,"h's ,,hank ,a ,%ort ,tale ab a ,l;g ,dog ,h5ry ,w9kl] @& ,l9 ,oliv] ,,,illu/rat$ by scott g>rett,' ,9 #a ,volume ,brl ,pages t#a-t#b & #a-#ee ,pr9t ,pages #a-#abd ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org t#a ,text copy"r ^c #bjad by ,h5ry ,w9kl] & ,l9 ,oliv] ,produc;ns1 ,9c4 ,illu/ra;ns copy"r ^c #bjad by ,scott ,g>rett4 ,publi%$ by ,p5gu9 ,"w%op1 an impr9t ( ,p5gu9 ,r&om ,h\se ;,,llc1 #cde ,hudson ,/reet1 ,new ,york1 ,new ,york #ajjad4 ,,isbn #igh-#j-#ddh-#dgiih-#i p5gu94com_/"yr1d]s ,9dya1 ,ace1 & ,lulu,-y all 9spire me4 ,& to ,/acey1 alw,-,,hw ,= ,bronson ,"d ,ba_hor1 = ! happi;s y h br"\ to u all,-,,lo ,= ,jakki1 a true ,,hw fan6,-,,sg ,"h's ,,hank #a ,a ,%ort ,tale ab a ,l;g ,dog ,,*apt] #a 8,hank1 ,i c see t9y bits ( tuna fi% swimm+ >.d on yr t;gue10 my si/]1 ,emily1 sd4 8,!n don't look10 ,i told h]4 8,j li/54 ,my m\? is full ( ^ws t >e try+ to come \40 8,well1 ! tuna fi% is com+ \ ) !m4 ,& x's gross40 ,i put d[n my =k4 ,actually1 ,i 0 look+ = an excuse to ------------------------------------#b put x d[n1 anyway4 ,my mom _h :ipp$ up ano!r "o ( h] h1l?y d9n]s1 : look$ & ta/$ l a sci;e exp]i;t4 ,if y ask me1 tuna fi% & blueb]ries d n 2l;g tgr on ! same plate4 8,2ss1 ,i don't c>e :at y h to say10 ,emily w5t on4 8,ka!r9e 0 "h f/1 & t's t40 ,z %e spoke1 ,i notic$ t h] #a t;gue didn't look s grt ei4 ,x 0 a#b all blue f ! blueb]ries4 ,x look$ l ! 5tire ,smurf family 0 liv+ 9 h] m\?4 8,emily1 h"oy10 my mom cut ------------------------------------#c in1 8,hank has a "r to express 8 op9ion40 8,t's "r10 ,i sd4 8,& my op9ion is t ? family ne$s a pet40 8,we h a pet1 & h] "n is ,ka!r9e10 ,emily snapp$4 8,ka!r9e is an iguana10 ,i answ]$4 8,all %e does is hiss & cat* flies4 ,%e c't ev5 play ball4 ,we ne$ a dog40 ,my dad /opp$ midbite & gave me a look4 8,:o's go+ to take c>e ( ? dog80 he ask$4 8,a pet ne$s to 2 f$ & walk$ & wa%$ & taue h]4 ,z h] "m1 t wd br1k my he>t40 a#d 8,oh1 n[ y're h] "m80 ,i sd4 8,t makes s5se1 actually1 2c y look alike4 ,y bo? h scales on yr feet1 claws on yr h&s1 & l;g1 /icky t;gues t collect 9sects40 8,hank1 t's 5\<10 my mom sd4 ,%e got up & />t$ to ga!r ! di%es4 ------------------------------------#e ,emily got up1 too1 & h1d$ to h] b$room4 ,%e return$ ) ,ka!r9e wrapp$ >.d h] %\ld]s l a sc>f4 8,y're n br++ t liz>d to ! table1 >e y80 ,i compla9$4 ------------------------------------#f 8,%e's a memb] ( ? family1 too10 ,emily told me4 ,! m9ute ,emily sat d[n 9 h] *air1 ,ka!r9e :ipp$ \ h] l;g t;gue & snat*$ ! la/ bite ( my butt]$ roll4 ,x 0 ! "o ?+ ,i want$ to eat4 ,i _h be5 sav+ t bite to dr[n \ ! ta/e ( ! re/ ( d9n]4 ------------------------------------#g 8,hey1 ,ka?y60 ,i holl]$4 8,drop t roll "r n[4 ,x's m9e40 #c ,x 0 too late4 ,! roll _h a#g 4appe>$ 9to h] scaly iguana body4 ,ka!r9e smil$ at me z if to say1 .7,t\< patooties1 kid4.' 8,y see :at ,i m1n1 ,dad80 ,i sd4 8,x's n fair t ,emily c h t liz>d z a pet4 ,%e & h] roll-/1l] hang \ 9 h] room af d9n]4 ,b :at ab me8 ,i'm all al"o 9 my room1 ) no?+ to d40 8,actually1 ,hank10 my dad sd1 8,i 0 ?9k+ we cd d "s spell+ fla% c>ds af d9n]40 ------------------------------------#h 8,no1 ,dad4 ,pl1se1 n ! fla% c>ds ag6 ,!y don't help me4 ,i "k ! ^w "o m9ute1 !n ,i =get x ! next40 8,hank1 y h a spell+ te/ com+ up4 ,don't y want to d well80 he ask$4 ,"! x 0 ag4 ,my dad c h>dly get "? a m1l )\t br++ up s*ool4 ,my grades >5't gd4 ,i "k t4 ,b s*ool is h>d = me4 ,i try to d well1 ,i r1lly d4 ,"ey"o1 especially my dad1 ?9ks ,i don't try h>d 5\<4 ,!y say ,i'm funny & a gd talk] s "!'s no r1son ,i %dn't h bett] grades4 ,i c't #i expla9 x1 ei1 b no matt] h[ h>d ,i try1 my report c>d n"e improves4 8,let's make a d1l1 ,dad10 ,i su7e/$4 8,i'll d ! fla% c>ds4 ,i'll try my h>de/4 ,& if ,i get a gd grade on my te/1 y take me to ! animal %elt]40 8,grt idea10 ,emily sd4 8,& 2 sure to l1ve hm "!40 8,i ?9k we %d li/5 to ,hank10 my mom sd4 8,a * ne$s a goal1 & gett+ a dog is a gd "o40 8,i j want to "k :o's -----------------------------------#aj go+ to cl1n up ! poop10 my dad sd4 8,i'm yr guy1 ,dad10 ,i sd4 8,i'm go+ to get ru2] gloves1 a nose clip1 & a face mask40 ,my dad 0 alr up & h1d+ = ! desk draw] ": he keeps ! fla% c>ds4 ,x's my l1/-favorite draw] 9 ! h\se4 8,s "h's ! agree;t1 ,hank10 he sd z he pull$ \ ! box ( ,dr4 ,sm>ty ,pants ,fun ,) ,spell+ c>ds4 8,if ,i see #e improve;t 9 .1all yr grades1 we a#aj w make t trip to ! animal %elt]40 8,wait a m9ute1 ,dad4 ,i -----------------------------------#aa ?"\ we 7 j talk+ ab my spell+ te/40 8,no1 ,hank4 ,t's n 5\<4 ,i ne$ to see improve;t 9 all yr grades40 8,ev5 ma?80 ,i ask$4 8,absolutely ma?40 8,r1d+1 too80 ,n[ my dad 0 gett+ irritat$4 8,e subject10 he sd4 ,af d9n]1 my dad & ,i sat on ! c\* & op5$ ! box ( fla% c>ds4 ,wdn't y "k x1 ! v f/ ^w on ! v f/ c>d 0 impossible to spell4 ,x 0 .1fr4 ,h[ 0 ,i suppos$ -----------------------------------#ab to "k t ! i came 2f ! ;e8 ,i didn't ev5 "k "! 0 an i 9 ! ^w 9 ! f/ place4 ,i mess$ up ! next ?ree ^ws1 too4 ,okay1 ! next t5 ^ws4 ,h[ 0 ,i go+ to get a dog1 if ,i cdn't ev5 rememb] h[ to spell s* easy ^ws8 ,i didn't h an answ] to t1 s ,i did :at ,i alw d :5 ,i h a problem to solve3 ,i made a li/4 a#ab -------------------------------#ac-#ad ,,*apt] #b ,,,t5 ways i c improve my grades,' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,get a new bra94 #b4 ,borr[ ,emily's bra94 ,x's gd at "ey?+4 #c4 ,move to ! planet ,neptune1 ": ,i'm pretty sure !y don't h report c>ds4 #d4 ,write ! answ]s to ! ma? te/ on ! 9side ( my eyelids4 #e4 ,hang \ ) a h]d ( elephants1 2c elephants n"e =get4 ,maybe _! gd memories w rub (f on me4 -----------------------------------#ae #f4 ,eat m bro3oli4 ,i don't "k if x w help my grades1 b maybe ,i'll gr[ an 9*4 #g4 ,d my home"w z soon z ,i get #g home f s*ool4 a#ae #h4 ,i take numb] sev5 back4 ,i don't want to get too crazy ab ?4 #i4 ,i c't ?9k ( any?+ = numb] n9e4 #aj4 ,i c't ?9k ( a numb] t51 ei4 ,if y h any su7es;ns1 let me "k4 -------------------------------#af-#ag ,,*apt] #c ,exactly "o week af my dad & ,i sp5t ! :ole horrible ev5+ review+ fla% c>ds1 my t1*]1 ,ms4 ,fl[]s1 h&$ back \r spell+ te/s4 8,nice "w1 ,hank10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd z ,i /u6$ ! te/ 9to my notebook4 8,i see r1l improve;t40 .1,improve;t8 ,i qkly pull$ \ ! te/4 ,( ! fifte5 spell+ ^ws1 ,i _h gott5 six "r 9/1d ( my usual two4 -----------------------------------#ah ,? 0 a new ,hank ,zipz] _w record4 8,w[ee z[ee60 ,i yell$4 8,i'm alm a g5ius40 ,frankie ,t[ns5d1 my be/ fr1 r1*$ acr ! aisle & gave me a hi< a#ah five4 8,way to g1 ,hank>ooney10 he sd4 8,yr dad's go+ to 2 happy ) ?40 8,t dog is practically yrs10 ,a%ley ,w;g :isp]$ f h] s1t4 ,a%ley _h j mov$ 9to my build+ & _h qkly 2come be/ frs ) ,frankie & me4 8,! ?ree ( y guys >e pa!tic10 ,nick ,mc,kelty sd4 ,he sits 9 back ( me4 ,:5 -----------------------------------#ai he br1!s1 ,i c feel 8 hot1 /9ky sausage br1? all ov] my neck4 8,six \ ( fifte5 is no?+ to celebrate40 8,p]h y %d keep yr eyes on yr [n pap]1 ,nick10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd1 putt+ 8 te/ d[n on 8 desk4 8,y miss$ half ! ^ws yrf40 ,ms4 ,fl[]s return$ to ! front ( ! class & wrote ! -----------------------------------#bj foll[+ ^ws on ! bo>d3 ,,,sci;e book report due tm4,' ,katie ,sp]l+ groan$4 8,oh no10 %e sd4 8,i'm only #i halfway d"o ) my book on a#bj volcanoes40 8,!n ,i su7e/ y sp5d "s ( recess r1d+10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s told h]4 ,i _h a bi7] problem ?an ,katie ,sp]l+4 ,i _hn't />t$ my book4 ,i _hn't ev5 *eck$ "o \ ( ! libr>y4 ,9 fact1 ,i _h totally =gott5 ab ! assign;t4 ,:5 ! recess bell rang1 ,i w5t up to ,ms4 ,fl[]s's desk4 8,ms4 ,fl[]s1 ,i h a small -----------------------------------#ba problem10 ,i sd1 giv+ h] my be/ smile4 ,i feel t :5 y've got bad news1 y ne$ to %[ a lot ( tee?4 8,:at is x1 ,hank80 8,i =got to *eck a sci;e book \ ( ! libr>y40 -----------------------------------#bb 8,b1 ,hank1 ,i rem9d$ y ?ree "ts t ! book report 0 due tm40 8,yup1 ,i =got t1 too40 8,oh1 ,hank40 ,%e si<$4 8,:at >e we go+ to d ) y8 ,we've _h ? talk 2f40 8,don't worry1 ,ms4 ,fl[]s4 a#bb ,? "t ,i ?9k ,i h a solu;n40 8,well1 y're v cr1tive10 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd4 8,i'll 2 9t]e/$ to see :at x is40 ,i actually didn't h a solu;n4 ,z ,i walk$ \ ( ! classroom1 ,i tri$ to come up ) "o4 ,b no?+ came to me4 ,my m9d j w&]$ >.d l x 0 lo/ 9 a =e/4 ,i 0 ab to give up1 :5 -----------------------------------#bc ,i pass$ ! fif?-grade bullet9 bo>d4 ,at ! top 9 r$ lrs1 x sd1 ,,,%>ks n"e sleep4,' ,sudd5ly1 an idea came to me4 ,x 0 a big idea4 ,& x c]ta9ly wdn't 2 easy to pull (f4 ,i 0 go+ to ne$ help1 t 0 = sure4 ,b all ,i cd ?9k ab 0 h[ m* ,i want$ t dog4 ,i _h to try "ey?+ to get x4 -------------------------------#bd-#be ,,*apt] #d ,i ask$ ,frankie & ,a%ley to meet me 9 \r clubh\se at f\r o'clock4 #aa ,x's n a r1l clubh\se4 ,x's a a#be /oreroom 9 ! base;t ( \r a"p;t build+ ": we hang \4 ,!y >riv$ exactly on "t4 8,okay1 ,hank/]10 ,frankie sd4 8,let's see ? big idea y h40 ,i r1*$ 9to "o ( ! c>dbo>d boxes label$ ,,,summ] vaca;n /uff4,' -----------------------------------#bf ,i pull$ \ a pair ( neon yell[ flipp]s1 a snorkel1 & "s go7les4 ,i put on ! flipp]s & slipp$ ! go7les ov] my face4 8,y look an \t]-space cr1ture10 ,a%ley sd4 ,!n ,i r1*$ 9to a box label$ ,,,emily's baby toys,' & pull$ \ two /u6$ animals4 ,"o 0 a fuzzy purple octopus :o %e us$ to call ,morton4 ,! o!r 0 a creepy-look+ jellyfi% ) ra9b[-color$ t5tacles4 ,i held ,morton 9 "o h& & ! jellyfi% 9 ! o!r4 ,!n ,i /u6$ ! snorkel 9to my m\?4 ,pr\dly1 ,i /rutt$ -----------------------------------#bg back & =? 9 front ( ,frankie & ,a%ley4 8,:at d y ?9k1 guys80 ,i tri$ a#bg to say4 8,huh8 ,i c't "u/& y10 ,frankie answ]$4 ,( c\rse he cdn't4 ,i took ! snorkel \ ( my m\?4 -----------------------------------#bh 8,i'm a %>k10 ,i expla9$1 8swimm+ 9 ! oc1n ) my "uwat] frs4 ,i'm go+ to d my report z ,%>k ,boy4 ,i "k a :ole lot ( sci5tific %>k facts4 ,l1 did y "k t %>ks don't h a s+le b"o 9 _! bodies8 ,& t !y c swim =ty to sixty miles an h\r8 ,& t !y h ?ree f9s80 8,all ( : y >e miss+10 ,frankie po9t$ \4 8,& t's ": y come in10 ,i sd4 8,i ne$ y to help me make "s f9s40 8,oh1 ,i love >t projects60 ,a%ley sd1 jump+ (f ! c\* & h1d+ "r = \r -----------------------------------#bi c>dbo>d boxes4 ,%e ripp$ (f "o ( ! flaps & tore x 9to ! %ape ( a triangle4 8,"h's a f910 %e sd4 #ac 8,i c atta* "s /r+ to tie x a#bi to yr body10 ,frankie sd4 8,& = a r1lly special t\*10 ,a%ley add$1 8,i'll decorate x ) blue & gre5 sp>kly rh9e/"os40 8,easy "!1 ,a%we5a10 ,i sd4 8,%>ks don't sp>kle40 8,!y d if !y want a gd grade10 %e sd4 ,by d9n]"t1 ,i _h ! be/ %>k co/ume ( any second-grad] 9 ,am]ica4 ,maybe ev5 ! _w4 -----------------------------------#cj ,:5 we got to s*ool ! next morn+1 ,ms4 ,fl[]s collect$ "ey"o's sci;e book report4 8,": is yr report1 ,hank80 %e ask$ z %e /ood next to my desk4 8,ms4 ,fl[]s1 y're go+ to h to see x to 2lieve x10 ,frankie told h]4 8,hank's report is alive10 ,a%ley add$4 8,& x's amaz+40 8,amaz+ly -----------------------------------#ca bad1 y m1n10 ,nick ,mc,kelty sd ) a snort4 a#ca 8,x s.ds 9t]e/+ to me10 ,luke ,:itman sd1 tak+ 8 f+] \ ( 8 nose4 ,t f+] sp5ds mo/ ( ! "d 9 "!4 ,ms4 ,fl[]s ?"\ x ov]4 8,okay10 %e sd4 8,:y don't we see :at y've come up )1 ,hank40 ,i took my co/ume & w5t 9to ! hall4 ,a%ley came to help tie on my f9s4 ,:ile ,i 0 slipp+ 9to my flipp]s & mask1 ,frankie w5t to ! front ( ! class to 9troduce me4 8,! subject ( ? book -----------------------------------#cb report is %>ks10 he sd4 8,& n[1 com+ to y direct f ! "usea _w is ,hank ,zipz]1 o!rwise "kn z ,%>k ,boy40 -----------------------------------#cc ,i flopp$ to ! c5t] ( ! classroom4 ,!n ,i turn$ 9 a circle s "ey"o cd get a gd look at ! sp>kly f9 t ,a%ley _h made4 ,i 2gan to recite my %>k facts4 ,:5 ,i saw ! blank looks on "ey"o's faces1 ,i r1liz$ t ,i / _h ! snorkel 9 my m\?4 ,no "o cd "u/& me4 ,x j s.d$ l ,i 0 bl[+ bu2les "uwat]4 #ae ,i took \ ! m\?piece & />t$ a#cb ag4 ,i sd "ey?+ ,i _h le>n$ ab %>ks4 ,:5 ,i 0 f9i%$1 ! :ole class applaud$4 ,well1 "ey"o b y-"k-:o4 ,ms4 ,fl[]s sd no?+ = -----------------------------------#cd :at seem$ to 2 a l;g "t4 ,at la/1 %e spoke4 8,well1 ,hank1 t wasn't exactly ! way ! assign;t 0 suppos$ to 2 d"o40 ,i felt my he>t drop4 ,if %e gave me a bad grade1 ,i 0 n"e go+ to get a dog4 8,b y r1lly knew yr facts10 %e 3t9u$4 8,& y %[$ grt cr1tiv;y4 ,= t1 ,i am go+ to rew>d y40 8,) an ,a80 ,i sd4 8,yes1 ,hank4 ,) an ,a40 ,my e>s cdn't 2lieve :at !y 7 he>+4 ,x 0 my f/ ,a "e 9 my :ole life4 ,i smil$ at ,frankie & ,a%ley & did a huge fi/ pump 9 ! -----------------------------------#ce air4 ,a%ley lau<$4 ,frankie put 8 h&s up l paws & b>k$1 8,b[w[40 ,z = me1 ,i did a happy d.e1 a#ce flipp]s & all4 ,t new dog 0 alm m9e4 -------------------------------#cf-#cg ,,*apt] #e ,! next ,?urs"d1 report c>ds came \4 ,my gr&pa1 ,papa ,pete1 0 pick+ me up at s*ool t "d4 ,i came runn+ \ ! front door1 wav+ ! s1l$ br[n 5velope 9 my h&s4 8,:at y got "!80 ,papa ,pete ask$1 giv+ me "o ( 8 grt big be> hugs4 8,my report c>d10 ,i answ]$4 8,let's hurry home s ,i c %[ x to ,dad40 8,s.ds l y're expect+ -----------------------------------#ch "s gd grades10 ,papa ,pete sd4 8,gett+ a dog r1lly has motivat$ y4 ,i'm pr\d ( y1 ,hankie40 ,usually ,papa ,pete & ,i /op at my mom's deli1 ! ,crun*y ,pickle1 = an af-s*ool snack4 ,b t "d1 ,i want$ to get "r home4 ,! m9ute ,i set foot 9 \r #ag a"p;t1 ,i h&$ ! 5velope to my a#ch dad4 8,h[ did ,i d80 ,i ask$ hm 2f he _h ev5 f9i%$ op5+ x4 8,>e ! ^ws ,8m* improv$,0 go+ to come fly+ \ ( yr m\?80 ,he put 8 glasses on & look$ ov] my report c>d = -----------------------------------#ci :at seem$ to 2 ="e4 8,in a few subjects1 "! 0 slit$ jump+ up & d[n4 8,cool6 ,:5 c we g look at puppies80 ,i 0 s happy ,i 0 practically %\t+4 8,h["e 44410 he w5t on4 ,i hate t ^w1 .1h["e4 ,no?+ gd "e comes af x4 8,h["e1 ,hank1 9 "s important subjects1 s* z r1d+ & ma?1 yr grades h actually slipp$40 ,papa ,pete put 8 h& on my dad's %\ld]4 8,y "k1 ,/an10 he sd1 smil+ t #dj grt smile ( his4 8,i sp5t my life runn+ ! ,crun*y ,pickle4 ,my s&wi*es made a lot ( p happy4 ,& ! tru? is1 ,i _h a h>d "t ) ma?1 too4 ,y le>n to figure \ :at y're gd at4 ,!n y g full-/1m 9 t direc;n40 8,s :at >e y su7e/+ ,pete80 my dad sd4 8,t ,i j let ,hank 2 lazy & get any grade he wants80 8,he's n lazy10 ,papa ,pete sd4 8,let hm prove x to y by %[+ he c take c>e ( a dog40 8,y1h60 ,i exclaim$4 8,dad1 -----------------------------------#da ,i promise y4 ,i w 2 ! be/ dog-tak]-c>e-( p]son 9 ! :ole 5tire sol> sy/em40 ,my dad j sat "!1 scrat*+ 8 h1d4 -----------------------------------#db 8,i h to 4cuss ? ) yr "m10 he sd4 8,grt1 ,i c he> h] 9 ! kit*510 ,i sd4 8,let's g ask h]40 8,y /ay "h1 ,hank4 ,? is an adult deci.n40 #ai 8,!n y c't l1ve \ ,papa a#db ,pete10 ,i sd1 "k+ he wd take my side4 8,he's an adult40 -----------------------------------#dc 8,h be5 = q "s "t n[10 ,papa ,pete sd4 ,papa ,pete w9k$ at me z he foll[$ my dad 9to ! kit*54 ,z = me1 all ,i cd d 0 put my e> ag/ ! kit*5 door & try to he> :at !y 7 say+4 ,i cdn't he> a ^w4 -------------------------------#dd-#de ,,*apt] #f ,,wo( ,i only h "o ?+ to say ab :at happ5$ 9 ! kit*54 ,,,animal %elt]1 "h i come6,' -------------------------------#df-#dg ,,*apt] #g ,:5 we walk$ 9to ! animal %elt] on #heth ,/reet & ,am/]dam1 ,i a#dg he>d b>k+4 ,x 0 l a do7y glee club t 0 \ ( tune4 ,(fic] ,p]ez 0 9 *>ge ( ! %elt]4 ,%e _h lots ( curly hair & look$ a ll l ! ,fr5* poodle 9 cage ?ree4 8,h[ w ,i "k : dog to pick80 ,i ask$ ,(fic] ,p]ez4 -----------------------------------#dh 8,oh1 y'll "k10 %e sd ) a smile4 8,! "r dog w give y a sign4 ,x j happ5s1 l magic40 ,we split up4 ,ea* ( u took a r[4 ,except ,emily4 ,%e refus$ to "picipate4 ,9/1d1 %e j sat by ,(fic] ,p]ez's desk r1d+ h] book1 .7,h[ to ,?9k ,l a ,reptile.'4 ,i />t$ d[n ! middle aisle4 ,"! 7 cages /ack$ two-hi< on bo? sides4 ,ea* cage held a lo/ or ab&on$ dog4 ,i wond]$ : dog 0 go+ to give me a sign4 ,x 0 def9itely n ! ll guy 9 ! f/ cage ,-he 0 completely hair.s except -----------------------------------#di = t9y tufts com+ \ ( 8 e>s4 #ba 8,sorry1 pal10 ,i sd z ,i a#di pass$ by hm4 8,\r family only has "o bald guy1 & t's my uncle ,g>y40 ,i 3t9u$ d[n ! aisle1 look+ 9 e cage4 ,i pass$ a furry ll black dog ) :ite paws & a :ite spot on 8 *e/4 ,8 bottom tee? /uck \ m* f>!r ?an 8 top tee?4 -----------------------------------#ej 8,y >e go+ to ne$ braces10 ,i sd to hm4 ,he didn't lau<4 ,i mov$ on4 ,! dog 9 ! next cage 0 a box]4 ,he drool$ a lot4 ,x look$ l ! ,hudson ,riv] 0 com+ \ ( 8 m\?4 ,if we adopt$ hm1 he wd def9itely ne$ a bib4 ,i pass$ a cage ) ! funnie/-look+ ll dog y've "e se54 ,he look$ l a beige hot dog4 ,he _h a l;g tail b def9itely came up %ort -----------------------------------#ea 9 ! fur de"p;t4 ,& sp1k+ ( %ort1 8 legs 7 s %ort1 "! 0 no room = muscles4 ,i cdn't 2lieve ^? /u2y legs 7 able to hold up t l;g body ( his4 ,by ? "t1 ,i _h look$ at a#ea probably tw5ty dogs4 ,"! wasn't "o t 3nect$ ) me4 ,i turn$ >.d & h1d$ back ! way ,i came4 -----------------------------------#eb ,z ,i pass$ ! cage ) ! beige hot dog ag1 he ran to ! front ( ! cage & sat d[n4 ,i knelt d[n sl[ly4 ,i didn't want to sc>e hm4 ,!n1 he put 8 paw "? ! b>s ( ! cage & held x \ to me4 ,)\t ev5 ?9k+1 ,i took 8 paw4 ,2f y cd say1 8,nice to meet y10 we 7 %ak+ h&s4 -----------------------------------#ec 8,:at'd ,i tell y80 a voice sd 2h me4 ,i turn$ >.d to see ,(fic] ,p]ez smil+ at me4 8,y don't pick !m1 !y pick y40 ,i look$ at ! ll dog1 n"e lett+ g ( 8 paw4 ,he 0 n at all :at ,i _h 9 m9d4 ,b ,i'll tell y ?3 ,:5 a dog gives y a sign1 y h to li/54 8,mom6 ,dad6 ,emily60 ,i #bc holl]$4 8,"h he is6 ,i've f.d a#ec hm40 ,all ?ree ( !m came runn+4 ,emily look$ 9 ! cage & />t$ to lau<4 8,he looks l a corn dog )\t a /ick60 %e hoot$4 -----------------------------------#ed 8,let me take hm \ s y c meet hm10 ,(fic] ,p]ez sd4 8,2f we get c>ri$ away "h10 my dad sd1 8let me rem9d "ey"o t small dogs >e extremely yappy40 8,? ll da*shund is / a puppy10 ,(fic] ,p]ez sd4 8,puppies c 2 tra9$40 ,%e alr _h unlock$ 8 cage & 0 lift+ hm \4 ,%e g5tly plac$ hm on ! floor 9 front ( u4 ,he 0 s happy to 2 free4 ,i "k ? s.ds crazy1 b x r1lly look$ l he 0 smil+ at me4 8,y make me smile1 too10 -----------------------------------#ee ,i sd1 kneel+ d[n "r next to hm4 ,) t1 he />t$ runn+ 9 a circle1 ! way dogs d :5 !y *ase _! tails4 ,he w5t fa/] & fa/]1 until y cdn't see ": 8 h1d /opp$ & 8 tail 2gan4 a#ee -----------------------------------#ef 8,look at hm60 ,i sd1 hold+ my sides & lau<+4 8,he looks l a ,*e]io40 ,no soon] _h ,i sd ^? ^ws1 ?an ! dog /opp$ sp9n+4 ,he look$ up at me & wa7$ 8 l;g tail4 8,y l t "n80 ,i sd to hm4 8,*e]io80 ,he snu7l$ "r 9to my >ms1 lick+ my face l ,i 0 an ice-cr1m c"o4 ,ev5 my dad _h to lau<4 ,& at t mo;t1 ,i knew t ,*e]io wd 2 com+ home ) u4 -------------------------------#eg-#ei ,,*apt] #h ,on ! way home f ! animal %elt]1 we /opp$ at ,pets = ;,u & ,me to buy ,*e]io's supplies4 ,i pick$ \ a food b[l ) a do7y b"o on ! bottom ( x4 ,i got a wat] b[l1 too1 & a neon blue coll>4 ,my dad got a crate & a %eepsk9 mat to put 9side x4 ,*e]io pick$ \ a squ1ky toy %ap$ l a banana4 ,my #be mom >riv$ at ! ca% regi/] c>ry+ a#ei a big -----------------------------------#fj package ( "s?+ call$ wee-wee pads4 8,:at >e ^?80 ,i ask$4 8,i've be5 r1d+ up on h[ to tra9 a puppy4 ,*e]io w h to 2 tra9$ to g to ! ba?room \tside10 %e sd4 8,if he />ts sni6+ or turn+ >.d 9 circles1 !n he probably has to g4 ,& if we're 9side :5 ? happ5s1 we direct hm to ! wee-wee pad4 ,t way1 he'll le>n to j g on ! pad :5 he's 9side ! h\se40 8,ewww10 ,emily groan$4 -----------------------------------#fa 8,y're n putt+ ^? gross ?+s d[n 9 my room4 ,ka!r9e wd hate !m40 8,don't worry10 ,i told h]4 8,*e]io doesn't want to hang \ ) y guys1 anyway4 ,he's n 9t]e/$ 9 wat*+ ,ka!r9e cat* flies40 8,gd10 ,emily sd4 8,2c we're n 9t]e/$ 9 wat*+ hm wee-wee40 ,:5 we got home1 ,*e]io ran >.d & sni6$ ! 5tire a"p;t4 ,he sni6$ e piece ( furniture until he f.d my a#fa dad's slipp]s1 : he keeps tuck$ "u 8 favorite l1!r *air4 8,oh no1 y don't10 my dad -----------------------------------#fb sd1 div+ = 8 slipp]s4 ,b ,*e]io 0 fa/1 & got "o ( !m 9 8 m\? 2f my dad cd r1* x4 8,t's my slipp]10 my dad sd4 8,drop x40 ,*e]io didn't4 ,9 fact1 he bit d[n ev5 h>d]4 ,my dad r1*$ d[n to take ! -----------------------------------#fc slipp] \ ( ,*e]io's m\?4 ,he pull$1 b ,*e]io pull$ h>d]4 ,x 0 a major tug-(-w>4 ,at la/1 ,*e]io let g4 ,my dad flew backw>d & bump$ 9to ! table ": my mom kept h] gr&"m's glass vase4 -----------------------------------#fd .7,cra%6 ,boom6 ,bam6.' ,! vase fell (f ! table & sma%$ 9to a million pieces4 8,n[ look :at y've d"o10 my dad sd to ,*e]io4 8,actually1 ,dad1 y did x10 ,i #bg po9t$ \4 a#fd 8,i c see ? dog is go+ to cause a lot ( tr\ble10 he answ]$1 %ak+ 8 h1d4 ,my mom came 9 f ! kit*5 c>ry+ a broom & a du/pan4 8,*e]io & ,i >e s sorry ab ! vase1 ,mom10 ,i sd4 8,i "k x 0 yr gr&ma's40 8,oh no1 ,hank4 ,gr&ma's vase is 9 ! kit*5 cab9et4 -----------------------------------#fe ,i b"\ t old vase at a y>d sale = fifty c5ts40 ,:ile %e swept up ! mess1 my dad turn$ to ,*e]io1 :o _h no idea he _h d"o any?+ wr;g4 8,don't wag yr tail at me10 my dad sd to hm4 8,if y're to 2 9 ? family1 y h to foll[ ! ,zipz] rules4 ,no slipp] *ew+4 ,no furniture sni6+4 ,is t cle>80 ,*e]io turn$ 8 h1d to "o side1 z if to say1 .7,i h no idea :at y're talk+ ab1 b d y happ5 to h a hamburg] 9 yr pocket8.' 8,& :ile we're at x1 ,hank10 my dad w5t on4 8,"! >e #ff dog-c>e rules = y1 too4 ,i expect y to walk ,*e]io e "d4 ,he m/ alw 2 on a l1%4 ,& y >e to keep 8 wat] b[l full & fe$ hm e "d4 ,^! >e ! responsibilities y assume :5 y get a dog40 8,no problem1 ,dad10 ,i sd4 8,i w 2 ! picture ( responsibil;y1 ,i promise40 ,i lift$ ,*e]io 9to my >ms4 8,let's g to \r room40 8,don't =get to take "o ( ! wee-wee pads10 my mom sd4 8,we don't want ,*e]io hav+ an a3id5t on ! c>pet40 -----------------------------------#fg 8,*e]io says he wd n"e d a ?+ l t1 ,mom40 8,i didn't he> t dog say "o ^w10 ,emily snort$4 8,t's 2c y don't sp1k puppy10 ,i told h]4 8,y only sp1k liz>d40 ,i w5t 9to ! kit*5 & took a wee-wee pad f ! package4 ,tuck+ x "u "o >m1 ,i pick$ up ,*e]io ) ! o!r & h1d$ to my room4 #bi ,once we 7 9side1 ,i put hm a#fg d[n on ! c>pet4 8,okay1 boy1 let's play cat*10 ,i sd4 ,i toss$ ! pad on my b$1 !n w5t to my desk draw] -----------------------------------#fh to look = my p9k ru2] ball4 ,i f.d x & roll$ x acr ! rug4 ,*e]io wat*$ x g by4 ,no?+ mov$ b 8 h1d4 8,g get x1 ,*e]io40 ,he didn't move4 ,he j />$ at me z if to say1 .7,:y wd ,i want to d t8.' 8,s y're n a ballplay]10 ,i sd to hm4 8,t's okay4 ,:at d y want to d 9/1d80 -----------------------------------#fi ,he trott$ ov] to ! corn] ( my room & sni6$ >.d4 8,:at >e y look+ =80 ,i ask$ hm4 ,he answ]$ me by lift+ 8 leg4 ,i ?9k we all "k :at happ5$ next4 8,wait1 ,*e]io4 ,y c't pee "!60 ,i %\t$4 8,y h to g on ! wee-wee pad1 : is 444 oh no 444 on my b$4 ,i =got to put x d[n60 ,*e]io 3t9u$ to g ab 8 busi;s4 #gj ,! puddle spr1d halfway acr my room4 ,z ,i wat*$ x s9k 9to ! c>pet1 ,i _h only "o ?"\ & x 0 ?3 .7,uh-oh1 ,hank ,zipz]1 y >e 9 big tr\ble n[4.' -------------------------------#ga-#gc ,,*apt] #i ,:5 he 0 f9i%$ pee+1 ,*e]io wa7$ 8 tail & look$ at me happily4 ,he _h no idea he _h d"o any?+ wr;g4 8,y wait "h10 ,i sd to hm4 8,i'll g get help40 ,i op5$ ! door & tipto$ 9to ! liv+ room4 8,mom10 ,i :isp]$4 8,i h a ll problem4 ,c ,i talk to y 9 ! kit*58 ,i don't want to 4turb ,dad40 -----------------------------------#gd 8,don't worry ab t1 ,hank10 my dad sd f 8 *air4 8,:at's on yr m9d80 ,i _h no *oice4 ,i took a br1? & 2gan4 8,*e]io pe$ 9 my room10 ,i sd4 8,all ov] ! c>pet40 #ca 8,:at happ5$80 my mom ask$4 a#gd 8,did y =get to put ! wee-wee pad d[n80 my dad ask$ me4 8,i m1nt to put x d[n1 ,dad4 ,my bra9 j didn't rememb]40 8,okay1 ,hank10 he sd ) a si<4 8,i ?9k x's be/ if ,*e]io doesn't sp5d any m "t 9 yr room,-at -----------------------------------#ge l1/ until y c 2 m responsible40 8,b1 ,dad1 x's alm "t = b$4 ,":'s he go+ to sleep80 8,we'll put 8 crate 9 ! kit*51 & he'll sleep "!10 he answ]$4 8,all al"o8 ,he'll 2 s sad40 8,he'll 2 f9e10 my dad sd4 8,t's :at y d :5 y're tra9+ a puppy4 ,& z = y1 ,i 2lieve y h "s cl1nup "w to d 9 yr room40 ,my mom help$ me cl1n ! c>pet ) tons ( pap] t[els & a special spray t wd /op ,*e]io f pee+ -----------------------------------#gf "! ag4 ,:ile we 7 do+ t1 my dad got ,*e]io & put hm 9 8 crate 9 ! kit*54 8,c ,i at l1/ say gd ni ,*e]io cry+ = me4 8,*e]io1 t's 5\<60 my dad yell$4 8,g to sleep40 -----------------------------------#gh ,i lay "! 9 b$1 ?9k+ ( poor ll ,*e]io al"o 9 ! kit*54 ,he 0 "! 2c ( me4 ,if only ,i _h rememb]$ to put d[n t pad1 maybe ,i cd h kept 8 crate 9 my room1 "r next to my b$4 ,i cdn't sleep4 ,li/5+ to #cc ,*e]io cry 0 j too sad4 ,!n ,i a#gh rememb]$ t ! /ore [n] at ,pets = ;,u & ,me _h sd to put a piece ( my clo?+ 9to ,*e]io's crate4 ,if x smell$ l me1 ,*e]io wd feel l ,i 0 "! ) hm4 ,s ,i crept \ ( b$ & pull$ a ,mets sock f ! -----------------------------------#gi dirty-laundry hamp]4 ,i sni6$ x4 ,oh y1h1 t 0 me1 all "r4 ,i tipto$ 9to ! kit*54 ,*e]io 0 ly+ 9 8 crate1 8 ll nose /ick+ "? ! front gate4 ,! m9ute he saw me1 he alm did a backflip4 ,i slid my f+]s z f> z ,i cd 9to 8 crate1 & felt 8 wet t;gue lick+ !m4 ,boy1 t felt gd4 ,*e]io :imp]$ a ll l\d]4 8,i miss y1 too1 puppy10 -----------------------------------#hj ,i sd4 8,"h1 ,i've br"\ "s?+ s y won't 2 s l"oly40 ,i held up my sock = hm to smell4 ,he /uck 8 nose 9to !m & took a big :iff4 ,!n 8 tail />t$ to wag l crazy4 ,he 0 ! only liv+ ?+ on ! a#hj planet :o lik$ ! way my sock smell$4 8,okay1 boy10 ,i :isp]$4 8,i'll j op5 ! door & put x "r next to y4 ,keep v quiet s y don't wake ,dad40 ,z soon z ,i op5$ ! door j a crack1 he %ot \ ( "! l a jet plane4 -----------------------------------#ha 8,*e]io6 ,get back "h60 ,i yell-:isp]$4 ,he didn't li/54 ,he pu%$ op5 ! kit*5 door & 4appe>$4 ,i foll[$ hm z fa/ z ,i cd4 ,i cdn't see hm 9 ! d>k1 b ,i cd he> ! click+ ( 8 toenails on ! wood floor4 ,he 0 runn+ 9 giant circles all >.d ! d9+-room table4 -----------------------------------#hb 8,*e]io1 pl1se don't d ? n[10 ,i sd to hm4 8,y're go+ to get u bo? 9 tr\ble40 ,he n"e /opp$ circl+ ! table = "o second4 ,i tri$ to cat* hm1 b he :izz$ "r by me1 8 e>s flapp+ 2h hm4 ,i ran back 9to ! kit*5 & #ce gra2$ ! bag ( dog tr1ts we _h a#hb b"\ = hm4 ,:5 ,i came back to ! d9+ room1 ,i %ook ! bag z quietly z ,i cd4 8,i h a cookie = y1 ,*e]io10 ,i :isp]$4 ,sudd5ly1 he came scree*+ to a /op "r 9 front ( me4 -----------------------------------#hc ,i ripp$ op5 ! bag & took \ a tr1t4 ,hold+ x 9 front ( 8 nose1 ,i back$ 9to ! kit*54 ,he foll[$1 n"e tak+ 8 eyes (f t cookie4 ,i put x 9side 8 crate next to my sock4 ,he dove 9 & go2l$ d[n t tr1t 9 "o bite4 ,i lock$ ! door z qkly z ,i cd4 ,x 0 r1lly late by !n4 ,i _h to get to b$1 b ,i hat$ to l1ve hm all al"o4 ,i flick$ on ! ,,tv t sits on ! kit*5 c.t]4 8,? w keep y company10 ,i sd1 flipp+ "? ! *annels4 ,i didn't want hm wat*+ ! news,-x 0 too -----------------------------------#hd sc>y4 ,& ! jewelry *annel 0 def9itely too bor+4 ,i f.d "s all-nitoons t he seem$ to l4 8,i love y10 ,i :isp]$ 9to 8 cage4 -----------------------------------#he ,! la/ ?+ ,i he>d z ,i crept back to my b$room 0 a happy ll do7y yawn4 ,i smil$4 ,x felt r1lly gd to "k ,i _h made ,*e]io feel at home4 -------------------------------#hf-#hg ,,*apt] #aj ,! next "d at s*ool1 all ,i ?"\ ab 0 ,*e]io4 ,i'm usually pretty bad ab pay+ att5;n4 ,l :5 ,pr9cipal ,love is talk+ on ! l\dsp1k]1 ,i alw />e at ! cl\ds \tside1 wond]+ if ants cd build a colony 9 !m4 ,af s*ool1 my dad came to pick me up4 ,:5 ,i saw hm1 ,i 0 totally surpris$4 ,he 0 hold+ a l1%1 & at ! 5d ( x 0 my new dog4 -----------------------------------#hh 8,*e]io60 ,i call$ \4 8,hey1 is t yr dog80 ,nick #cg ,mc,kelty sd z he tripp$ d[n ! a#hh front /eps4 8,he's r1lly %ort40 8,b v cute10 ,katie ,sp]l+ sd4 ,katie has lov$ animals "e s9ce we 7 9 pres*ool4 ,"ey"o want$ a *.e to pet hm1 b all ,*e]io want$ 0 to see me4 ,he tu7$ on ! l1% & /ood up on 8 h9d legs1 pant+4 ,i ran to hm & knelt d[n1 -----------------------------------#hi lett+ hm kiss me all ov] my face4 8,tak+ ,*e]io on a walk tgr 0 a grt idea1 ,dad10 ,i sd4 8,:y don't we take hm to ! p>k8 ,! fre% air w 2 gd = all ( u40 8,y miticle t says ex]cise c %>p5 ! m9d40 ,my dad has a way ( mak+ "ey?+ fun seem l a life lesson4 ,b ,i didn't c>e4 ,i 0 gett+ p>k "t ) ,*e]io4 ,i cdn't wait to see :at he'd ?9k ( all t grass4 ,we walk$ d[n #ghth ,/reet all ! way to ,riv]side ,p>k4 ,! m9ute ,*e]io saw ! grass1 he #ij took (f runn+4 ,i 0 hold+ ! l1%1 & he practically pull$ me (f my feet4 ,"! 7 s _m new ?+s = hm to explore4 ,he cdn't decide :at to d f/4 ,he ran to ! rocks & sni6$ all >.d !m4 ,he ran to ! tree & sni6$ "s m4 ,:5 he f.d a fire hydrant1 ,i ?"\ 8 nose 0 go+ to fall (f f ov]-sni6+4 ,we h1d$ t[>d ! basketball c\rts4 8,oh1 look :o's "! %oot+ "s hoops10 my dad sd4 8,isn't t boy 9 yr class8 ,he's ) 8 "f1 -----------------------------------#ia :o j b"\ ! b[l+ alley on ,eit sank d[n to my knees4 ,"! 0 ,nick ,mc,kelty1 %oot+ baskets ) 8 dad4 ,nick 0 ! la/ p]son ,i want$ to see "r n[4 -----------------------------------#ib 8,let's g say hello10 my dad su7e/$4 8,let's n & say we did40 8,well1 ,i'm go+ to say #ci hello10 my dad sd4 8,a man ) a a#ib new b[l+ alley is go+ to ne$ "s help ) 8 comput]s4 ,&1 mi*$ up to ,mr4 ,mc,kelty & 9troduc$ hmf4 ,"r away1 !y />t$ talk+ ab busi;s4 ,i don't "k :y gr[n-ups alw d t4 ,t left me & ,nick ,mc,kelty />+ at ea* o!r ) no?+ to say4 -----------------------------------#ic 8,yr dog looks l a hot dog10 ,mc,kelty sne]$4 ,*e]io j wa7$ 8 tail happily4 ,i guess "s puppies don't "k a j]k :5 !y see "o4 8,i bet he feels l "o1 too10 ,mc,kelty add$4 ,!n he b5t d[n to t\* ,*e]io4 ,b 9/1d ( pett+ hm1 he unhook$ 8 l1% f 8 coll>6 ,*e]io took (f runn+4 -----------------------------------#id 8,come back1 ,*e]io60 ,i yell$ z he *as$ a fat gray squirrel >.d ! p>k4 ,b ,*e]io wasn't 9t]e/$ 9 li/5+4 ,all he 0 ?9k+ ab 0 cat*+ t a#id squirrel4 8,hank60 my "f call$ \4 8,get yr dog60 ,i w5t af hm1 b ,i cdn't cat* hm4 ,no matt] : direc;n ,i w5t1 ,*e]io ran ! opposite way4 ,to hm1 x 0 a game4 ,mc,kelty j /ood "! lau<+ 8 h1d (f4 8,y >e s* a los]1 ,zipp]too?10 he sd "u 8 br1? z ,i ran by hm = ! fif? "t4 -----------------------------------#ie ,my dad jo9$ 9 ! *ase4 ,he ran af ,*e]io1 b he didn't h any m su3ess ?an ,i did4 ,a mom pu%+ a /roll] /epp$ \ ( ! way s he cd run by h]4 ,two ll kids on ! sw+s j po9t$ & lau<$4 ,*e]io n"e got tir$4 ,f9ally1 he /opp$ "r next to ! f.ta9 to cat* 8 br1?4 ,pant+ h>d1 he look$ up at ! /atue 9 ! middle ( x4 ,x's a /atue ( a man on a horse4 ,i ?9k ,*e]io ?"\ he cd play ) ! horse1 2c he jump$ "r 9to ! f.ta94 8,n[ ,i've got y corn]$60 #da my dad yell$4 ,& ) t1 he jump$ #if 9to ! f.ta91 too1 %oes & all4 ,a t\ri/ ) a cam]a /opp$ tak+ pictures ( 8 wife & />t$ %oot+ pictures ( my dad4 8,^! ,new ,york]s "k h[ to h fun10 ,i he>d hm say4 -----------------------------------#ig ,*e]io j spla%$ >.d 9 ! %all[ wat]4 ,he 0 hav+ ! be/ "t4 ,my dad 0 n4 ,) e /ep1 he spla%$ hmf m & m1 until he 0 dripp+ wet4 ,ev5 ! me*anical p5cils 9 8 %irt pocket got soak$4 8,? is x1 buddy60 he ro>$ at ,*e]io4 8,yr play"t is ov]60 -----------------------------------#ih ,he plung$ 9to ! wat]4 ,:5 he came up = air1 he 0 hold+ two ?+s4 ,*e]io 0 9 "o h&1 & a l>ge goldfi% 0 9 ! o!r4 8,hey1 ,dad1 y're q a fi%]man10 ,i call$ \4 ,my "f did n crack a smile4 ,8 face 0 purple ) -----------------------------------#ii ang]4 ,he climb$ \ ( ! f.ta9 & put ,*e]io back on 8 l1%4 8,come on1 ,hank10 he gr[l$4 a#ii 8,i h to get \ ( ^! wet clo!s40 8,dad1 j let me expla9 :at happ5$10 ,i sd4 8,n n[1 ,hank4 ,y've gott5 9to 5 tr\ble = "o "d40 ,we walk$ home 9 total sil;e4 ,ev5 ,*e]io knew n to make a peep4 ,:5 we r1*$ ,broadway & #ghth ,/reet1 ,i tri$ to />t a 3v]sa;n4 8,y're %iv]+1 ,dad10 ,i sd4 8,d y want to borr[ my jacket8 ----------------------------------#ajj 8,x's a ll small1 b y cd we> x z a sc>f10 ,i 3t9u$4 ,ag1 no answ]4 ,9 fact1 he didn't sp1k until we got to ! elevator 9 \r build+4 ,!n he turn$ to me & sd ! s5t;e ,i 0 hop+ he wdn't say4 8,? ,8adv5ture,0 proves t y >e n r1dy to take c>e ( a dog10 he sd4 8,i specifically told y t y 7 to keep ,*e]io on ! l1% at all "ts4 ,& yet1 y cdn't foll[ ev5 t simple rule40 #dc 8,b x wasn't my fault1 a#ajj ,dad40 ----------------------------------#aja 8,n ano!r ^w1 ,hank4 ,? dog is go+ back to ! animal %elt]40 8,no1 ,dad6 ,pl1se6 ,no60 ,i 0 try+ z h>d z ,i cd n to cry4 8,hank1 t is my deci.n10 he sd4 8,5d ( /ory40 -----------------------------#ajb-#ajc ,,*apt] #aa ,:5 we got home1 ! f/ ?+ my dad did 0 put ,*e]io 9 8 crate4 ,!n he took a %[] to wa% (f ! f.ta9 wat]4 ,af he put on "s dry clo!s1 he came 9to ! liv+ room4 8,dad10 ,i sd4 ,i _h be5 wait+ = hm4 8,y've got to give ,*e]io ano!r *.e4 ,pl1se40 ,he didn't answ]1 j walk$ ----------------------------------#ajd 9to ! d9+ room4 ,i foll[$ "r 2h hm4 8,i've only "kn hm = "o "d1 ,dad1 & he's alr my be/ fr10 ,i pl1d$4 a#ajd 8,!n y %d h tak5 bett] c>e ( hm10 my dad sd4 8,lett+ hm (f ! l1% 0 v dang]\s = hm40 8,b1 ,dad 4440 ,he pick$ up 8 ph"o & turn$ 8 back to me4 8,y're n call+ ! animal %elt]1 >e y1 ,dad80 ,i ask$ n]v\sly4 8,n yet10 he answ]$4 8,gd10 ,i sd4 8,!n >e y call+ = a pizza80 8,hank1 ,i'm call+ to 9vite ----------------------------------#aje ,rick ,mc,kelty ov]10 he sd4 8,yr dog 9t]rupt$ a v important busi;s 3v]sa;n t we h to f9i%4 ,i'll call ! animal %elt] 9 ! morn+40 ,i li/5$ z he >rang$ = ,mr4 ,mc,kelty to come ov]4 ,i hop$ t af _! 3v]sa;n1 ,i'd h ano!r *.e to *ange my dad's m9d4 ,i w5t 9to my room & ?rew myf onto my b$4 ,:5 ,i ?"\ ab los+ ,*e]io1 ,i cdn't hold 9 my te>s any l;g]4 #de ,i cri$ s m* t my pill[ got a#aje soak+ wet4 ,i don't "k h[ l;g ,i lay ----------------------------------#ajf "! cry+4 ,f9ally1 ,i got up & blew my nose ab tw5ty "ts4 ,!n ,i call$ ,frankie to talk ov] ! situa;n1 b 8 mom sd he 0 \ at 8 k>ate lesson4 ,i call$ ,a%ley4 ,:5 ,i got a record+ say+1 8,! ,w;gs >5't available to take yr call10 ,i hung up )\t ev5 l1v+ a message4 ,!n ,i tri$ call+ ,papa ,pete4 ----------------------------------#ajg ,he wasn't home1 ei4 ,": 0 "ey"o :5 ,i ne$$ !m ! mo/8 ,i he>d ! 9t]com buzz] r++ 9 ! liv+ room4 8,hank60 my "f call$4 8,t m/ 2 ,rick ,mc,kelty4 ,pl1se buzz hm in4 ,tell hm ,i'm j pr9t+ \ a few pap]s = u to g ov]40 ,! buzz] rang ag4 8,hank60 my "f call$4 8,d x n[60 ,i w5t 9to ! liv+ room & spoke 9to ! 9t]com4 a#ajg 8,come on up10 ,i sd1 my nose s.d+ all /u6y4 8,t5? floor40 ,:5 ,rick ,mc,kelty /epp$ ----------------------------------#ajh \ ( ! elevator a few m9utes lat]1 he 0 n al"o4 ,by 8 side 0 8 tr\blemak] son4 8,my dad's "h to hire yr dad10 ,nick ! ,tick sd1 a smirk pla/]$ acr 8 l>ge face4 ,!n he walk$ "r pa/ me & 9to \r liv+ room4 8,":'s yr /upid dog80 he ask$ me4 8,he's lock$ 9 8 crate4 ,& !n he's go+ back to ! %elt]1 ?anks to y40 ----------------------------------#aji ,\r dads _h alr sat d[n at ! d9+-room table to talk1 busi;s4 8,yr h\se is bor+10 ,mc,kelty sd4 8,don't y h any?+ fun to d "h80 ,j !n1 ,emily came \ ( h] room1 we>+ ,ka!r9e >.d h] neck l a sc>f ag4 ,mc,kelty's eyes grew wide at ! sid fr80 he sd to ,emily4 8,%e's n a liz>d10 ,emily told #dg hm4 8,%e's a v s5sitive a#aji iguana4 ,s pl1se keep yr voice d[n40 ----------------------------------#aaj 8,excuse me = br1?+10 ,nick sd4 ,! ?ree ( u j /ood "! 9 sil;e4 ,i cd he> ,*e]io :imp]+ 2h ! kit*5 door4 8,yr dog is cry+ l a baby10 ,mc,kelty sd4 8,:at's 8 problem80 8,*e]io is 2+ puni%$10 ,emily sd4 8,he wdn't /ay on 8 l1% 9 ! p>k40 8,t's 2c ,i unhook$ x40 ,mc,kelty snick]$4 8,:y wd y d t80 ,emily ask$4 8,seem$ l x wd 2 fun10 ! big creep answ]$4 ----------------------------------#aaa 8,i want$ to see h[ m* tr\ble yr bro!r's %ort-le7$ runt cd cause40 8,? is :at ,i've be5 try+ to expla9 to ,dad10 ,i told ,emily4 8,:at happ5$ 9 ! p>k wasn't my fault4 ,& x sure wasn't ,*e]io's40 ,emily :irl$ >.d s fa/ t h] braids :ipp$ me 9 ! face4 ,)\t a ^w1 %e /orm$ 9to ! d9+ room4 ,poor ,ka!r9e ne>ly fell (f h] %\ld]s4 ,h] ll a#aaa claws _h to "w ov]"t j to hang on4 8,dad60 ,emily sd1 putt+ h]f "r 9 front ( 8 face4 ----------------------------------#aab 8,n n[1 ,emily10 ,dad sd4 8,i am hav+ a busi;s meet+40 8,b1 ,dad1 y h to he> ?4 ,x c't wait40 ,my dad turn$ to ,rick ,mc,kelty4 8,i'm sorry = ! 9t]rup;n10 he sd4 ,!n1 turn+ to ,emily1 he ask$1 8,n[1 .1:at is s important80 8,y "k ,ka!r9e & ,i ----------------------------------#aac >e n fans ( ,*e]io10 %e sd4 8,b fair is fair40 8,emily1 we c 4cuss ! dog af ! ,mc,keltys l1ve10 he sd 9 a l[ voice4 8,mr4 ,mc,kelty %d he> ? too10 %e told hm4 8,x wasn't ,hank :o let ,*e]io (f ! l1%4 ,x 0 ,nick4 ,he did x j to 2 m1n4 ,& he admitt$ x "r "! 9 ! liv+ room4 ,didn't he1 ,ka!r9e80 ,ka!r9e %ot \ h] t;gue & #di hiss$4 a#aac 8,y see80 ,emily sd4 8,ka!r9e n"e lies40 ,i felt l ,i ne$$ to wa% \ my e>s4 ,i cdn't 2lieve :at ,i 0 he>+4 ,emily1 ! ----------------------------------#aad "o :o n"e want$ ,*e]io 9 ! f/ place1 0 com+ to 8 rescue4 ,ev5 ,ka!r9e 0 def5d+ hm4 ,i n"e r1liz$ :at a grt reptile %e was4 8,nick10 ,mr4 ,mc,kelty sd1 8is ? true80 8,:at's ! big d1l1 ,dad80 ,mc,kelty answ]$4 8,i ?"\ ! dog ne$$ "s ex]cise40 8,nick1 t's n a deci.n = y to make40 ,8 dad s.d$ angry4 8,t pet does n 2l;g to y40 ,rick ,mc,kelty /ood up & collect$ 8 pap]s f ! table4 8,/an10 he sd1 8we'll 3t9ue \r busi;s at ano!r ----------------------------------#aae "t4 ,"r n[1 ,i'm tak+ ,nick home4 ,he & ,i >e go+ to h a s]i\s a#aae 3v]sa;n40 ,"o ?+ ,i "k = sure4 ,:5 yr mom or dad says !y're go+ to h a s]i\s 3v]sa;n ) y1 no?+ gd happ5s4 ,i fla%$ ,nick my be/ ,zipz] smile4 8,5joy yr *at10 ,i :isp]$4 ,:5 !y 7 g"o1 ,i turn$ to my dad4 8,hank1 ,i [e y an apology10 he sd4 ,i %ook my h1d to make sure ,i wasn't we>+ "s"o else's e>s4 ,b !y 7 m9e1 all "r4 ----------------------------------#aaf 8,y tri$ to tell me ! tru? ab :at happ5$ 9 ! p>k10 he w5t on4 8,& ,i didn't li/54 ,i ?"\ ,i knew :at _h happ5$1 b ,i 0 wr;g4 ,i %dn't h blam$ y until ,i _h ! facts4 ,i'm sorry1 ,hank40 ,i ran to my dad & ?rew my >ms >.d 8 neck4 8,i am s happy "r n[1 ,i cd scr1m10 ,i sd4 ,& !n ,i did4 8,s does ? m1n we c keep ,*e]io80 ,i ask$ hm4 #ea 8,? m1ns y h to 3t9ue to /ep a#aaf up to ! plate10 he answ]$4 ,:at 0 he talk+ ab8 ----------------------------------#aag ,i don't ev5 play baseball4 8,*e]io c /ay10 he expla9$1 8b only if ,i 3t9ue to see improve;t 9 yr grades4 ,t 0 \r agree;t4 ,rememb]1 ,i sd all yr grades _h to improve1 n j a few4 ,t 0 ! d1l1 & ,i expect y to keep x40 ,to me1 t s.d$ l a yes4 -----------------------------#aah-#aai ,,*apt] #ab ,i ask$ my mom to make sure %e 0 home at exactly six ?irty4 ,i 9vit$ ,papa ,pete1 ,frankie1 & ,a%ley ov]1 too4 ,!y all >riv$ on "t4 ,i ask$ "ey"o to sit on ! liv+-room floor 9 a big circle4 ,i didn't ev5 object :5 ,emily br"\ ,ka!r9e4 ,i want$ all my family & frs "!4 ,af ! :ole gr\p 0 ga!r$1 ,i w5t 9to my room a#aai ----------------------------------#abj to get ,*e]io4 ,i pick$ hm up & put hm on my pill[4 ,!n ,i c>ri$ hm 9to ! liv+ room & plac$ ! pill[ 9 ! c5t] ( ! circle4 8,i h ga!r$ "ey"o tgr "h to welcome ,*e]io 9to \r family10 ,i ann\nc$4 ,!n ,i pick$ up ! piece ( pap] ,i _h decorat$ :ile ,i 0 wait+ = "ey"o to come ov]4 ,x 0 ,*e]io's (ficial bir? c]tificate4 ,i cle>$ my ?roat & r1d al\d4 8,? pap] says t ,*e]io f9ally has a la/ "n10 ,i r1d4 8,f ? "d =?1 he % 2 "kn z ,*e]io ;,s4 ,zipz]40 ----------------------------------#aba 8,:at's ! ;,s =80 ,emily ask$4 8,sup]dog10 ,i answ]$4 8,cool "n60 ,frankie nodd$4 8,n[ all he ne$s is a ,sup]dog cape10 ,papa ,pete sd4 8,) rh9e/"os10 ,a%ley add$4 ,my mom lau<$1 & "ey"o else jo9$ in4 ,i ?9k ,i saw my dad alm smile4 #ec ,we celebrat$ ) milk & a#aba cookies4 ,:ile ,i 0 f9i%+ my favorite black-&-:ite cookie1 my dad pick$ up ,*e]io's bir? c]tificate4 ----------------------------------#abb 8,hank10 he po9t$ \1 8y've spell$ .1,*e]io wr;g4 ,"! >e two ,es 9 8 "n4 ,y'll h to rewrite ?40 ,he h&$ ! pap] back to me4 8,sorry1 ,*e]io10 ,i sd4 8,i'm n ! be/ spell] 9 ! _w40 ,he didn't c>e4 ,he snat*$ ! pap] \ ( my h& & took a big bite \ ( x4 ,!n ) "ey"o wat*+1 he did 8 crazy sp94 ,i'm pretty sure he ----------------------------------#abc 0 tell+ u all h[ happy he 0 to 2 a ,zipz]4 8,t dog is crazy10 ,emily sd4 8,crazy happy10 ,i answ]$4 8,j l me40 ,,*apt] #ac #abd ,,,! ?ree cute/ ?+s my dog1 *e]io1 does,' ,,,by hank zipz],' #a4 ,absolutely "ey?+4 ,"! is no #b & #c4 @.<,! ,5d@.> #ee