [n way10 ,ralph sd4 8,take ,g+]1 = 9/.e4 ,%e's a mud snake4 ,%e loves *n4 ,%e's a big hit at kids' bir?"d "pies40 8,w[10 ,emily sd4 8,i wi% %e cd come to m9e4 ,x's com+ up soon4 ,i alr s5t \ ! 9vita;ns & "ey?+40 ,ralph r1*$ d[n to ! /ack ( bro*ures he _h on ! table & h&$ my dad "o4 8,i br+ my reptile %[ to lots ( kids' bir?"d "pies10 he sd4 8,& ,i'd 2 happy to come to ,emily's40 8,t's a d1l60 ,emily sd4 8,i'm go+ to call "ey"o ,i've 9vit$ & let !m "k t ------------------------------------#i "!'s a new !me to my "py4 ,"eybody else has a pr9cess dress-up "py4 ,nobody has _h snakes 2f40 8,t's 2c kids don't l att5d+ #e bir?"d "pies ) cr1tures ^: jaws a#i unlock s !y c swall[ ! bir?"d cake :ole10 ,i sd4 8,i don't c>e :at y ?9k1 ,hank4 ,x's my "py40 8,hold up "!1 ,emily10 my dad sd1 putt+ ! bro*ure 9 8 coat pocket4 8,we h a lot to 4cuss "h40 8,& we %d d t on ! way home10 my mom sd1 tak+ ,emily's h& to l1d h] away f ,ralph4 -----------------------------------#aj 8,see y soon10 ,emily call$ \ to ,ralph4 8,tell ,g+] ,i'll make a special "py hat = h]40 8,we'll h to see ab t10 my dad :isp]$ to ,ralph4 8,i "u/&10 ,ralph answ]$4 8,my ph"o numb] is on ! bro*ure4 ,let me "k z soon z y decide1 2c -----------------------------------#aa ,g+] is a v popul> snake40 ,z we walk$ up #ghth ,/reet to \r a"p;t1 ,emily didn't /op ja2]+ = a m9ute4 ,my dad 0 j ! opposite4 ,he 0 quiet4 ,8 eyebr[s 7 all wr9kl$ a#aa & 8 m\? 0 turn$ d[n 9to a fr[n4 8,look1 ,emily10 my dad sd :5 we r1*$ \r build+4 8,i don't want to 4appo9t y1 b we c't h ,ralph's ,reptile ,%[ at yr "py4 ,i gl.ed at ! prices1 & x's too exp5sive = u40 ,emily /opp$ 9 h] tracks & s did h] m\?4 -----------------------------------#ab ,%e />$ at my dad l he _h j told h] ! sky 0 fall+4 8,b1 ,daddy10 %e cri$4 8,i'm only go+ to turn sev5 once 9 my life40 8,well1 sweetie10 my mom sd1 8we c / h a nice "py = y40 ,emily's eyes fill$ ) te>s4 ,%e pull$ op5 ! front door & ran "? ! hallway to ! elevator4 ,i saw h] pu%+ ! elevator button l %e 0 hamm]+ a nail ) h] ?umb4 ,i felt sorry = ! elevator button1 & my mom felt sorry = ,emily4 8,%e wants t "py s badly10 %e :isp]$ to my dad4 #g 8,i wi% we cd af=d x10 he sd4 #ac 8,b we c't40 ,we rode up ! elevator 9 sil;e1 except = ! s.d ( ,emily sni6l+4 ,:5 we got to \r a"p;t1 my dad op5$ ! door1 & ,*e]io came runn+ \ to greet u4 ,ev5 8 wa7+ tail didn't *e] ,emily up4 ,z ,i pett$ ,*e]io1 ,i rememb]$ h[ ,emily _h /ood up = me :5 ,i want$ to keep hm1 & my dad _h sd no4 ,sudd5ly1 ,i felt "s?+ surpris+ 9 ! pit ( my /oma*1 & x _h no?+ to d ) want+ a pepp]oni pizza4 ,:at ,i want$ 0 to help my si/]4 ,n[1 h[ weird is t8 -----------------------------------#ad ,,*apt] #b ,,,five ways i cd help emily 5joy h] bir?"d,' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,i cd buy h] a black-&-:ite cookie4 "<,except x's my favorite cookie 9 ! _w1 & ,i'd probably eat x 2f ,i got home4"> #b4 ,i cd buy h] a dill pickle4 a#ad "<,i'd probably eat t 2f ,i got home1 too4"> #c4 ,i cd (f] to cl1n ! cage ( h] iguana1 ,ka!r9e4 "<,nooooooooooo1 ,i c't4 ,j ! ?"\ ( liz>d dropp+s makes me want to wa% my h&s = tw5ty-two h\rs4"> -----------------------------------#ae #d4 ,i cd dress up z a snake & pret5d to 2 ,g+]4 "<,except my t;gue isn't l;g 5\<4 ,al1 x's n =k$,-at l1/ x wasn't ! la/ "t ,i look$4"> #e4 ,i cd magically produce a snake \ ( ?9 air4 "<,hey 444 n[ "!'s an idea4 ,i'll h to talk to ,frankie ab ?at4">"9 "333333 "9 ,frankie is an 9cr$ible magician4 ,once he alm pull$ a nickel \ ( my nose1 b ,i sneez$ & blew x \ 2f he cd get to x4 #i ,,*apt] #c #af-#ag ,z soon z we got 9to \r a"p;t1 ,emily ran to h] room & slamm$ ! door4 ,i foll[$ h] & /ood pati5tly \tside ( x1 knock+ until my knuckles hurt4 ,%e n"e sd 8,come in0 or 8,g away40 8,emily60 ,i call$4 8,op5 ! door4 ,i h a grt idea ab yr "py40 8,oh r1lly8 ,& :at is yr grt idea1 z if y cd h "o80 -----------------------------------#ah 8,op5 ! door & ,i'll tell y40 ,i he>d h] walk+ acr ! c>pet1 !n ! door op5$ a crack4 8,:at80 %e sd4 8,well10 ,i 2gan4 8,y want a snake at yr "py1 "r80 8,duh40 8,s all y h to d is produce "o \ ( ?9 air4 ,problem solv$40 ,i smil$ my be/ ,hank ,zipz] smile1 giv+ h] a t\* ( ! old ,zipz] attitude4 ,x didn't "w4 ,%e didn't buy x = "o m9ute4 8,hank10 %e sd4 8,t is ! a#ah crazie/ ?+ y've "e sd4 -----------------------------------#ai ,snakes don't appe> \ ( ?9 air4 ,n[ /op bu7+ me40 ,%e />t$ to close ! door1 b 2f %e cd1 ,i /uck my foot 9 ! doorway to block x4 ,i knew ,i _h to come up ) a plan %e'd 2lieve4 -----------------------------------#bj ,un=tunately1 ,i didn't h "o4 ,b to my surprise1 :5 ,i op5$ my m\?1 ? is :at came \4 8,snakes d appe> \ ( ?9 air10 ,i sd4 8,if y "k ! "r p4 ,& ,i d40 8,:o80 %e ask$4 ,i op5$ my m\? ag1 & ? "t1 an ev5 bi7] surprise 0 wait+ on my t;gue4 8,! ,we/side ,wiz>d10 ,i sd4 8,don't tell me y've n"e he>d ( hm4 ,8 specialty is pull+ snakes \ ( ?9 air & twirl+ !m abv 8 h1d4 ,!y get a ll dizzy1 b !y love x 2c x makes kids happy40 ,emily look$ at me #aa suspici\sly4 a#bj -----------------------------------#ba 8,& h[ d y "k ? ,we/side ,wiz>d80 %e ask$4 8,i've n"e he>d ( hm40 8,emily1 y may h =gott51 b ,i'm 9 ! second grade4 -----------------------------------#bb ,we second-grad]s "k all k9ds ( ?+s y ll f/-grad]s don't40 8,y don't "k h[ to subtract1 & ,i d10 ,emily po9t$ \4 8,okay1 f9e10 ,i told h]4 8,y c talk ab ma? all y want4 ,i'll j call ! wiz>d & tell hm y're n 9t]e/$ 9 hav+ hm come to yr "py40 8,no1 no4 ,don't d t1 ,hank4 ,d y ?9k he'd r1lly come8 ,! "py's only a week away40 ,i gave h] t ,zipz] smile ag4 8,he w if ,i ask hm10 ,i sd ) 3fid;e4 ,let me j say -----------------------------------#bc "r "h1 ,i h no idea ": t 3fid;e 0 com+ f4 ,i _h n"e he>d ( ! ,we/side ,wiz>d4 ,x 0 j "s?+ t fell \ ( my m\?4 ,i notic$ t ,emily 0 smil+4 a#bc ,& x 0 ! same excit$ smile %e'd _h at ,ralph's boo? at ! /reet fair4 8,hank6 ,y >e ! be/ big bro!r 9 ! _w40 ,%e r1*$ \ & gave me a giant hug4 ,"r 9 ! middle ( x1 we bo? r1liz$ t ? 0 weird4 ,f/ ( all1 we don't hug4 ,& second ( all1 %e gra2$ me s sudd5ly t h] braids slapp$ me 9 ! face4 -----------------------------------#bd ,! hug /opp$ alm z soon z x />t$1 : 0 j f9e ) me4 ,emily ru%$ pa/ me & ran 9to ! liv+ room4 8,": >e y go+80 ,i %\t$4 8,to call all ! frs ,i -----------------------------------#be 9vit$ & tell !m ab ! ,we/side ,wiz>d4 ,? is go+ to 2 ! be/ bir?"d "py !y've "e be5 to40 ,on ! "o h&1 x 0 gd to see ,emily s excit$4 ,on ! o!r h&1 ,i _h gott5 myf 9to a giant pickle4 ,actually1 make t #ac a :ole j> ( pickles4 ,:o 0 ? a#be ,we/side ,wiz>d ,i _h j made up8 ,& ": 0 ,i go+ to f9d hm8 ,& ev5 if ,i did f9d hm1 h[ 0 he go+ to pull a snake \ ( ?9 air8 .7,^? >e gd "qs1.' ,i sd to myf4 ,n[ all ,i ne$$ 7 "s gd answ]s4 -------------------------------#bf-#bg ,,*apt] #d ,:5 ,i get myf 9to tr\ble1 "! >e only two ways \1 & _! "ns >e ,frankie ,t[ns5d & ,a%ley ,w;g4 ,i c't tell y h[ _m "ts my two be/ frs h sav$ me f 4a/]4 ,l ! "t ,i spill$ glue1 & my f+]s got s /uck tgr1 ,i cdn't ev5 pick up a p5cil4 ,i ?"\ ,i 0 go+ to h to take my spell+ te/ hold+ ! p5cil 9 my m\?1 until ,frankie & ,a%ley pull$ -----------------------------------#bh me to ! s9k 9 ! back ( ! room4 ,i didn't "k t soak+ yr h&s 9 w>m wat] wd melt ! glue away4 ,too bad !y cdn't take my spell+ te/ = me1 2c z x turn$ \1 ,i flunk$ x4 a#bh ,s z ,emily call$ h] frs1 my only ?"\ 0 to call ,frankie & ,a%ley4 8,em]g5cy meet+ 9 ! clubh\se10 ,i sd 9to ! ph"o4 8,n[40 ,five m9utes lat]1 ! ?ree ( u 7 9 ! base;t /orage room we call \r clubh\se4 ,i />t$ to tell !m :at happ5$1 talk+ a mile a m9ute4 -----------------------------------#bi 8,wait a m9ute1 ,zip10 ,frankie 9t]rupt$4 8,y told yr si/] .1:at80 8,& y sd y knew .1:o80 ,a%ley *im$ in4 8,y he>d me10 ,i told !m1 try+ to appe> l ,i knew :at ,i 0 do+4 8,:at's ! big d1l80 8,! big d1l10 ,frankie sd1 8is t,-"o,-"! is no s* p]son z ! ,we/side ,wiz>d40 8,& two10 ,a%ley add$1 8ev5 if he did exi/1 he cdn't pull a snake \ ( ?9 air4 ,no "o c40 8,b "! actually is a ,we/side ,wiz>d10 ,i expla9$4 8,y're #ae look+ at hm40 a#bi -----------------------------------#cj ,i held my >ms \ & b[$4 ,frankie %ook 8 h1d4 8,uh-oh10 ,frankie sd4 8,"h comes "o ( ,hank's totally crazy plans40 8,y "k h[ to pull sc>ves \ ( a top hat1 "r80 ,i 2gan4 8,y c t1* me t trick4 ,!n all we h to d is tie a snake to ! 5d ( ! sc>ves4 ,ba-boom1 x's magic40 8,": >e we suppos$ to -----------------------------------#ca get ? snake80 ,a%ley ask$4 8,in ! snake aisle at ! n9ety-n9e-c5t /ore80 8,grt idea1 ,a%we5a60 ,i sd4 8,!y actually h ru2] snakes "!4 ,we'll g & pick "o t looks r1lly r1l1 l ) a =k$ t;gue & "ey?+40 8,well1 ev5 if we d f9d a r1l-look+ snake10 ,a%ley sd1 8y / h to figure \ a way to look l a wiz>d4 ,y're n exactly a ,h>ry ,pott] lookalike40 8,y c help me make a co/ume10 ,i sd to h]4 8,y're gd at t40 ,i cd see t ? idea 9t]e/$ a#ca ,a%ley4 ,%e pu%$ h] glasses back on h] nose & -----------------------------------#cb twirl$ h] ponytail4 ,%e does t :5 %e's ?9k+4 8,well1 y'd ne$ a grt co/ume s ,emily doesn't recognize y10 %e sd4 8,a wiz>d hat & robe1 a big l;g be>d1 & maybe "s sunglasses t cov] up mo/ ( yr face40 8,& ,i c *ange my voice s t x s.ds all deep & old & wiz>dy40 ,i 0 />t+ to love ? idea4 ,i swit*$ 9to my be/ wiz>d voice4 8,2hold1 ) a wave ( my >ms1 ,i w ca/ a p[];l spell on y10 ,i gr[l$4 8,y s.d l a frog ) a cold10 ,frankie sd4 8,okay1 maybe my wiz>d voice isn't grt n[1 b ,i c "w on -----------------------------------#cc x4 ,i'll /udy old ,mizbam ! ,mitoons40 ,sudd5ly1 ,frankie's eyes lit #ag up4 a#cc 8,my big bro!r ,otis w5t to 8 six?-grade ,hall[e5 p>ade z ,mizbam ! ,mit$ r1d+ ! labels ( all ! c>dbo>d boxes t l9$ ! %elves ( ! /orage room4 ,summ] clo!s4 ,/u6$ animals4 ,pots & pans4 ,so3] trophies4 ,f9ally1 we came to "o label$ ,,otis4 ,we pull$ x d[n & took (f ! top4 ,frankie se>*$ ! box1 sort+ "? "s baby pictures ( ,otis4 -----------------------------------#cd ,!n he pick$ up "o & bur/ \ lau<+4 8,don't tell ,otis10 he h[l$1 8b "h he is ly+ on a furry rug1 ) 8 nak$ butt /ick+ up 9 ! air40 ,a%ley & ,i crack$ up4 8,oh1 "h's :at we're look+ =10 ,frankie sd1 r1*+ way d[n to ! bottom ( ! c>ton4 ,he pull$ \ a po9t$ hat & a black robe ) %9y silv] />s4 ,"! 0 ev5 a l;g :ite be>d made \ ( cotton balls glu$ tgr4 a#cd 8,x's p]fect10 ,a%ley sd4 8,try x on1 ,hank40 ,i slipp$ ! robe ov] my h1d4 ,otis is tall1 s ! robe 0 v -----------------------------------#ce l;g on me4 ,! >ms alm t\*$ ! gr.d4 ,:5 ,i slipp$ ! be>d >.d my e>s1 ! 5d ( x w5t d[n to my belly button4 8,looks gd10 ,frankie sd1 8b ,i / "k x's y40 8,we ne$ d>k glasses10 ,a%ley su7e/$1 8to cov] ! re/ ( yr face40 ,%e look$ ov] ! boxes & f.d "o label$ ,,,mrs4 f9k's vaca;n items4,' ,9side1 %e f.d a l>ge polka-dot ba?+ suit1 lots ( fl[]$ sun hats1 & a hot-p9k pair ( sunglasses cov]$ ) rh9e/"os4 8,oh no1 ,i'm n we>+ ^?10 ,i sd4 -----------------------------------#cf 8,well1 y c hope ,emily doesn't recognize y10 ,a%ley sd ) a %rug4 8,b ,i ?9k %e w1 2c ,i c40 8,okay1 y w940 ,i took ! p9k #ai sunglasses f ,a%ley & put !m a#cf on4 -----------------------------------#cg ,!y "w$4 ,) ! hat & ! robe & ! be>d & ! glasses1 y'd n"e "k x 0 me4 ,z ,i /rutt$ >.d ! clubh\se 9 my new co/ume1 ,i felt l my plan 0 (f to a gd />t4 8,n[ all y h to d is le>n ! magic trick10 ,frankie sd4 8,no problem40 ,t 0 easy = hm to say4 ,frankie le>ns "ey?+ r1lly fa/4 ,b = me1 le>n+ new ?+s is h>d4 ,i m1n r1lly h>d4 .7,don't let yrf ?9k ab t n[1 ,hank1.' ,i told myf4 ,b ,i notic$ t myf 0 too n]v\s to answ]4 -------------------------------#ch-#ci ,,*apt] #e ,we got />t$ "r away4 ,frankie took ! elevator up to 8 a"p;t to get ! magic trick4 ,:ile he 0 g"o1 ,a%ley su7e/$ ,i practice walk+ >.d & talk+ ) my co/ume on4 ,i 0 pretty gd ab a#ci n tripp+ on ! robe1 b ! be>d 0 ano!r /ory4 ,e "t ,i mov$ my lips1 ! be>d slipp$ (f my face & l&$ on ! gr.d4 ,x look$ l a flu6y :ite bunny -----------------------------------#dj ra2it fell asleep on my %oes4 8,? be>d isn't "w+10 ,i told ,a%ley4 8,ei x's too big or my face is too small40 8,i don't ?9k yr face is go+ to gr[ 2f ! "py10 ,a%ley answ]$4 8,s we'll h to come up ) ano!r way to keep ! be>d on40 ,%e look$ >.d ! /orage room & notic$ a roll ( cle> pack+ tape sitt+ on "o ( ! %elves4 8,j ! ?+10 %e sd4 ,%e took ! roll ( tape & tore (f two small pieces4 ,!n ,i held v / :ile %e tap$ ! be>d to bo? sides ( ! p9k sunglasses4 -----------------------------------#da 8,n[ yr be>d won't fall d[n un.s y take ! sunglasses (f10 ,a%ley #ba sd4 a#da ,by !n1 ,frankie _h return$ ) ! magic trick4 ,to me1 x j look$ l an empty black velvet bag4 8,oh1 b f1/ yr eyes on ?10 ,frankie sd1 turn+ ! bag 9side \4 8,:at d y see80 8,an empty bag40 ,frankie turn$ ! bag "r-side \1 s x 0 back to normal4 ,!n -----------------------------------#db ) a big smile1 he r1*$ 9 & pull$ \ a l;g *a9 ( color$ sc>ves4 8.1,z5gawii60 he sd4 8,x's magic40 8,h['d y d t80 ,i ask$4 8,v well40 ,frankie lau<$4 8,t's :at u magicians alw say :5 "s"o asks h[ we d a trick40 8,come on1 ,frankie4 ,y h to tell me10 ,i sd4 8,h[ else am ,i go+ to le>n80 8,okay1 b y h to promise -----------------------------------#dc n to tell4 ,x's ! ,magicians' ,code4 ,we don't %>e \r secrets40 8,i promise40 a#dc 8,me too10 ,a%ley sd4 ,frankie l[]$ 8 voice to a :isp]4 8,! sc>ves >e 9 a hidd5 com"p;t 9side ! l9+ ( ! bag4 ,:5 y r1* 9side1 y h to op5 ! ,velcro pocket to get to ! sc>ves1 )\t any"o see+ :at y're do+4 ,x takes practice4 ,y're go+ to h to sp5d a lot ( "t on ? trick1 ,hank/]40 8,okay10 ,i agre$4 8,b f/ let's get ! snake1 & tie x to ! 5d ( ! sc>ves4 -----------------------------------#dd ,"!'s no po9t 9 practic+ )\t x4 ,i "k "r ": !y >e at ! n9ety-n9e-c5t /ore 444 9 2t ! cann$ >ti*okes & ! ,ll ,tugboat too?bru%es40 8,!n :at >e we wait+ =80 ,a%ley ask$4 ,we took ! elevator up to ! t5? floor & bur/ 9to my a"p;t4 ,my dad 0 sitt+ 9 8 l1!r *air1 do+ a cross^w puzzle4 8,dad60 ,i sd4 8,we ne$ to make an em]g5cy trip to ! n9ety-n9e-c5t /ore4 ,c y pl1se take u80 #bc ,my dad didn't look up4 ,he 0 a#dd 3c5trat+4 -----------------------------------#de 8,:at's a sev5-lr ^w = ? clue3 ,8,y don't want to bite ? 9 public4,00 8,a cross+ gu>d10 ,i answ]$4 ,n[ my dad look$ up4 8,h[ did y come up ) t1 ,hank80 ,i smil$ pr\dly4 8,my bra9 is on fire1 ,dad40 ,my si/]1 ,emily1 walk$ 9to ! liv+ room1 putt+ h] nose ": x didn't 2l;g1 z usual4 8,f/ ( all10 %e sd4 8,8,cross+ gu>d,0 has ?irte5 lrs4 ,& second ( all1 ! answ] is ,8toenail4,00 ,my dad gave h] a big smile4 8,?ank y1 h"oy10 he sd4 ,!n he put d[n 8 puzzle & sd1 8,we're go+ to ! n9ety- -----------------------------------#df n9e-c5t /ore4 ,:y don't y jo9 u80 8,noooooooooooo60 ,frankie & ,a%ley & ,i cri$ all at once4 ,my dad gave u t look1 ! "o t says .7we're do+ ? my way4.' a#df 8,dad1 ,emily c't come10 ,i tri$ to expla94 8,we h secret busi;s to d t only ! ?ree ( u c "k ab40 8,don't 2 ridicul\s1 ,hank10 my dad sd4 8,we don't h secrets 9 ? family4 ,emily1 get yr jacket40 ,boy1 0 my dad "e wr;g ab n hav+ secrets4 ,we _h "o ! size ( ,jupit]4 -----------------------------------#dg 8,hank10 ,frankie :isp]$ z we put on \r jackets4 8,we c't buy ! snake ) ,emily "!40 8,don't worry ab x1 ,frankie10 ,i sd ) my mo/ 3fid5t ,zipz] attitude4 8,i h "ey?+ "u 3trol4 ,a%ley w walk ,emily to ! o!r side ( ! /ore1 & ,i'll pay = ! snake4 ,i got my wallet "r "h40 ,i patt$ my pocket4 ,x 0 empty4 8,okay1 s ,i don't h my wallet "r "h10 ,i sd4 ,i guess ! old ,zipz] attitude / ne$$ a ll "w4 ,i sure hop$ ,i cd fix x by ! "t we got to ! /ore4 #be ,,*apt] #f #dh-#di 8,a%ley10 ,i :isp]$ z soon z we walk$ 9to ! n9ety-n9e-c5t /ore1 8yr job is to take ,emily ov] "!1 to ! >t-supply sec;n4 ,t way1 ,frankie & ,i c pick \ ! snake )\t h] see+ u40 8,h[ am ,i suppos$ to d t80 ,a%ley ask$4 8,y "k ,emily4 ,%e's go+ to want to g to ! snake sec;n40 8,tell h] t y he>d "!'s a new reptile /ick] -----------------------------------#ej book10 ,i su7e/$4 8,!n g look = x4 ,& take yr "t40 8,"r-o1 ,capta9 ,hank4 ,i'm on x10 ,a%ley sd1 giv+ me a salute4 ,i wat*$ h] g up to ,emily & :isp] "s?+ 9 h] e>4 ,emily nodd$ happily1 & ! two ( !m set (f = ! o!r side ( ! /ore4 ,my dad _h alr f.d ! cross^w puzzle book sec;n1 & /uck 8 nose 9to "o ( ! 4play books4 8,dad10 ,i sd4 8,frankie & ,i w 2 9 aisle ?ree if y ne$ u40 a#ej ,he 0 s 9volv$ 9 a puzzle t all he did 0 grunt4 ,we ran up & d[n ! aisles1 look+ = ! ru2]- -----------------------------------#ea snake b94 ,x turn$ \ x 0 actually 9 aisle ?ree1 2t ! cann$ >ti*okes & ! tugboat too?bru%es1 j l ,i rememb]$4 ,we bo? dug 9to ! b91 sort+ "? fat snakes1 %ort "os1 gre5 "os 444 until we came acr a black & orange & yell[ /rip$ "o4 -----------------------------------#eb 8,g+]60 ,i sd4 8,hey1 nice to see y ag40 8,don't tell me y & ? snake h _h pizza tgr10 ,frankie sd1 %oot+ me a look4 8,( c\rse n4 ,"ey"o "ks ru2] snakes c't dige/ *eese40 ,frankie bur/ \ lau<+4 ,s did ,i4 ,un=tunately1 we 7 a ll too l\d & attract$ ! att5;n ( a c]ta9 alm-sev5-ye>-old si/] ( m9e4 ,\ #bg ( ! corn] ( my eye1 ,i saw a#eb ,emily hurry+ ov] to \r aisle1 ) ,a%ley foll[+ close 2h4 8,i'll 4tract h]10 ,i :isp]$ to ,frankie4 8,y g buy ,g+]4 ,i'll pay y back lat]40 -----------------------------------#ec ,) t1 ,i spun >.d & rac$ d[n ! aisle t[>d ,emily4 8,i want to see :at's s funny60 %e dem&$4 ,i put myf "r 9 front ( h] & tri$ to puff up my *e/ s %e cdn't see >.d me4 ,my *e/ doesn't puff up all t m*1 s 9/1d1 ,i />t$ talk+ z fa/ z ,i cd4 -----------------------------------#ed 8,oh my go%10 ,i sd1 po9t+ to an 5tire %elf fill$ ) baby %oes4 8,look at ^?4 ,>5't !y ! cute/ ll ?+s y've "e se580 ,emily turn$ >.d & look$ at ! 4play ( baby %oes4 ,a%ley "u/ood :at ,i 0 do+ & jump$ "r in4 8,oh1 ,emily1 ^? baby %oes wd look s p]fect on yr iguana10 %e sd4 8,( c\rse1 y'd h to buy two pairs40 a#ed 8,no problem10 ,i sd4 8,i've sav$ "s all[.e m"oy4 ,i'd l to get "s?+ = ,ka!r9e40 8,d y h a f"e1 ,hank80 ,emily ask$4 8,i've n"e he>d -----------------------------------#ee y say any?+ nice ab ,ka!r9e 9 my 5tire life40 8,well1 x's "t ,i did10 ,i sd4 8,%e is "o lovely liz>d40 ,i took ,emily by ! h& & dra7$ h] ov] to ! baby %oes4 ,i gl.ed at ,frankie & saw t he 0 h1d+ to ! ca% regi/]1 b he wasn't "! yet4 ,i _h to /all = a ll :ile l;g]4 ,s ,i r1*$ \ & pick$ up two pairs ( p9k baby sn1k]s t _h ra9b[-color$ ponies on !m4 ,i slipp$ ea* %oe onto "o ( my f+]s & mov$ !m up & d[n l !y 7 danc+4 8,hi1 ,emily10 ,i sd 9 a hi< squ1ky voice4 8,x's me1 ,ka!r9e4 -----------------------------------#ef ,i'm a happy ll iguana 2c ,i'm danc+ 9 ^! baby sn1k]s4 ,!y're s s(t1 my #bi claws feel l !y're walk+ on a#ef pill[s40 ,emily squ9t$ at me l ,i _h lo/ my m9d4 ,i cd see t ,i 0 los+ h] att5;n1 s ,i _h to /ep up my p]=m.e4 ,i />t$ to twirl >.d1 s++ a made-up s;g4 8,i'm a dizzy ll liz>d1 wat* me twirl10 ,i sang1 flapp+ my >ms4 ,i m/ h flapp$ a ll too h>d1 2c ,i lo/ my bal.e1 & my 5tire body cra%$ 9to ! /ack ( baby %oes4 ,! next ?+ ,i knew1 ! :ole 4play came tumbl+ d[n >.d me4 ,x 0 ra9+ t9y sn1k]s4 -------------------------------#eg-#eh 8,hank60 ,emily scr1m$4 8,look :at y did60 ,all ! %opp]s >.d me /opp$ & />$4 ,"o ( !m _h a /roll] ) tw9s 9 x4 ,bo? babies />t$ to cry4 ,!n a ll boy came runn+ ov] to ! pile ( %oes & dove 9to !m4 ,:5 he came up = air1 a pair ( baby blue runn+ %oes 0 hang+ (f 8 e>4 ,ano!r kid po9t$ & lau<$1 & !n pick$ up a %oe & ?rew x 9 ! air1 j = fun4 ,x l&$ "r on my h1d4 ,sudd5ly1 "! 0 a crackl+ a#eh noise on ! l\dsp1k]4 8,cl1n up on aisle ?ree10 a man's voice sd4 -----------------------------------#ei ,& 2f ,i knew x1 two "w]s ) brooms 7 at my side1 sweep+ ! %oes 9to a pile4 ,my dad _h >riv$1 too1 /&+ ov] me ) 8 h&s on 8 hips4 8,hank1 :y is x t tr\ble foll[s y :]"e y g80 he sd4 8,i c't l1ve y al"o = two m9utes40 8,actually1 ,mr4 ;,z10 ,a%ley sd1 8,i ?9k we 7 al"o = at l1/ ?ree m9utes1 : is a new record = ,hank40 8,a%ley1 ,i appreciate yr attempt at humor1 b ? is n ! "t10 my dad answ]$4 8,look at ? mess ,hank has cr1t$40 -----------------------------------#fj ,emily %ook h] h1d4 8,i'm s sorry ab my bro!r10 %e sd to "o ( ! "w]s4 ,i look$ up to ! front ( ! /ore & saw ,frankie4 ,he 0 hold+ a br[n pap] bag abv 8 h1d4 #ca 8,frankie's got x10 ,a%ley a#fj :isp]$ 9 my e>4 ,i turn$ to ! "w]s :o 7 cl1n+ up ! mess4 8,c ,i help y80 ,i ask$4 -----------------------------------#fa 8,t's okay1 kid4 ,we got x4 ,a3id5ts happ540 8,i'm s sorry10 ,i sd4 8,?anks = "u/&+40 ,!n turn+ to ,emily & my dad1 ,i add$1 8,okay1 let's g40 8,b :at ab ,ka!r9e's sn1k]s80 ,emily sd4 ,i gave h] a look l h] bra9s _h dropp$ onto ! floor 9 ! pile ( %oes4 8,ka!r9e80 ,i sd4 8,:y wd %e ne$ sn1k]s80 ,z ,i ran d[n ! aisle to meet ,frankie1 ,i hi<-fiv$ myf4 ,! plan didn't come (f exactly z ,i _h imag9$ x1 b ! snake 0 9 ! bag4 ,n[ all ,i _h to d 0 le>n h[ to pull x \4 ,,*apt] #g #fb ,,,f\r ?+s t happ5$ :5 frankie tri$ to t1* me ! magic trick,' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,i lo/ ! velvet bag4 "<,x's h>d to pull "s?+ \ ( a bag :5 ! bag xf has 4appe>$4"> #b4 ,i lo/ ! *a9 ( sc>ves4 "<,i didn't actually lose !m1 b ,i us$ ! blue "o z a h&k]*ief :5 ,i sneez$4 ,i gave x to my mom to wa%1 b ,i ?9k ! wa%+ ma*9e ate x4"> #c4 ,i a3id5tally spit \ my bu2le gum -----------------------------------#fc & x got caud be>d4 "<,a%ley _h to cut x \1 & n[ "!'s a hole ! size ( a silv]-doll> pancake 9 my be>d4"> #d4 ,i />t$ to feel l gett+ an ,a 9 ma? wd 2 easi] ?an le>n+ ? trick4 "<,& me gett+ an ,a 9 ma? is ab z likely z a %>k le>n+ to ice-skate4"> ,by ! way1 9 case y hav5't #cc figur$ ? \ alr1 le>n+ ! magic a#fc trick 0 n go+ well4 -------------------------------#fd-#fe ,,*apt] #h 8,hank10 ,frankie sd to me4 8,? is ! fifty-fif? "t ,i've %[n y ? trick4 ,y h to focus if y're "e go+ to le>n x40 ,we 7 9 ! clubh\se1 & ,i _h be5 "w+ ) ,frankie af s*ool = f\r "ds4 ,i 0 pr\d ( myf j = hav+ f.d ! velvet bag & ! sc>ves4 ,i _h /u6$ !m 9to my backpack4 ,b n[1 e "t ,i tri$ to pull ! snake \ ( ! bag1 "s?+ w5t wr;g4 -----------------------------------#ff 8,i'm r1lly try+1 ,frankie1 z h>d z ,i c4 ,i'm n mess+ up on purpose4 ,i "k ,i h to le>n ? trick1 b ,i don't ?9k ,i c40 8,"t is runn+ \10 ,a%ley sd4 8,x's alr ,?urs"d1 & ,emily's "py is on ,satur"d40 8,i'll n"e 2 able to d x by !n10 ,i sd ) a big si<4 8,y're ! magician1 ,frankie4 ,:y don't y d x80 a#ff 8,hank1 y c d ?4 ,i 2lieve 9 y4 ,if y give up n[1 y'll r1lly feel bad40 8,b if y get x10 ,a%ley add$1 8y're go+ to feel gd ="e4 ,y'll n"e =get :at y did = ,emily40 8,b ? is />t+ to r1lly -----------------------------------#fg fr1k me \10 ,i sd4 8,all ,emily talks ab is h[ _m p h sd yes to h] "py4 ,la/ nin ?40 ,i roll$ up my wiz>d-robe sleeves & put on ! sunglasses ) ! be>d atta*$4 ,i took a mo;t to scrat* my nose1 2c ! cotton balls tickl$ my no/rils4 8,hank/]10 ,frankie sd4 8,y h to 2come ! ,we/side ,wiz>d4 ,& wiz>ds don't scrat*40 8,well1 ? "o does40 #ce 8,f9e10 ,frankie sd4 8,j g on #fh ) ! trick40 8,okay10 ,i 2gan4 8,f/1 ,i lift my h& 9 ! air4 ,!n ,i drop x 9to ! velvet bag until ,i f9d ! secret pocket ) ! ,velcro /rip4 ,!n1 ,i say ! magic ^w4 ,:at is x ag1 ,frankie8 ,grapefruit80 8,no1 .1z5gawii4 ,x doesn't ev5 s.d l grapefruit40 8.1,z5gawii60 ,i rep1t$ 9 my be/ wiz>dy voice4 ,i ?"\ ,i felt ! sc>ves tuck$ 9to ! secret pocket4 ,s f>1 s gd4 ,b :5 ,i pull$ on ! sc>ves1 ! :ole bag flew acr ! room & l&$ smack 9 ! middle ( ,mrs4 ,f9k's laundry basket4 -----------------------------------#fi 8,t's x60 ,i yell$1 pull+ (f my be>d & po9ty wiz>d hat4 8,i c't d ?6 ,i give up60 8,b1 ,hank,-0 ,a%ley 2gan4 8,no .1b .1,hanks10 ,i told h]4 8,i'm s fru/rat$ ,i cd scr1m4 ,9 fact1 ,i ?9k ,i w4 .1,aaaaa>rrrrrrrrrrr77777777gg60 ,i %\t$ s l\d ,i ?"\ my tonsils 7 a#fi go+ to fly \ ( my m\?4 8,hank1 ? isn't help+10 ,frankie sd1 cov]+ 8 e>s4 -----------------------------------#gj 8,if y keep ? up1 !y're go+ to ?r[ u \ ( "h4 ,!n y'll h no place to practice40 8,i'm d"o practic+10 ,i dcld4 8,d"o1 d"o1 & d"o4 ,oh1 by ! way1 h ,i sd ! ^w .1d"o80 8,:at ab ,emily & h] "py80 ,a%ley ask$4 8,y promis$ h] a snake4 ,>e y j go+ to g back on yr promise80 8,i'm go+ to solve ? ano!r way10 ,i sd4 8,! "r way40 ,2f !y cd ask me ano!r "q1 ,i hurri$ \ ( ! clubh\se & h1d$ = ! elevator4 ,frankie & ,a%ley foll[$ me up to my a"p;t4 ,:5 ,i got 9side1 ,i pick$ up ! ph"o & call$ ,papa ,pete4 -----------------------------------#ga 8,hankie10 he answ]$4 8,:at >e y up to1 my boy80 8,oh1 ab f\r foot ?ree10 ,i #cg told hm4 ,he ro>$ ) laue y80 ,papa ,pete ask$4 -----------------------------------#gb 8,no m ?an usual10 ,i sd4 ,papa ,pete is grt 2c he doesn't bo!r y ) too _m "qs1 l mo/ gr[n-ups d4 ,he j tries to help4 8,i'll 2 "! soon10 he sd4 ,z ,i hung up ! ph"o1 ,frankie & ,a%ley 7 />+ at me4 8,i'm n foll[+ ?10 ,frankie sd4 8,:at fr8 ,:at favor80 8,his "n is ,ralph10 ,i expla9$4 8,he's ,g+]'s [n]4 ,i'm go+ to ask hm if he & ,g+] c come to ,emily's "py40 8,b didn't yr dad say x 0 too exp5sive80 ,a%ley ask$4 8,t's ": ! favor "p comes in4 ,i'm go+ to ask if he c d x = two a#gb doll>s & -----------------------------------#gc sixty-?ree c5ts4 ,t's h[ m* ,i h sav$ 9 my secret safe40 8,d y ?9k ,ralph w come = t80 ,frankie ask$4 8,x's n v m* m"oy1 snake-wise40 8,i don't "k1 ,frankie10 ,i sd4 8,b l y j sd1 ,i c't let ,emily d[n1 s x's wor? a try4 ,>e y guys com+80 8,oh1 ,i wdn't miss ?10 ,a%ley sd4 8,y're go+ to see ,hank ,8! ,hurricane,0 ,zipz] 9 ac;n10 ,i sd4 ,at t v mo;t1 ,i 0 positive ,i cd 3v9ce ,ralph to come to ,emily's "py4 ,b a few m9utes lat]1 :5 ! ,hurricane di$ d[n1 ,i wasn't s sure anymore4 -------------------------------#gd-#ge ,,*apt] #i ,we took ! bus to ,ralph's a"p;t4 ,x 0 d[nt[n on #aith ,/reet1 abv a #ci 4c.t suitcase /ore4 ,we _h to a#ge walk up ?ree fli.d 8 >m1 & ,boris ! blue-tail$ sk9k1 0 relax+ on 8 %\ld]4 ,g+] %ot h] t;gue \ at u1 : made ,frankie & ,a%ley take a giant /ep backw>d4 ,ralph lau<$4 8,y don't h to 2 afraid1 kids10 he sd4 8,g+] flicks h] -----------------------------------#gg t;gue to help h] smell4 ,x's h[ %e "ks y're "h40 a#gg 8,gd ?+ ,i took a %[] ? morn+10 ,i sd4 8,i wdn't want to gross ,g+] \40 ,ralph ?rew 8 h1d back & lau<$ l\dly4 ,we all jo9$ in4 8,\r fr ,hank is r1lly funny10 ,frankie sd4 8,s ,i see10 ,ralph answ]$4 8,come on 9 & meet ! re/ ( ! family40 ,! 9side ( ,ralph's a"p;t 0 l a zoo1 except y didn't h to pay to get in4 ,"! 7 glass cages "ey":1 & 9side ea* cage 0 "s k9d ( reptile4 ,spe$y1 ! giant tortoise1 0 sitt+ on -----------------------------------#gh ! c\* wat*+ ,,tv4 ,i ?9k x 0 an 9fom]cial ab an ex]cise ma*9e4 8,is ,spe$y 9t]e/$ 9 "w+ \80 ,i ask$4 8,i bet x wd 2 h>d to d sit-ups ) t %ell 9 ! way40 ,ralph lau<$ ag4 8,y're on a roll1 kid4 ,n[1 :at c ,i d = y8 ,y sd y ne$$ a favor40 ,i put on my bi7e/ smile1 #da & took a deep br1? s all ! ^ws #gi wd come \ "r4 8,ralph10 ,i 2gan4 8,"h is my problem3 ,my si/]1 z annoy+ z %e is1 has only "o wi% 9 ! :ole wide _w4 ,& t wi% is = y & ,g+] to come to h] bir?"d "py4 ,x's ? ,satur"d at noon40 8,i rememb] talk+ ab ? ) yr family at ! /reet fair1 b yr p>5ts n"e call$10 ,ralph sd4 8,t's :y ,i'm "h4 ,i ?9k a p]sonal 9vita;n is alw be/4 ,don't y ?9k s1 ,papa ,pete80 8,p]sonal is gd10 ,papa ,pete agre$4 8,ralph10 ,i sd1 8,i'm go+ to -----------------------------------#hj give y ?ree r1sons :y y h to come to ,emily's "py4 ,"o3 ,! bir?"d cake w 2 s delici\s x'll make yr socks g up & d[n4 ,two3 ,y w make an alm-sev5-ye>-old girl's dr1m come true4 ,& ?ree3 ,i h "h 9 my pocket two doll>s & sixty-?ree c5ts 444 & x's all yrs40 ,i paus$ & gave hm my be/ upp] & l[] tee? gr94 a#hj -----------------------------------#ha ,he 0 quiet = a m9ute4 ,i took t z a gd sign4 ,i fla%$ ,frankie & ,a%ley a 3fid5t gr94 .7,yup1 ? 0 ,hank 8! ,hurricane0 ,zipz] 9 ac;n1.' ,i ?"\4 .7,hank1 y h d"o a gd job "h4 ,i ?9k y've sav$ ! "d4.' ,ralph walk$ ov] to 8 du/y desk & pull$ \ a spiral notebook ) a picture ( two snakes on ! cov]4 ,i ?9k !y 7 hu7+1 b )\t >ms4 ,he br"\ ! notebook ov] to me & op5$ x to a page ) a cal5d> on x4 8,hank1 ,i am s sorry10 he sd4 8,b z y c see on ? cal5d>1 ,i am busy e "d = -----------------------------------#hb ! next ?ree week5ds4 ,? ,satur"d1 ,g+] & ,i h an appe>.e at ! ,c5tral ,p>k ,zoo4 ,& !n we're p]=m+ at ,ti6any ,nelson's bir?"d "py on ,p>k ,av5ue40 8,b1 ,ralph10 ,i sd1 8y "k h[ m* y love yr reptiles4 ,"! is only "o o!r p]son on ! planet :o feels ! way y d ab !m,-my si/]4 ,if y come to h] #dc "py1 x w 2 ! be/ bir?"d pres5t a#hb ,i cd "e give h]4 ,="e40 ,y're n go+ to 2lieve ?1 b :5 ,i sd ^? ^ws1 ,i actually felt a lump 9 my ?roat1 ! k9d y get -----------------------------------#hc 2f y cry4 ,i m1nt e ^w ,i 0 say+4 ,ralph r1*$ \ & put 8 h& on my %\ld]1 : br"\ ,g+] dang]\sly close to my nose4 8,hank10 he sd1 8,i ?9k y're a wond];l "y man & a grt big bro!r4 ,b "! is no?+ ,i c d4 ,satur"d is j completely book$4 ,i'm s sorry40 ,i felt ano!r h& on my %\ld]4 ,x 0 ,papa ,pete4 8,hank1 y tri$ yr be/10 he sd4 8,b busi;s is busi;s1 & ,ralph c't d x4 ,s ?ank ! k9d man & let's 2 on \r way4 ,we've tak5 up 5 ( 8 "t40 -----------------------------------#hd ,i %ook h&s ) ,ralph & tri$ to smile at ,g+]4 ,i didn't smile at ,boris1 b he didn't seem to m9d4 ,i guess sk9ks >e l t4 ,z we left1 ,i he>d ,a%ley #he call \1 8,by ! way1 ,ralph1 ,hank lives at ,two ,hundr$ ,t5 ,we/ ,sev5ty-,ein t trick4 ,"r4 ,"sbody tell t to my bra94 -------------------------------#hf-#hg ,,*apt] #aj ,t "d & ! next1 ,i sp5t e sp>e m9ute 9 ! clubh\se ) ,frankie & ,a%ley1 go+ ov] ! magic trick ag & ag4 ,f9ally1 on ,fri"d nie n[ (ficially ! ,we/side ,wiz>d10 ,a%ley add$4 8,"!'s only "o ?+ left to d4 ,h& ov] yr be>d40 8,excuse me10 ,i sd 9 my wiz>dy voice4 8,x took me a l;g "t to gr[ ?40 8,n[ isn't ! "t to 2 cute1 ,hank10 ,a%ley sd4 8,i h to fill t hole ) ano!r cotton ball4 ,y're go+ to h tw5ty-five kids look+ at y tm4 ,t's fifty eyeballs40 ,:ile ,a%ley glu$ a cotton ball onto my be>d1 ,frankie & ,i -----------------------------------#hi op5$ a package ( *ocolate-*ip cookies ,i _h br"\ d[n to ! clubh\se ) me4 ,z ,i *ew$ my cookie1 ,i cdn't /op a smile f spr1d+ acr my face4 8,dude1 don't smile s wide :5 y're eat+10 ,frankie sd4 8,i c see *ocolate *unks /uck to yr tee?40 a#hi 8,i c't help x1 ,frankie4 ,i j feel s pr\d = le>n+ "s?+ ,i ?"\ ,i cd n"e d40 -----------------------------------#ij 8,y're go+ to 2 grt10 ,a%ley sd4 8,^? ll kids w 2 amaz$4 ,& ,emily is go+ to 2 s happy1 %e won't "k :at to say40 8,oh1 t w n"e happ54 ,%e hasn't /opp$ talk+ ab x all week40 ,! la/ ?+ ,a%ley1 ,frankie1 & ,i did t nie;lly pack ! co/ume 9to a %opp+ bag s ,i cd sn1k x back 9to ! a"p;t )\t ,emily see+ x4 ,we >rang$ to meet 9 \r clubh\se at a few m9utes 2f noon ! next morn+4 ,:5 ,i got back to ! a"p;t1 ,emily & my mom 7 busy decorat+ ! liv+ room = -----------------------------------#ia ! "py4 ,my mom 0 bl[+ up balloons1 & ,emily 0 us+ h] color$ m>k]s to draw pictures ( snakes & liz>ds on !m4 ,%e wasn't a bad >ti/4 ,"o ( h] draw+s actually look$ l ,boris ! #dg blue-tail$ sk9k4 a#ia -----------------------------------#ib ,)\t ev5 look+ up1 ,emily sd1 8,:at's 9 ! bag1 ,hank80 ,i swe> t girl has eyes glu$ to ! side ( h] h1d4 8,no?+10 ,i answ]$1 hurry+ 9to my room & clos+ ! door4 ,my mom foll[$ me 9to my room4 8,hank10 %e sd4 8,i "k :at y're up to4 ,frankie's mom & ,i h be5 talk+1 & ,i "k t y're plann+ a surprise = ,emily40 8,y didn't say any?+ to ,emily1 did y80 8,( c\rse n4 ,i wdn't spoil yr plan4 ,b ,i j -----------------------------------#ic want to w>n y3 ,x's n easy to 5t]ta9 tw5ty-five f/-grad]s4 ,i hope y "k :at y're do+40 8,don't y worry1 ,mom4 ,! wiz>d is ) u40 8,well !n1 gd luck to y1 h"oy4 ,oh1 ,i m1n1 to .1hm40 ,z my mom walk$ \ ! door1 a#ic ,emily /uck h] h1d in4 -----------------------------------#id 8,h y *eck$ ) ! wiz>d lately80 %e ask$4 8,i c't wait to meet hm4 ,i've n"e met a r1l wiz>d 2f40 8,me nei10 ,i sd4 ,emily look$ surpris$4 8,wait a m9ute1 ,hank4 ,i ?"\ y sd y knew hm40 ,"! x 0 444 my foot 9 my m\?4 ,actually1 bo? my feet 7 9 "!4 ,:5 wd ,i le>n to keep my big m\? %ut8 8,oh 444 y1h 44410 ,i /amm]$4 8,( c\rse ,i "k hm4 ,i 0 j jok+ ) y1 ,emily4 ,a ll bir?"d-"py humor40 8,well1 ,i don't ?9k x's funny4 -----------------------------------#ie ,i've be5 look+ =w>d to ? all week4 ,x's n nice to t1se me ! ni.d & slamm$ ! door %ut4 ,emily's ^ws rang 9 my e>s4 ,! #di be/ "d ( h] life4 ,w[1 %e a#ie wasn't kidd+ >.d ab ? wiz>d ?+4 ,my /oma* did a flip-flop4 ,z ,i look$ at ! pap] bag ) my wiz>d co/ume %ov$ 9side1 ,i r1liz$ t ,i _h bett] come "?1 or ,i 0 go+ to h "o sad si/] on my h&s4 -------------------------------#if-#ig ,,*apt] #aa ,! next "d 0 "py "d4 ,! sun decid$ to come \ b"r & cle>4 ,emily took x z a sign4 8,y see10 %e sd at br1kfa/4 8,ev5 ! sun is happy t x's my bir?"d40 8,i bet ! ,we/side ,wiz>d made ! sun come \10 ,i sd1 popp+ ! re/ ( my butt]$ toa/ 9 my m\?4 8,d y r1lly ?9k s1 ,hank80 %e ask$1 h] eyes wide ) excite;t4 -----------------------------------#ih 8,he m/ h 9cr$ible p[]s40 8,( c\rse he does40 ,i gulp$4 8,let's j hope he br+s !m all ) hm td40 a#ih ,i got up & hurri$ 9to my room4 ,i practic$ ! trick = "o h\r /raim+ ) f/-grad]s4 ,!y're l bees 444 b )\t /+]s40 ,frankie & ,a%ley help$ me 9to my co/ume4 ,a%ley adju/$ my be>d & add$ m tape to make sure x held on to ! sunglasses4 8,okay1 y're r1dy10 ,frankie sd1 *eck+ me up & d[n4 ,we h1d$ to ! elevator4 ,i 0 pretty n]v\s4 ----------------------------------#ajj 8,i'm go+ to g \ "! f/ & get #ea all ^? wild kids to sit d[n10 a#ajj ,frankie sd calmly4 8,a%ley w wait by ! front door ( yr a"p;t40 ,i nodd$1 try+ to li/5 c>e;lly4 ,frankie 3t9u$4 8,:5 %e he>s me say .7,make "s noise = ! ,we/side ,wiz>d1.' %e'll op5 ! door4 ,t's :5 y come 9 & "w yr way "? ! cr[d4 ,2 sure n to /ep on any kids :ile y're at x40 8,y1h10 ,a%ley agre$1 82c if y d1 !y'll kick y4 ,tru/ me1 ,i "k40 ,:5 ! elevator doors op5$ on ! t5? floor1 ----------------------------------#aja ,i cd feel my he>t b1t+ fa/ "u my h1vy wiz>d coat4 8,i hope ? goes okay10 ,i :isp]$ to ,a%ley4 8,y did ! trick p]fectly la/ ni 8 9troduc;n4 ,! kids applaud$ & *e]$4 ,a%ley op5$ ! door = me4 ,? 0 x4 ,%["t4 ,i walk$ 9to ! liv+ room1 a#aja hold+ my >ms hi< up 9 ! air4 8,2hold1 all y t9y tots10 ,i call$ \ 9 my be/ wiz>d voice4 8,! ,we/side ,wiz>d has >riv$40 ----------------------------------#ajb ,f ! corn] ( my eye1 ,i cd see ,papa ,pete1 l1n+ ag/ ! wall4 ,he w9k$4 ,i wond]$ h[ he knew x 0 me4 ,z ,i walk$ by ! kids1 ,i cd he> lots ( oohs & ahhs com+ f _! direc;n4 ,hey1 ? 0 "w+6 ,at l1/ x 0 until "o ll boy ) a m\?;l ( jelly b1ns r1*$ up & tu7$ on my coat4 ,i :irl$ >.d & gave hm ! />e ( a life"t4 8,:at is yr "n1 *80 ,i boom$4 8,eugie ,pasos10 he sd4 8,well1 ,eugie1 ! wiz>d does n l to 2 t\*$10 ,i gr[l$4 8,nor does 8 coat60 ,eugie actually look$ k9d ( -----------------------------#ajc-#ajd sc>$1 & l1n$ back away f me4 ,i 0 feel+ ! wiz>d p[]1 & x felt gd4 ,:5 ,i r1*$ ! front ( ! cr[d1 ,i turn$ sl[ly to face !m4 #ec 8,is "! an ,emily ,zipz] a#ajd "h80 ,i half-%\t$4 ,emily 0 sitt+ cross-le7$ 9 ! front r[1 hold+ ,*e]io 9 h] lap4 ,he is s* a l;g wi5] dog t ev5 :5 curl$ up1 8 h9d legs 7 hang+ ov] on ! rug4 ----------------------------------#aje ,:5 he saw me1 ,*e]io sni6$ ! air & let \ a ll :imp]4 ,i look$ away1 hop+ he wdn't recognize me4 ,emily put ,*e]io d[n & jump$ up to face me4 8,"h ,i am1 ,oh ,grt ,wiz>d10 %e sd4 8,did y br+ a snake = me80 8,:y1 yes ,i did10 ,i call$ \4 8,b let me w>n y1 folks4 ,y all m/ /ay s1t$ & rema9 quiet4 ,snakes h v s5sitive e>s40 8,no1 !y don't10 ,emily %ot back4 8,!y he> "? _! b"os40 ,wdn't y "k x1 my "k-x-all si/] *ose ? ----------------------------------#ajf mo;t to give "eybody a reptile lesson4 8,y >e correct1 ,bir?"d ,girl10 ,i sd4 8,n[1 pl1se sit d[n4 ,& a#ajf hold yr dog tie;lly60 ,frankie h&$ me ! bag4 ,i turn$ x 9side \ & %[$ ! kids t x 0 completely empty4 ,no "o cd see ! ,velcro pocket4 8,obs]ve t "! is no?+ 9 ? bag b air10 ,i sd4 ,i pu%$ ! wiz>d coat sleeves up z hi< z !y cd g4 8,& notice al t "! is no?+ up my sleeves10 ,i add$4 ----------------------------------#ajg 8,except = v sk9ny >ms10 ,eugie ,pasos %\t$ \4 ,he %d talk4 ,8 >ms 7 s sk9ny1 !y look$ l p5cils )\t ]as]s4 8,sil;e1 pl1se4 ,keep yr eyes focus$ on ! bag & prep>e to 2 amaz$4 ,i w n[ say ! magic ^w4 ,>e y r1dy80 8,yes60 ,emily yell$4 ,& ! o!r kids jo9$ in4 8,snake1 snake1 snake10 !y *ant$4 ,ev5 ,*e]io b>k$ 9 "t to _! *ant4 8,sil;e60 ,i %\t$4 ,a hu% fell ov] ! cr[d4 ,i wav$ "o h& #ee wildly ov] ! op5+ ( ! bag4 ,9 #ajh my be/ wiz>d voice1 ,i call$ \ 8.1,z5gawii6 .1,z5gawii60 ,i sd x a second "t j 9 case ! f/ "t didn't "w4 ,!n ,i r1*$ 9to ! bag & f.d ! ,velcro pocket4 ,yes6 ,s f>1 s gd4 ,my f+]s fumbl$ >.d & f.d ! h&k]*ief *a94 ,all ,i ne$$ n[ 0 "o gd tug1 & x wd come fly+ \ ) ! ru2] snake atta*$4 8.1,z5gawii60 ,i holl]$ "o m "t1 j = fun4 ,gra2+ ! 5d ( ! h&k]*ief 2t my ?umb & my po9t] f+]1 ,i yank$4 ,& unbelievable z x may seem1 ! color;l ----------------------------------#aji h&k]*iefs came fly+ \ ( ! bag1 dra7+ ! ru2] snake 2h4 ,i gra2$ ! snake & spun x >.d ov] my h1d s no "o cd tell x 0 ru2]4 ,& !n ,i wait$ = ! s.d ( ! applause4 ,x n"e came4 -----------------------------#aaj-#aaa ,,*apt] #ab ,z ,i twirl$ ! snake abv my h1d1 ,*e]io l1p$ (f ,emily's lap & a#aaa flew "? ! air t[>d my be>d4 ,gra2+ ! 5d ) 8 m\?1 he pull$ on x l a play toy4 ,i ?9k he ?"\ x 0 ,m\sie1 8 :ite furry toy t ,i ?r[ acr ! room = hm to cat*4 ,anyway1 he yank$ on x ) all 8 mid voice4 8,h[ d y "k my ----------------------------------#aab dog's "n80 ,emily call$ \4 ,oops4 8,! wiz>d "ks all10 ,i sd1 cov]+ my mi/ake4 ,i %d h "kn t ,*e]io wd recogniz$ my sc5t4 ,he sni6$ ! air1 8 ll br[n nose "w+ z h>d z x cd4 ,he 0 s glad to see me1 he jump$ up ev5 hi<]1 gett+ a big hunk ( my be>d 9 8 m\?4 ,he tu7$ & gr[l$ at x1 j l we d :5 we wre/le ) ,m\sie4 ,i tri$ desp]ately to hold on to my be>d4 ,b ,*e]io ?"\ we 7 play+1 & pull$ ev5 h>d]4 ,) "o mid (f my a#aab face1 pull+ ! sunglasses (f ----------------------------------#aac al;g ) x4 ,i wat*$ 9 horror z ! be>d & sunglasses w5t fly+ "? ! air4 ,i j /ood "! ) my [n face hang+ \4 ,all ! ll kids bur/ 9to wild laud1 : 0 / /uck 9 ,*e]io's m\?4 ,frankie1 gd fr t he is1 tri$ to save ! "d4 8,z y c see1 kids1 ! wiz>d has magical p[]s & c *ange 8 face to look l anybody40 8,t's n anybody60 ,emily ----------------------------------#aad scr1m$4 8,x's j my go(ball bro!r1 ,hank40 8,okay10 ,i sd4 8,x is me4 ,b ,i / made a snake appe>1 didn't ,i8 ,& h[ cool is t6 ,happy bir?"d1 sis40 8,y call t a snake80 ,emily cri$4 8,i call t a ?+ t y got on sale at ! n9ety-n9e-c5t /ore40 ,all ! kids 7 h[l+ ) laut$ to run to h] b$room4 ,my mom caud to 2 *e];l4 8,emily1 come on4 ,let's lim >.d ,emily & g5tly l$ h] back to ! d9+-room table1 ": ! cake 0 wait+4 ,x 0 %ap$ l a snake1 & :5 ,emily saw x1 %e alm bur/ 9to te>s ag4 ----------------------------------#aaf 8,i wi% t 0 r1l10 %e sd4 8,i'd h x eat ,hank40 ,j !n1 ! doorbell rang4 ,my dad made 8 way acr ! liv+ room to answ] x :ile ,papa ,pete help$ my mom li.d at ! a#aaf same "t & we saw ,ralph 2+ l$ 9to ! d9+ room by my dad4 ,g+] 0 wrapp$ >.d 8 >m1 & ,boris ! sk9k 0 happily rid+ on 8 %\ld]4 ----------------------------------#aag ,"ey"o 9 ! room let \ a gasp1 ! l\de/ "o com+ f my si/]1 ,emily4 8,g+]60 %e scr1m$1 da%+ ov] to ,ralph & r1*+ \ to pet ,g+] g5tly on h] h1d4 8,i c't 2lieve y came4 ,daddy1 ?ank y s m*60 ----------------------------------#aah 8,i didn't d any?+10 my dad sd4 8,nei did ,i10 my mom add$4 8,me nei10 ,papa ,pete sd4 8,x 0 yr big bro!r1 ll lady10 ,ralph sd4 8,he came all ! way to my a"p;t to 9vite me "h td40 8,b y sd y cdn't make x10 ,i sd to ,ralph4 8,i left ! o!r "py e>ly s ,i cd pay ,emily a visit10 ,ralph answ]$4 8,:y80 ,i ask$ hm4 ,i didn't "u/&4 ,ralph took (f 8 big br[n hat & turn$ to ,emily4 8,i 0 mies ab y4 ,& ,i j cdn't say no to hm40 ,emily turn$ >.d sl[ly & look$ me "r 9 ! eyes4 8,y did ? = me80 %e :isp]$4 ,i j %ru7$4 8,he did10 ,frankie sd4 8,we 7 "!40 ,:at happ5$ next 0 truly amaz+ 9 a creepy k9d ( way4 ,emily ?rew bo? h] >ms >.d me & squeez$ me s h>d1 my eyes popp$ \ a ll bit4 ----------------------------------#abj 8,i love y1 ,hank10 %e sd4 ,i felt l %e 0 wait+ = me to say 8,i love y0 back4 ,luckily ,i didn't h to 2c j at t mo;t1 ,g+] decid$ to sli!r (f ,ralph's >m & re/ h] h1d on ,emily's h1d4 #fa 8,& ,g+] loves y10 ,ralph a#abj sd4 8,i ?9k %e's say+ %e ----------------------------------#aba wants to d a %[4 ,h[ ab x1 kids80 ,"ey"o *e]$ & we all w5t 9to ! liv+ room4 ,if ,g+] 0 tir$ f ! o!r "py1 %e sure didn't %[ x4 ,%e let ea* kid pet h] & didn't ev5 hiss once4 ,at ! 5d ( ! %[1 ,emily got to hold ,g+] & smile 9to h] snakey eyes4 ,i /ood next to ,papa ,pete z he took pictures ( ,emily's b1m+ face4 ,!n he turn$ to me & put a h& on my %\ld]4 8,%e is "o happy girl10 ,papa ,pete sd4 8,y did a gd ?+1 ,hankie40 8,! gd ?+ is t ,ralph ----------------------------------#abb %[$ up10 ,i sd4 8,my magic trick 0 a total flop40 8,don't y 2lieve t10 ,papa ,pete sd4 8,y h ! r1l magic,-& t is yr grt big c>+ he>t4 ,no magic trick c "e b1t t40 ----------------------------------#abc ,i h to say1 x did feel r1lly gd to h help$ ,emily get ! bir?"d "py ( h] dr1ms4 ,i felt pr\d & happy4 a#abc ,t is1 until ,g+] decid$ to give me a kiss6 ,tru/ me1 folks4 ,t 0 a r1l "py 5d]4 ----------------------------------#abd ,,*apt] #ac ,,,?ree ?+s i'd want at ! bir?"d "py ( my dr1ms,' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,my v [n p]sonal robot "nd ,gordon #b4 ,a trampol9e made \ ( pepp]oni pizza #c4 ,a roll] coa/] ) a loop 9 my liv+ room ,i j ?"\ ( ? too3 a c&y-b> cake4 ,oh1 & y're all 9vit$6666666 @.<,! ,5d@.> #fc