,,,na;nal geographic^t kids,' ,,septemb] #bjag ,,issue #dgc ,9 #a ,volume ,$itor 9 ,*ief & ,vice ,presid5t1 ,kids ,magaz9es @& ,digital ,ra*el ,bu*holz ,(fice ,address3 ,,,p4o4 box #fbace tampa1 fl,' #ccffb-#bace http3_/_/kids4na;nalgeographic4com_/ ,sponsor$ & ,pres5t$ by3 ,am]ican ,ac;n ,fund = ,bl ,*n & ,adults #ahjj ,johnson ,/reet ,baltimore1 ,m>yl& #babcj www4ac;nfund4org ,produc$ at ,na;nal ,brl ,press www4nbp4org ,,,na;nal geographic kids " is publi%$ t5 "ts a ye> by ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc1 ,wa%+ton1 ,,dc #bjjcf4 ,= m 9=ma;n 3tact natgeo4com_/9fo4 ,! submis.n ( photographs & o!r mat]ial to ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' is d"o at ! risk ( ! s5d]2 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' _c a3ept liabil;y = loss or damage4 ,copy"r ^c #bjag ,na;nal ,geographic ,"pn]s1 ;,,llc4 ,all "rs res]v$4 ,reproduc;n ( ! :ole or any "p ( ! 3t5ts ( ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' )\t writt5 p]mis.n is prohibit$4 ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' & ,yell[ ,bord]3 ,regi/]$ ,tradem>ks ^r ,m>cas ,regi/radas4 ,pr9t$ 9 ! ,u4,s4,a4 ,,issue #dgc ,transcrib$ 9 ,ji6y-,brl by #c ,na;nal ,brl ,press ,9c41 #hh ,st4 ,/eph5 ,/reet1 ,bo/on1 ,,ma #jbaae4 ,! ,ji6y-,brl process bypasses pro(r1d+ 9 ord] to provide a qk & less exp5sive s]vice4 ,"! w 2 o3a.nal ]rors b !y %d n significantly a6ect r1d+4 ,if !y d1 we wd appreciate 2+ notifi$4 ,9 ,? ,issue ,special ,jungle ,issue ,2f kick+ (f yr t\r ( ra9 =e/s >.d ! _w1 f9d \ : ra9 =e/ animal y mo/ resemble on ^1page ^1#bj4 ,weird ,b ,true6 """""""""""""""""" #f ,gu9;s ,_w ,records """"""""""""""" #g ,:at ,wd ,happ58 """""""""""""""""" #h ,extreme ,weird;s """""""""""""""" #aj ,de/9a;n ,space """""""""""""""""" #aa ,all ,ab ,m"oy """"""""""""""""""" #ac ,hi/ory's ,grte/ ,hits """"""""""" #ad ,bet ,y ,didn't ,"k """""""""""""" #af ,amaz+ ,animals """""""""""""""""" #ag ,surprise ,"py6 """""""""""""""""" #be ,r$-ey$ tree frogs a/oni% o!rs ) _! weird 2havior4 ,/"o ,=e/ """""""""""""""""""""""" #ca ,razor-%>p t[]s >e home to "s s]i\sly /range species4 ,slo? ,be> ,rescue """"""""""""""" #ce ,meet an 9jur$ cub t makes a comeback ) help f devot$ keep]s4 #e #cj ,cool ,?+s ,ab ,ra9 ,=e/ ,cultures """""""""""""""""""" #ci ,*eck \ ! amaz+ >t1 hi/ory1 & 3tribu;ns f p :o live 9 ! jungle4 ,rebel ,p5gu9s """"""""""""""""""" #dc ,ice is nice1 b ^! birds pref] life 9 ! ra9 =e/4 ,d>e to ,explore """"""""""""""""" #dg ,want to 2 a jungle adv5tur]8 ,?ree ,nat ,geo explor]s %[ y :at x takes4 ,wild ,cat ,academy """""""""""""" #eb ,jagu>undi moms t1* _! kitt5s impressive hunt+ skills4 ,fun ,/uff """"""""""""""""""""""" #ef ,weird ,b ,true6 ,,,by j1nnette swa9 & av]y elizabe? hurt,' ,*eck \ ^! \trage\s facts4 ,,,only ab #aj p]c5t ( ! popula;n is left-h&$4,' ,,,snakes once _h legs4,' ,"s or*ids smell l human body odor to attract mosquitoes t poll9ate !m4 ,! olde/ pieces ( pap] 9 ! _w >e #d1fjj ye>s old4 ,newborn hippos c wei< ! same z #bb bricks4 ,sci5ti/s ?9k t ,jupit] bump$ a planet \ ( \r sol> sy/em #d billion ye>s ago4 ,! l& >ea ( ! ,riyadh1 ,saudi ,>abia1 airport is twice z big z ! c;y ( ,wa%+ton1 ,d4,c4 ,sci5ti/s f.d %>ks liv+ 9 an "uwat] volcano4 ,,,! hairs on raspb]ries >e call$ /yles4,' 333333333333 ,,,a/oni%+ /ories f ! files #g (,' ,gu9;s ,_w ,records ,,,by kitson jazynka,' ,,bird ,,bra9 ,skipp] ,blue is r++ 9 a victory,-! macaw holds ! record = plac+ ! mo/ r+s >.d a t>get 9 "o m9ute4 ,= weeks ! p>rot practic$ pick+ up small1 pla/ic r+s ) h] b1k & dropp+ !m ov] a wood5 & metal pole4 ,!n dur+ ! record attempt ,skipp] ,blue plopp$ #ai r+s >.d ! t>get4 ,nobody c a3use ? bird ( w++ x4 ,,hi< ,,tea ,h[ f> w a man g to dunk a cookie 9to a mug ( tea8 ,ne>ly #bej feet6 ,5gl&'s ,simon ,b]ry is ! record hold] = hi+ bungee-jump+ ge>1 ,b]ry dove (f a plat=m ne>ly #bej feet 9 ! air t[>d a cup ( tea on ! gr.d4 ,j z he approa*$ ! cup1 he /ret*$ \ 8 >m & dipp$ a cookie 9to ! mug4 ,talk ab mak+ a spla%4 ,,puzzle ,,p ,jigsaw puzzle pieces come 9 _m di6]5t %apes & colors4 ,? "o's p9k,-& made up ( p6 ,ne>ly #eej employees ( a company 9 ,g]_m1 mo/ we>+ p9k sw1t%irts1 ga!r$ to br1k ! record = l>ge/ human jigsaw puzzle piece4 ,to %[ p ": to /&1 organiz]s drew ! jigsaw piece's %ape 9 ! grass4 ,!n ! puzzle "picipants took _! places4 ,way to keep x tgr4 333333333333 ,:at ,wd ,happ58 ,,,by crisp9 boy],' ,,,>t by joe ro3o,' ,:at wd happ5 if ,e>?'s 3t95ts _h n"e brok5 a"p8 ,x'd 2 a bad br1k = humans4 ,>.d #bjj million ye>s ago1 ,e>? _h j "o giant l&mass call$ ,pangaea4 ,ov] "t ! move;t ( l>ge plates t make up ! \t] lay] ( ,e>?'s cru/ broke ,pangaea 9to s"eal 3t95ts1 : sl[ly drift$ to _! curr5t loca;ns4 ,if ,e>?'s l& _h /ay$ "o big 3t95t1 moi/ure f ! oc1n wd dry 2f r1*+ ! >ea's va/ 9t]ior1 likely mak+ x des]t-l4 ,reptiles (t5 ?rive 9 dry 3di;ns4 ,s if ,pangaea / exi/$1 x mids6 ,:at wd happ5 if y [n$ an #i 9visibil;y cloak8 ,sci5ti/s >e actually rese>*+ :e!r x's possible to manufacture 9visible mat]ials t c 2 us$ to cr1te objects6 ,t m1ns 9visibil;y cloaks mi ! cloaks to eavesdrop on 5emies1 & soldi]s wd use !m to laun* sn1k attacks4 ,b ! cloak's mat]ial cd al save 5]gy,-& lives4 ,x mi5t mode0 dur+ ! "d to let 9 li gloves made ) ! fabric to see "? _! h&s z !y op]ate on pati5ts4 ,n[ t's cle>ly cool4 ,:at wd happ5 if humans 7 nocturnal8 ,? is eye-op5+3 ,"s sci5ti/s ?9k nocturnal humans,-m1n+ y're active at nig$ peep]s wd take 9 m li dim r ?an sup]-d>k4 ,yr he>+ & smell+ abilities mip]1 s9ce yr s5se ( sig] eyes4 ,) ^! traits1 y'd d j f9e z a p]man5t ni.d ! ,,_w ,,,by allyson %aw,' ,,froz5 ,,food ,,:at ,*illy *ili-eat+ 3te/ ,,": ,hangzh\1 ,*9a ,,details ,hot or cold8 ,h[ ab bo?6 ,"picipants 9 ? 3te/ tri$ to eat z _m hot pepp]s z !y cd,-:ile sitt+ 9 b>rels ( ice wat]4 ,! w9n] ate #fb pepp]s 9 ?ree m9utes & e>n$ a gold b> z 8 trophy4 ,bet he'll n"e ord] hot sauce ag4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,next "t i'm do+ a pie-eat+ 3te/4,' ,,sunba?+ ,,potatoes ,,:at ,tat] >t ,,": ,b]l91 ,g]_m #aa ,,details ,^! >5't c\* potatoes,-!y're .1b1* potatoes6 ,an >ti/ fitt$ ! ve7ies ) t9y pla/ic sunglasses1 !n plac$ !m "u m9i pap] umbrellas on a b1*-l pat* ( dirt4 ,talk ab an a-.1peel.'-9g >t project4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,i'm gett+ fri$6,' 333333333333 ,,de/9a;n ,,space ,,,by /ephanie w>r5 drimm],' ,? planet is ne>ly ?ree "ts old] ?an ,e>?4 ^1,de/9a;n ,,psr ,b#afbj-#bf;b ^1,loca;n ,! 3/ella;n ,scorpius ^1,4t.e #g1bjj lis f ,e>? ^7,"t to r1*^' #aie million ye>s ^1,w1!r ,m9us #cej^j,f ,,,grt-grt gr&pa planet,' ,y're float+ abv "o ( ! mo/ extraord9>y planets y've "e visit$3 ,,psr ,b#afbj-#bf;b4 ,x doesn't .1look "picul>ly unusual,-x's a giant gas planet simil> to ,jupit]4 ,b x 0 8born0 ab #ac billion ye>s ago & is ! olde/ planet "e 4cov]$4 ,9 fact x's ne>ly z old z ! univ]se xf6 ,y posi;n yr spacecraft to get a view ( ! pair ( suns ris+ ov] ! planet's horizon4 ,,psr ,b#afbj-#bf;b didn't alw h si/] suns4 ,= #aj billion ye>s ? planet circl$ a s+le yell[ sun4 ,b !n "o ( ! planet's nei,-explod$ 9 a blaze ( li call$ a neutron />4 ,neutron />s >e small1 b !y h /r;g gravita;nal pulls4 ,? neutron />'s gravita;nal pull 0 s mi got extremely close to xs new si/] sun4 ,xs 9t5se h1t peel$ away at ! yell[ />'s \t] lay]s until ! orig9al /> _h %runk 9to a :ite dw>f />4 ,,psr ,b#afbj-#bf;b is s f> f xs d\ble suns t x takes ! planet approximately a c5tury to orbit !m4 ,f ": y're float+ abv ! planet n[1 ! suns >e j p9po9ts ( li eclipse,' ,look skyw>d "<:ile we>+ protective glasses6"> on ,augu/ #ba1 #bjag1 & y'll likely see a spectacul> si eclipse4 ,? ev5t happ5s :5 ! moon l9es up exactly 2t ! sun & ,e>?4 ,x blocks ! sun's lik5s ! sky4 ,p acr "ps ( ! ,unit$ ,/ates /ret*+ f ,oregon to ! ,c>ol9as w 2 9 ! be/ posi;n to see ! eclipse,-! f/ "o visible f ! c.try 9 f\r decades4 333333333333 ,,all ,ab ,,m"oy6 ,,,by kri/9 baird ratt9i,' ,,ac to "s ,,,p1 canada's @s#ajj banknote,' gives (f ! sc5t ( ,,maple ,,syrup4 ,,,bel>us didn't circulate xs [n co9s until #bjaf4,' ,,,9 febru>y #bjae scuba div]s (f israel f.d ov] #b1fjj gold co9s dat+ back z f> z ! #ith c5tury4,' ,9 #aiag1 ,,,romania issu$ a banknote,' t 0 ab ! size ( a ,,po/age ,,/amp4 ,,,a briti% >ti/ made a dress \ ( us$ banknotes f >.d ! _w4,' ,,,! u4s4 bur1u,' ( ,,5grav+ & ,,pr9t+ ,,produces >.d #g4a ,,,million banknotes a ye>4,' ,,,co9s cr1t$ 9 #afaf = :at is n[ b]muda 7 nick"nd 8ho7ies0 2c !y pictur$ hogs4,' #c-,,,c5t co9s circulat$ 9 ! unit$ /ates f #ahea to,' #ahhi4 333333333333 ,hi/ory's ,grte/ ,hits ,,,by kay boatn],' ,,,>t by joe ro3o,' ,hi/orians don't alw "k ! exact dates ( hi/orical ev5ts4 ,t's :y y'll see a 8ca0 next to "o ( ! ye>s li/$ 2l4 ,x /&s = 8circa10 m1n+ 8>.d40 ,,,joan ( >c,' ,fr5* h]o9e ,joan ( ,>c 0 "o ( ! _w's f/ female milit>y l1d]s4 ,f9d \ m ab ! life ( ? leg5d4 #ae ,,/>t ca #adab ,joan ( ,>c is born 9to a family ( f>m]s 9 ! village ( ,domr^/emy1 ,fr.e4 ,%e likely sp5ds h] "ds tak+ c>e ( animals & sew+4 #adae-#adbb ,5gli% troops 9vade ,fr.e & =ce ,fr5* k+ ,,vi to "n ,5gl&'s ,h5ry ;,v z ,fr.e's next k+4 ,foll[+ ,h5ry ;,v's d1?1 "y 2g9s to h vi.ns h] %e c save h] c.try by re/or+ ! ?r"o to ,,vi's son1 ,*>les ,,vii4 @.<,draw+3 ,a giant cr[n sits on ! b.d>y 2t ,fr.e & ,5gl&4 ,p on ei side pull ropes ti$ to ! po9ts ( ! cr[n4 ,joan says1 8,c'mon1 ,fr.e6 ,put "s muscle 9to x60@.> ,april #adbi ,te5age ,joan,-dress$ l a man,-visits ,*>les ,,vii1 dem&+ t he let h] files ,,vii is cr[n$ ,k+ ( ,fr.e,-?anks 9 l>ge "p to ,joan's ef=ts4 @.<,draw+3 ,joan we>s >mor & holds a *eckli/ t says3 "% ,,,battle ! 5gli% "% take back fr5* l& "% cr[n *>les vii4,'@.> #adcj ,joan is captur$ & sold to ! ,5gli%4 ,!y a3use h] (1 am;g o!r *>ges1 ly+ & dress+ l a man4 ,%e's ?r[n 9 jail to await trial4 #adca ,f.d guilty1 ,joan is burn$ at ! /ake at age #ai4 ,b ne>ly #ejj ye>s af h] d1?1 %e's / se5 z a fe>.s l1d] :o *ang$ ! c\rse ( h] c.try's hi/ory4 @.<,draw+@.> ,,,y're welcome1 fr.e4,' 333333333333 ,bet y didn't "k #f 9cr$ible facts ab ra9 =e/s ,,,by ]9 :itm],' #a ,"o-qu>t] ( all butt]fly species on ,e>? live 9 ,s\? ,am]ican ra9 =e/s4 #b ,! ,amazon ra9 =e/ is home to giant rod5ts,-call$ capyb>as,-t >e ab z tall z ,g]man %eph]ds4 #c ,tropical ra9 =e/s >e a #ag habitat = #hj p]c5t ( ! _w's 9sect species4 #d ,ra9b[-color$ grasshopp]s live 9 ! ra9 =e/s ( ,p]u4 #e ,ant>ctica is ! only 3t95t t has no ra9 =e/s4 #f ,! _w's bi7e/ fl[],-f.d 9 ! ,9donesian ra9 =e/,-c gr[ wid] ?an a c> tire4 333333333333 ,amaz+ ,animals ,,,dog climbs m.ta9s,' ,\ray1 ,colorado ,biskit ! ,jack ,russell t]ri] 0 def9itely n afraid ( hei ,,,j keep climb+1 j keep climb+,' 444 ,,,bat takes bu2le ba?,' ,taunton1 ,5gl& ,= mo/ p1 bu2le ba?s >e relax+4 ,b = "o t9y bat1 !y're lifesav+4 ,? male pipi/relle bat a3id5tally flew 9to an 9sect trap1 coat+ hmf 9 ! device's glue4 ,! sub/.e cov]$ s m* ( ! bat's body t he cd b>ely move4 ,luckily pass]sby f.d ! bat & call$ ! ,,rspca ,we/ ,hat* ,wildlife ,c5tre to come to ! animal's aid4 ,c>etak]s "! immly decid$ to give ! bat a ba? at _! facil;y1 us+ w>m wat] & soap to un/ick ! animal's delicate w+s4 ,m ?an "o ba? 0 nec to remove ! glue4 ,:ile bats /uck 9 9sect traps >e unusual1 unsafe residue s* z pe/icides (t5 f9ds xs way to bats' bodies4 8,bats groom !mvs 9 a mann] simil> to cats10 bat 3s]va;ni/ ,mylea #ai ,bay.s says4 8,s x's important = tra9$ pr(es.nals to wa% !m qkly if !y're cov]$ 9 "s?+40 ,rescu]s obs]v$ ! pipi/relle = a few weeks 2f rel1s+ hm back 9to ! wild4 ,s no m bu2le ba?s,-& hope;lly no m 9sect traps ei6 ,-.1,s>a .1,s*w>tz @.<,photograph@.> ,,,next "t let's use ! /rawb]ry-sc5t$ /uff4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a c>etak] gives fluids to ! dehydrat$ bat4,' ,,octopus ,,escapes6 ,napi]1 ,new ,z1l& ,n[ y see hm 444 n[ y don't6 ,"o octopus pull$ ! ultimate 4appe>+ act by slipp+ \ ( 8 tank :ile nobody 0 look+4 ,af /aff at ! ,na;nal ,aqu>ium ( ,new ,z1l& left = ! ev5+1 ,9ky ! ,pacific octopus "sh[ manag$ to slip \ ( 8 5closure4 ,exp]ts ?9k ! cephalopod us$ 8 >ms to pry hmf \ ( 8 tank & onto ! floor ": he squeez$ 8 so3]-ball-size body "? a six-9* dra9 hole t l1ds to ! oc1n4 ,! foll[+ morn+ employees f.d ,9ky's tank empty & wat] spots on ! gr.d,-b no octopus4 ,jessica ,ries1 an aqu>i/ at ,p5nsylvania's ,pittsbur< ,zoo & ,,ppg ,aqu>ium1 wasn't surpris$ to le>n ( ,9ky's adv5ture4 8,octopuses >e gd escape >ti/s10 %e says4 8,!y c flatt5 _! bodies 5 to squeeze "? t9y op5+s40 ,9ky's =m] c>etak]s >5't sure ": he is ^! "ds1 b !y did rcv a po/c>d f a prank/] 9 ,florida ) ! octopus's "n on x4 ,9ky1 \4 ,-.1,s>a .1,s*w>tz @.<,photograph@.> ,,,:o1 me8 i'm j m9d+ my [n busi;s4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,9ky hangs \ 9 8 5closure1 pre-escape4,' 333333333333 ,,,welcome to !,' ,special ,jungle ,issue ,,p]sonal;y ,,quiz ,grab yr hik+ boots & b9ocul>s = ? ^7special jungle issue6^' ,2f t\r+ ! _w's ra9 =e/s1 le>n : jungle animal y're mo/ l by foll[+ ! pa?s ( ! /ate;ts y agree ) mo/4 ,z y g1 #ba 4cov] ! /ructure ( a typical ra9 =e/4 "<,x has f\r levels1 l a l1fy a"p;t build+ ": animals live6"> ,hey1 x's a jungle \ "!6 ,n all ( ! animals pictur$ "h c 2 f.d 9 "o ra9 =e/4 ,9/1d1 !y're f jungles >.d ! _w4 ,if yr descrip;n doesn't mat* y1 t's ,,ok,-? quiz is j = fun6 ,/>t ,"h ,if 444 ,y want to 2 tall] ?an "eybody6 ,i l 2+ \ 9 ! sun,-& 9 ! ra96 ^1,em]g5t ^1,lay] ,at ! top ( ! talle/ trees1 x's expos$ to sun1 w9d1 & ra94 ,i love ! limeli to h a blue %imm]4 ,i'm f9e hang+ ) myf4 ^1,f1!rtail ^1glid] .1,au/ralia ,y don't broadca/ yr a3ompli%;ts4 ,nei does ? quiet m>supial4 ,b by l1p+ & spr1d+ xs sk9 flaps1 x c so> #hb feet6 ,i want to 2 cozy 9 yucky w1!r4 ^1,canopy ^1,lay] ,?ick l1ves give ! _m critt]s "h "s %elt] f ! ra94 ,l\ng+ >.d is ! be/4 ,i'm a morn+ p]son4 ^1,orangutan .7,9donesia & ,malaysia.' ,l ? diurnal " primate1 : ext5ds xs l;g >ms to pluck fruit1 y're n afraid to r1* = :at y want4 ,i'm a nioo^' .1,au/ralia ,?+s roll (f yr %\ld]s4 ,t's simil> to ? nocturnal 'roo1 : has a "p+ ( fur d[n xs back to all[ ra9wat] to run (f xs body4 ,i get bor$ easily4 ^1,toco ^1t\can .1,s\? .1,am]ica ,? fli] is (t5 on ! g,- #bc same z y6 ,& l ! toco t\can1 : uses xs bill = fe$+1 pre5+1 & def5se1 y're res\rce;l4 ,/>t ,"h ,if 444 ,hei5't yr ?+6 ,i'd r play tug-(-w>4 ^1,"u/ory ^1,lay] ,! tree trunks "h c 2 wrapp$ 9 ropelike v9es4 ,i 5joy ! unexpect$4 ^1,p>son's ^1*ameleon .1,madagasc> ,y c relate to ! ,p>son's *ameleon,-"o ( ! l>ge/ *ameleon species4 ,y love *ang+ ?+s up1 same z ? color- %ift+ reptile4 ,i'm n crazy ab surprises4 ^7,grt] bulldog bat^' .7,nor?1 ,c5tral1 & ,s\? ,am]ica.' ,y ?rive on r\t9e4 ,s d bats,-!y figure \ a fligue my po9t ( view4 ,i'd r expla9 my op9ions \ l\d4 ^1,b5gal ^1tig] .1,asia ,y're "kn = crank+ up yr volume4 ,simil>ly ! tig]'s ro> c 2 #be "ts l\d] ?an a gas-p[]$ lawn m[]4 ,i'd pref] to write d[n my views4 ^1,h]cules ^1beetle .7,c5tral & ,s\? ,am]ica.' ,l ? beetle1 : makes hiss+ squ1ks1 y're quiet4 ,b y're al t\<,-same z ? 9sect1 : c b5* #hej "ts xs body weie / try+ to figure \ ! my/]ies ( ? %y hippo6 333333333333 ,special ,jungle ,issue #be ,c5tral & ,s\? ,am]ica ,surprise ,"py6 ,,,by scott eld],' ,r$-ey$ tree frogs a/oni% o!rs ) _! weird 2havior4 ,look+ = a snack1 a #cj-9*-l;g vip] sli!rs d[n a tree 9 a /1my ra9 =e/ 9 ,c5tral ,am]ica4 ,sudd5ly x sees a ta/y-look+1 ?ree-9*-l;g r$-ey$ tree frog re/+ on a ne>by l1f4 ,! reptile lunges =w>d & snat*es up ! t9y croak] 9 xs fang$ m\?4 ,b ! snake's 9 = a n-s-pl1sant surprise,-! frog ta/es t]rible6 ,! snake immly spits \ ! amphibian4 ,l&+ unh>m$ on ! =e/ floor1 ! frog bl9ks xs big r$ eyes1 !n hops (f to safety4 ,r$-ey$ tree frogs h "s f1tures & 2haviors t surprise o!r animals 9 _! ra9 =e/ home1 z well z ! exp]ts :o /udy !m4 ,4cov] h[ ^! jaw-dropp+ jump]s turn _! habitat 9to "o big surprise "py4 ,! r$-ey$ tree frog's sci5tific species "n1 .1callidryas1 is d]iv$ f a ,greek ^w m1n+ 8b1uti;l40 ,%ake ,x ,(f ,:5 rese>*]s visit$ ! c.try ( ,panama 9 #bjaj to /udy ^! frogs1 !y saw "s?+ t gave !m a jolt3 a male frog pluck+ ! %oot ( a plant ) 8 h9d feet1 l a p]son /rumm+ a guit> /r+6 ,!y r1liz$ t males d ? :5 o!r males come too close to _! turf4 ,! pluck+ cr1tes vibra;ns1 : 9trud]s 9t]pret z a signal to back (f4 ,:y n j croak l\dly to w>d (f 9trud]s8 8,!y don't want to rev1l _! loca;n to ! 5tire pond1 9clud+ 5emies s* z frog-eat+ bats10 biologi/ ,mi*ael ,caldwell says4 ,t'd %ake ?+s up .1way too m*4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a r$-ey$ tree frog 9 ! c.try ( co/a rica scales a plant %oot4,' ,"o ( ! frog's calls s.ds l a baby rattle4 ,males may wre/le ov] t]ritory #bg or mates4 ,ambu% & ,eat ,a r$-ey$ tree frog mi ,,,a frog l1ps to capture a ta/y cricket4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,cau c hat* up to two "ds e>ly if !y feel ji7l+ f an attack+ pr$ator4 8,!y basically br1k "? ! egg & dive 9to ! pond10 rese>*] ,k>5 ,w>k5t9 says4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a hat*+ tadpole drops f an egg clu/]4,' ,females gr[ ab "o 9* l;g] ?an males4 ,/ick to ,x ,slick surfaces >5't a problem = ? frog4 ,x c easily clamb] acr wet l1ves4 ,9/1d ( hopp+1 ! animal takes c>e;l /eps l a pro rock climb]4 ,x al has r.d$ toe pads t /ick to surfaces l suc;n cups1 & xs feet produce gluey mucus to help x grip slipp]y surfaces4 ,x c ev5 cl+ to ! "usides ( l1ves,- ,spid]-,man-/yle,-to hide f pr$ators4 ,t's a /icky surprise4 ,frog ,=ma;n ,r$-ey$ tree frogs may 2 "s ( ! mo/ recognizable animals on ! planet4 ,b x takes "t = !m to develop _! look4 ,*eck \ ! life /ages ( ? #bi 9cr$ible amphibian4 @.<,c>toon@.> ,,,?ree "ds af ! e7s >e laid,' 444 ,egg #a ,i c't wait to h my [n room6 ,egg #b ,hey6 ,quit %ov+6 ,,,ab ?ree "ds lat],' 444 ,tadpole @. ,cannonball6 ,,,fa/-=w>d ab a mon?,' 444 ,frog ) a tail ,i he> ,i %dn't get atta*$ to my tail4 ,,,a ye> or s af hat*+,' 444 ,frog #a ,i feel s big n[6 ,frog #b ,calm d[n6 ,y're / j ! size ( a half-doll>4 ,toxic ,ta/e ,huddl+ "u a l1f z ra9 pelts d[n1 a r$-ey$ tree frog s5ses a dang]\s snake4 ,gd ?+ ! frog has a slimy def5se4 ,:5 x's /ress$ \ by an approa*+ pr$ator1 x oozes a /9ky1 sli goo fills ! jungle air ) a %>p smell simil> to t ( a bicycle tire4 8,rese>*]s c track /ress$ frogs 9 a =e/ j by foll[+ ? sc5t10 says ,&res ,vega1 a biologi/ 9 ! c.try ( ,co/a ,rica4 ,! fumes >5't d1dly1 b !y're /r;g 5 to make "s p's eyes wat] & ?roats it*4 ,! slime al makes ! frogs ta/e bad to 5emies1 s* z snakes & [ls4 ,"s pr$ators t snag ! frog >e s 4gu/$ by xs ta/e !y let _! m1l g free4 ,eye ,spy ,z "dli1 r$- ey$ tree frogs ne/le 9 = a re/4 ,tuck+ _! legs ag/ _! bodies1 ! nocturnal animals sp5d ! "d laz+ on plants4 ,"s"ts !y appe> to h _! eyes %ut4 ,b !y c / obs]ve _! surr.d+s4 ,! frogs' peep]s h a see-"? ?ird eyelid t's crisscross$ ) gold5 l9es4 ,!y close ! lid ov] _! eyeballs :5 re/+4 ,b 2c "ps ( ! lid >e transluc5t1 ! amphibian c spy on xs habitat4 ,! lid may help keep ! frog's prom95t eyes 4guis$ f foes & all[ ! frog to /ay on ! look\t = tr\ble :ile x re- 5]gizes4 ,if a hunt] does #ca approa*1 ! frog c l1p away1 />tl+ xs pursu]4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a frog uses a l1f z an umbrella4,' ,r$-ey$ tree frogs h an excell5t s5se ( smell4 ,color ,3nec;n ,r$-ey$ tree frogs >e fam\s = _! ra9b[ ( colors4 ,b ! animals />t (f alm completely br[n1 develop+ _! b"r hues & r$ eye color ov] ! f/ ye> ( _! lives4 ,exp]ts >e / try+ to figure \ ! purpose ( ! frog's colors,-m1n+ t ^! guys / h "s surprises 9 /ore = u6 333333333333 ,special ,jungle ,issue ,africa ,,/"o ,,=e/ ,,,by kri/9 baird ratt9i,' ,^! razor-%>p t[]s >e home to "s s]i\sly /range species4 ,a =bidd+ =e/ ( po9t$ p1ks so>s abv ! surr.d+ jungle l&scape4 ,? surr1l lime/"o lair looks l a *all5ge /raiaha na;nal p>k & res]ve,-is locat$ 9 we/]n ,madagasc>1 an isl& (f ! s\?1/ coa/ ( ,africa4 ,x's easy to see :y ! ^w .1ts+y " m1ns 8": "o _c walk b>efoot0 9 ! local ,malagasy language4 ,b 9 ? brutal l&scape1 _m cr1tures make _! home am;g ^! /"o t[]s ": only a few humans d>e to set foot4 ,,,wat] at "w,' ,>.d #bjj million ye>s ago1 ! lime/"o plat1u t makes up ,ts+y de ,2m>aha 0 "p ( ! s1b$4 ,ov] millions ( ye>s1 ! lime/"o lay]s 2l ! wat] sl[ly rose abv ! sea level4 ,h1vy ra9s 3t9ually sculpt$ ! l&1 alt]+ xs %ape4 8,:5 ra9wat] fl[s 9to cracks 9 ! l&scape1 x 4solves ! rock10 says ,m>t^/on ,v]ess1 a geomorphologi/ "<"s"o :o /udies ! evolu;n ( ! ,e>?'s surface">4 ,! 3/ant 4solu;n cr1t$ crevasses1 or deep op5 cracks1 acr ! top lay] ( l&4 ,ov] "t1 ! tops ( ! rocks %>p5$ 9to ! knife-l po9ts #cc visible td4 ,,cr1ture ,,f1tures ,y won't f9d _m humans v5tur+ am;g ^? spiky lime/"o t[]s,-j a few locals1 plus "s brave sci5ti/s & t\ri/s ) ru7$ rock-climb+ ge>4 ,b y'll spot pl5ty ( animals 9 ! p>k4 8,! biodiv]s;y ( ,ts+y de ,2m>aha is unique ev5 :5 comp>$ to ! re/ ( ,madagasc>1 : ho/s _m animals f.d no": else on ! planet10 primatologi/ ,travis ,/e65s says4 8,! ts+y is l xs [n sep>ate isl& )9 an isl&40 ,t's 2c ! wildlife ( ,ts+y de ,2m>aha _h to adapt to ! p>k's *all5g+ surr.d+s1 le>n+ to survive "ey": f pit*-black caves to humid1 jungle-l pockets ( tropical dry =e/s t spr\t$ up "? crevasses 9 ! l&scape4 ,lemurs 9 "picul> ?rive 9 ! ts+y,- #aa species call x home4 ,six ( ^? species >e 5dang]$4 ,am;g !m is ! :ite-furr$ ,deck5's sifaka1 : develop$ p[];l h9d legs to l1p up to #cj feet f p1k to p1k4 ,xs h&s h develop$ s(t pads t all[ x to grip ! rocks z x cl+s v]tically & l1ps acr ! p>k's spikes4 ,ev5 ! plants h adapt$ to life 9 ! unusual ts+y4 ,= example1 x]ophytes " f.d 9 ! ts+y's dry =e/s c /ret* _! l;g1 ropelike roots 9to v>i\s "ps ( ! rock face 9 se>* ( wat]4 ,,,m to explore,' ,"!'s / s m* to uncov] 9 ? /range & /unn+ no-man's-l&1 & sci5ti/s 3t9ue to 5c.t] new plant & animal species z !y /udy ! p>k4 ,:o "ks :at new 4cov]ies await ^? brave 5 to v5ture 9to ,ts+y de ,2m>aha's tr1*]\s t]ra98 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a madagasc> ke/rel p]*es atop a p1k 9 ! p>k4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a deck5's sifaka " hangs \ on "o ( ! p>k's lime/"o spikes4,' ,,,life on ! $ge,' ,"h >e a few cr1tures y'll spot 9 ,ts+y de ,2m>aha4 ,,,madagasc> pygmy k+fi%],' ,,,madagasc> giant hognose #ce snake,' ,,,h5kel's l1f-tail$ gecko,' ,,,comm]son's l1f-nos$ bat,' ,,crimson ,,dropw+ ,,"d ,,gecko ,,coll>$ ,,iguana ,,l1f-,,nos$ ,,snake 333333333333 ,special ,jungle ,issue ,asia ,,,slo? be> rescue,' ,,,by allyson %aw,' ,an 9jur$ cub makes a comeback ) help f devot$ keep] ,a slo? be> cub :imp]s z he sits *a9$ to a tree 9 a remote village ne> ,9dia's ,utt> ,prade% ,=e/4 ,! two- mon?-old is w1k1 dehydrat$1 & hungry4 ,he al has a deep w.d acr 8 sn\t4 ,poa*]s1 :o rec5tly snat*$ ! be> f 8 jungle home af kill+ 8 "m1 /& next to hm4 ,!y plan to take ! baby be> to ! ne>by c.try ( ,nepal1 ": he'll 2 sold to p :o'll keep hm at a roadside attrac;n 9 poor 3di;ns4 ,! slo? be> huddles ag/ ! tree1 8 4tress build+4 ,,help ,,>rives ,z ! poa*]s get r1dy to move ! cub1 a 3s]va;n gr\p call$ ,wildlife ,,sos le>ns ( _! plans4 ,wildlife ,,sos t1ms up ) ! ,utt> ,prade% ,=e/ & ,wildlife ,de"p;t & police to raid ! poa*]s' hide\t4 ,!y >rive to f9d t ! poa*]s h fl$ & left ! be> b.d to ! tree4 ,af remov+ ! *a9 f ! cub's neck1 vets f ,wildlife ,,sos exam9e hm4 ,! animal is maln\ri%$ & exhau/$4 ,! w.d on ! be>'s muzzle1 : 0 made by ! poa*]s1 is pa9;l4 ,s ! rescu]s immly give hm soo?+ m$ica;n4 ,!n !y place ! cub 9 a transport vehicle & drive ne>ly #ab h\rs to ! ,wildlife ,,sos ,agra ,be> ,rescue ,facil;y 9 ,agra1 a c;y 9 nor!rn ,9dia4 ,once "!1 a c>etak] scoops up ! w1k cub & c>ries hm to 8 new home4 ,,be> ,,c>e ,at ! rescue c5t]1 /aff cl1n ! cub's w.d s x doesn't get 9fect$4 ,!y al provide hm ) antibiotics & pa9 #cg m$ica;n4 ,af t !y place ! be>1 n[ "nd ,elvis1 9 an 5closure s he c get "s re/4 ,at f/ he c[]s 9 ! corn] :5 any"o approa*es4 8,his bad exp]i;e has tak5 a sev]e toll on hm10 says ,k>tick ,satyan>ayan1 a co-f.d] ( ,wildlife ,,sos4 ,b ) "s g5tle coax+1 a keep] gets ! #ac-p.d cub to dr9k "s milk f a bottle4 ,sl[ly ,elvis />ts to tru/ ! keep] :o's bottle-fe$+ hm4 ,& ! be> d[ns s m* t he 2g9s to pack on "s p.ds4 ,a few mon?s lat] ,elvis />ts to eat solid foods1 9clud+ mangoes1 wat]melons1 & h"oy4 ,8 favorite >e e7s1 : he alw saves = la/4 ,keep]s 3t9ue to give hm m$ic9e4 ,!y hide ! m$ic9e 9 fruit or mix x 9to 8 porridge4 ,:5 ,elvis is a ye> old1 he's mov$ 9to a =e/$ \tdoor 5closure4 ,n[ full ( 5]gy1 ! be> scamp]s >.d & sni6s e corn] ( 8 new space4 8,he al makes frs ) ! /aff memb]s :o come by to say hello10 ,satyan>ayan says4 ,b visitors h to wat* _! feet,-,elvis likes try+ to pull (f p's %oes6 ,,big ,,be> ,by ab two ye>s ( age1 ,elvis is #agb p.ds4 ,he sp5ds 8 "ds le>n+ to climb trees1 =ag+ = yummy t]mites1 & mun*+ on fruit t he rcvs4 ,elvis 0 tak5 f 8 mom 2f %e cd t1* hm slo? be> survival skills1 s he c't return to ! wild4 ,b ,elvis w h ! next be/ ?+3 ,9 a c\ple ( ye>s1 ! be> w 2 plac$ 9 a #afj-acre1 tree-fill$ 5closure ) o!r slo? be>s4 ,until !n1 ,elvis w 3t9ue to gr[ & play,-& maybe he'll try to /1l a few m %oes6 8,he's gr[n to 2 s lively & mis*iev\s10 ,satyan>ayan says4 8,x's amaz+40 @.<,photograph@.> ,,\tdoor ,,fun @.<,photograph@.> ,,milky ,,m1l ,slo? be>s c close _! no/rils to keep \ du/ or bugs :5 eat+4 ,slo? be>s eat t]mites1 ants1 fl[]s1 & fruits4 ,:ile eat+1 !y grunt & snort4 #ci ,9 rela;n to _! size1 !y h ! l>ge/ tee? ( any be>4 ,!y >e ! only be>s t regul>ly c>ry cubs on _! backs4 ,^! animals h a ;,y- or ;,u-%ap$ m>k+ on _! *e/s4 333333333333 ,special ,jungle ,issue #cj ,cool ,,,?+s ab ra9 =e/ cultures,' ,,,by julie be],' ,gr\ps ( p h be5 liv+ 9 ra9 =e/s >.d ! _w = t5s ( ?\s&s ( ye>s4 ,*eck \ amaz+ facts ab ! hi/ory1 >t1 & 3tribu;ns ( ^! cultures4 #a ,! ,amazon ra9 =e/'s ,aw^/a p keep p>akeets z pets4 #b ,9 #bjab ,,sci5ti/s 9 ,guatemala ,,une>!d ! ,,jewel-,,fill$ ,,tomb ( a ,,,maya w>rior que5,' "nd ,,lady ,k',,abel4 #c ,ecuador's ,waorani p capture anacondas ) b>e h&s z a te/ ( /r5g?4 #d ,,,! olde/ au/ralian aborig9al boom]angs,-: 7 us$ = hunt+,->e #aj1jjj ye>s old4,' #e ,! ,tzeltal-,mayan p 9 ,mexico use beetle w+s z jewelry4 #f ,"s ( ! ,p5an p 9 ! c.tries ( ,malaysia & ,brunei move _! settle;ts ab once a mon?4 #g ,,,! kayapo ( brazil make hunt+ spe> tips ) %>p /+ray sp9es4,' #h ,! ,tl+it ( ,nor? ,am]ica's ,pacific ,nor?we/ region c>ve totem poles t >e z hi< z #dj feet to honor ance/ors4 #i ,by spray+ bee-repell+ sap onto hives1 ,9dia's ,j>awa p draw away ! 9sects s !y c extract h"oy4 #aj ,,,mangoes >e an important s\rce ( food = ! baka p ( cam]oon4,' #aa ,9 #bjae1 #abth-c5tury c;y ru9s 7 f.d hidd5 9 ! jungles ( ,cambodia4 #ab ,! ,tucuna ( ,s\? ,am]ica c>ve c]emonial masks 9 ! %ape ( jagu>s4 #ac ,brazil's ,matis p h a ritual to honor l>ge rod5ts call$ capyb>as4 #ad ,,,"s mod]n-"d m$ic9es h 9gr$i5ts f/ f.d & us$ by ra9 =e/ #da cultures4,' #ae ,/>t+ >.d ! #ajth c5tury1 p built ov] a ?\s& pagodas " 9 a jungle 9 ! ,asian c.try ( ,myanm>4 #af ,vaup^/es ,9dian gr\p memb]s 9 ,colombia le>n to sp1k at l1/ ?ree languages flu5tly4 #ag ,"s #b1jjj ye>s ago voyag]s cano$ #a1ejj miles f ! ra9-=e/-cov]$ ,solomon ,isl&s to o!r ,pacific isl&s4 #ah ,pygmy hunt]s ( ! ,3go ra9 =e/ 9 ,africa mimic ! s.d ( an 9jur$ antelope to lure \ xs pr$ators4 #ai ,! ,orang ,ulu p ( ,malaysia craft boat-%ap$ lutes call$ sapes4 #bj ,! ,amazon ra9 =e/ is home to "s #djj gr\ps ( 9dig5\s " p4 #ba ,?\s&s ( ye>s ago1 citiz5s ( a c;y 9 ,honduras's ,mosquitia ra9 =e/ may h wor%ipp$ a monkey-l god4 #bb ,,,! lac&on ( *iapas1 mexico1 >e direct desc5dants ( ! anci5t maya4,' #bc ,,,! yali ( we/ papua 9 ! s\? pacific c 4t+ui% 2t at l1/ #di v>ieties ( sweet potato on sis4,' #be ,9donesia's ,kor[ai p dwell 9 tree h\ses (t5 built ov] a hundr$ feet abvgr.d4 #bf ,! ,olmec1 : ?riv$ "s #c1jjj ye>s ago 9 ,c5tral ,am]ica1 c>v$ #aa- foot-hi< /"o h1ds4 #bg ,x 0 cu/om>y = ! ,mayna1 : ?riv$ 9 ,ecuador until ! #bjth c5tury1 to /a9 _! tee? black4 #bh ,! ,mok5 p's *n1 :o dive = food (f isl&s 9 ,asia's ,&aman ,sea1 see twice z well "uwat] z ,europ1n kids d4 #bi ,t>antula fangs >e us$ z too?picks by ! ,pi>oa p ( ,v5ezuela4 #cj ,,,! aztecs1 :o fl\ri%$ 9 mexico f ! #adth to ! #afth c5turies1 made an e>ly v].n ( p1nut butt]4,' 333333333333 ,special ,jungle ,issue #dc ,new ,z1l& ,rebel ,,p5gu9s ,,,by jamie ki6el-al*eh,' ,,,ice is nice1 b ^! birds pref] life 9 ! ra9 =e/,' ,_m p5gu9s ?rive 9 freez+ 3di;ns4 ,!y %rug (f subz]o w9ds1 belly-surf ov] glaci]s1 & swim "un1? ice4 ,b n tawakis4 ,al "kn z ,fiordl& cre/$ p5gu9s1 ^! guys live 9 ! ra9 =e/s ( ,new ,z1l&4 ,) _! 4t9ctive plumage1 unusual squawks1 & h>d-to-f9d cave ne/s1 ^! birds /& \ f _! fell[ black- &-:ite relatives4 ,*eck \ :y tawakis >e ! rule br1k]s ( ! p5gu9 _w4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a tawaki makes xs way to xs ra9 =e/ ne/4,' ,,range ,,rov]s ,:5 x comes "t to se>* = food1 _m p5gu9s hunt z f> z #dj miles f _! ne/4 ,n tawakis4 8,"s tawakis ,i've obs]v$ h /ay$ )9 a radius ( j two miles f _! home10 says ,?omas ,matt]n1 a rese>*] ) ! ,tawaki ,p5gu9 ,project4 ,climate *ange is =c+ ^! birds to travel f>!r f %ore1 h["e1 z w>m] wat] m1ns less prey4 ,luckily ! adult birds >e up = a l;g] trip3 8,tawakis c 2 v adaptable to local 3di;ns10 ,matt]n says4 ,,rock ,,on ,"s"ts ref]r$ to z ! rock />s ( ! p5gu9 _w1 tawakis >e "kn = _! wild look & s.d4 ,!y h a 4t9ctive yell[ /r1k ( f1!rs call$ a 8cre/0 ov] ea* eye4 ,! birds c %ake _! cre/s,-l rock />s %ake _! hair on/age,-to %[ (f _! plumage to pot5tial mates4 ,tawakis al h 4t9ctive voices1 j l yr favorite s+]4 ,unlike o!r p5gu9s1 !y s.d l bray+ donkeys & make honk+ noises to communicate at sea4 ,,sup] ,,swimm]s ,all p5gu9s log lots ( "t 9 ! wat]4 ,b tawakis sp5d .1s m* "t 9 ! oc1n t cr1tures call$ b>nacles,-t9y1 /icky cru/ac1ns t typically lat* on to :ales,-"s"ts atta* !mvs to tawakis' tails too6 ,,w>m-,,w1!r ,,f1!rs #de ,waddl+ acr an ice-cov]$ colony8 ,no ?anks6 ,temp]atures 9 ! temp]ate " ra9 =e/s ( s\?we/ ,new ,z1l& c hit a toa/y #gj^j,f4 ,t's :y tawakis c 2 small],-!y don't ne$ to hold 9 z m* body h1t z l>g] birds s* z ,ant>ctic p5gu9s4 ,_m p5gu9s t live on ! ice al h h1vy plumage3 8,unlike tawakis1 p5gu9s s* z ,ad^/elies look l f1!rs ) a b1k /ick+ \10 ,matt]n says4 ,,cold ,,%\ld] ,o!r cre/$ p5gu9 species s* z rockhopp]s bre$ ) _! ne/s squeez$ close tgr 9 colonies ( ?\s&s1 b tawakis lay _! e7s 9 isolat$ caves1 bu%es1 & tree /umps4 ,! birds >5't j 2+ unfrly4 8,we get lots ( ra9 9 ,new ,z1l&10 ,matt]n says4 8,t's "o r1son :y tawakis l to 2 tuck$ away40 ,secretive spots al provid$ protec;n f humans1 :o us$ to hunt ! birds = m1t4 ,only ! birds t rema9$ hidd5 surviv$4 ,no wond] tawakis l to /ay \ ( si ,,,a tawaki /&s gu>d 9 front ( xs cave ne/4,' """""""""""" ,birds ,,,( a f1!r,' ,tawakis >5't alw rebelli\s4 ,"s"ts !y act l1 well1 o!r p5gu9s4 ,"h's h[ !y're simil>4 ,,,!y c't fly4,' ,^? ll w+s >5't = lift(f4 ,p5gu9s' flipp]s >e = p[]+ "? wat]4 ,,,!y lose all _! f1!rs at once4,' ,call$ 8cata/rophic molt+10 mo/ p5gu9s %$ all ( _! f1!rs at ! same "t once a ye>1 unlike _m o!r birds1 : only molt a few f1!rs at a "t4 ,! wat]pro( f1!rs protect ! p5gu9s f *illy wat]1 s !y /ay on l& until _! f1!rs gr[ back af a few weeks4 ,,,!y sneeze saltwat]4,' ,:5 !y're gulp+ d[n fi%1 p5gu9s swall[ a .1lot ( s1wat]4 ,b a special gl& abv _! eyes lets !m filt] \ excess salt "? _! b1ks by sneez+4 333333333333 ,special ,jungle ,issue #dg ,,d>e to ,,explore ,,,by c4m4 toml9,' ,,,want to 2 a jungle adv5tur]8 *eck \ ^! ?ree nat geo explor]s to see :at x takes4,' ,,,! wildlife filmmak],' ,s&e% ,kadur is an aw>d-w9n+ filmmak] f ,9dia4 ,2l1 he describes meet+ cl\d$ leop>d cubs & rh9oc]oses 9 8 home c.try4 8,"o "t :ile film+ 9 ! foothills ( ! ,himalaya m.ta9s1 ,i 0 =tunate 5 to wit;s ! rel1se ( two orphan$ cl\d$ leop>d cubs back 9to ! wild4 ,i felt an 9cr$ible bond ) ^! cats & 0 lucky to capture photos ( !m4 8,ano!r "t ,i 0 hid+ 9 hi< grass 9 ,9dia's ,kaziranga ,na;nal ,p>k :5 two rh9os sudd5ly />t$ *as+ ea* o!r4 ,!y 7 l bulldoz]s *>g+ 9 circles >.d me4 ,i cd he> _! ?"u+ hooves z ,i film$ ! 5c.t]4 8,my job is to wake up e>ly1 h1d 9to ! jungle1 & f9d ! coole/ animals to film4 ,i typically wait = h\rs to cat* j "o cr1ture on cam]a4 ,x's wor? x ?\<4 ,p[];l images help u feel 3nect$ to nature4 ,i /rive "? film to cr1te t same 3nec;n = o!rs40 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,s&e% kadur films a pair ( cl\d$ leop>d cubs 9 9dia4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,kadur waits pati5tly = an animal to appe>4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a "y cl\d$ leop>d looks at ! cam]a4,' 8,2+ a filmmak] is l 2+ a spy4 ,y %dn't 2 se5 b y %d see all t's go+ on >.d y40 ,,,want to 2 a wildlife filmmak]8,' ,,/udy3 ,>t1 geography1 & photography ,,wat*3 ,! ,,bbc's .1,planet .1,e>? ,,r1d3 .7,! ,%>k & ! ,albatross3 ,a ,wildlife ,filmmak] ,rev1ls ,:y ,nature ,matt]s to ,u ,all.' by ,john ,ait*ison ,,,! plant biologi/,' #di ,m>k ,olson /udies plants 9 ! jungles ( ,africa & ,c5tral ,am]ica4 ,he talks ab so>+ 9 a p>aglid] ov] ! treetops ( ,mexico's =e/s4 8,once z ,i 0 fly+ acr ! treetops ( "o ( ,mexico's tropical dry =e/s1 a :ite- ?roat$ magpie-jay,-a cr[-l bird ) a l;g tail,-foll[$ 2h me1 scree*+ ! :ole way6 ,unfamili> 9sects buzz >.d y1 & unusual sc5ts fill ! air4 ,x's ano!r _w 9 ! tree canopy4 8,i fly 9 a p>aglid] to /udy ! treetops1 : c 2 t]rify+4 ,b x's help;l to get a bird's-eye view4 ,up "h y c see animals t y'd n"e spot f ! gr.d4 ,"s"ts curi\s animals *eck .1me \4 ,y c walk "? a ra9 =e/ & ?9k x looks l e o!r ra9 =e/4 ,b :5 y id5tify ! plants on ! gr.d & sp5d "t 9 ! treetops y r1lize h[ unique ea* jungle is40 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,m>k olson scales a tree 9 mexico's si]ra de los tuxtlas tropical ra9 =e/4,' 8,next "t y're 9 ! woods1 .1r1lly look at ! plants4 ,= example1 h[ _m di6]5t l1f %apes c y f9d80 ,,,want to 2 a plant biologi/8,' ,,/udy3 ,botany "1 microbiology1 & ma!matics ,,wat*3 ,! docu;t>y .7,:at ,plants ,talk ,ab.' ,,r1d3 .7,liv+ ,sunli? to ,life.' by ,molly ,bang & ,p5ny ,*isholm ,,,! wildlife w>rior,' ,juliana ,ma*ado ,f]reira "ws to save animals /ol5 f ,brazil's wild4 ,%e recalls rescu+ birds seiz$ by smu7l]s4 8,:5 ,i "w$ ) an organiza;n call$ ,,sos ,fauna1 we rescu$ blue-front$ ,amazon p>rots t _h be5 /ol5 z *icks & 7 2+ transport$ by tra6ick]s4 ,y cd tell ! birds _hn't be5 well c>$ =4 ,af we ev5tually return$ !m to _! natural habitat1 we wat*$ z !y ta/$ ! fl[]s1 se$s1 & fruits ( _! home4 ,ov] "t _! h1l? improv$ dramatically4 ,:5 y rescue a mi/r1t$ animal & return #ea x to ": x 2l;gs1 ! *ange 9 !m is unbelievable4 8,mo;ts l ^! >e :y ,i "w to combat ! illegal buy+ & sell+ ( wildlife4 ,i want to help police fi ,,,juliana ma*ado f]reira holds a gre5-w+$ saltator4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,hyac9? ,,macaw @.<,photograph@.> ,,sc>let ,,macaw @.<,photograph@.> ,,,ma*ado f]reira prep>es to wei< & hydrate a bird 9 bahia1 brazil4,' @.<,photograph@.> ,,,blue-front$ amazon p>rots h blue f1!rs abv _! b1ks4,' 8,rememb] t wild animals >5't pets2 !y ne$ to 2 free4 ,e animal has ! "r to exi/ & fulfill xs role 9 nature40 ,,,want to 2 a wildlife w>rior8,' ,,/udy3 ,5viron;tal /udies1 zoology1 & geography ,,wat*3 .1,rio ,,r1d3 ,=bidd5 ,cr1tures3 ,9side ! ,_w ( ,animal ,smu7l+ & ,exotic ,pets by ,pet] ,lauf] 333333333333 ,special ,jungle ,issue ,c5tral & ,s\? ,am]ica ,,,wild cat academy,' ,,,by alicia klepeis,' ,jagu>undi moms t1* _! kitt5s impressive hunt+ skills4 ,a #aj-p.d female jagu>undi pads acr ! ra9 =e/ floor ) h] two kitt5s 9 t[4 ,! babies romp & wre/le4 ,!y hav5't yet eat5 td1 s z !y play ! mom looks = food4 ,detect+ a ru/l+ f a hole 9 ! gr.d1 %e /icks h] paw 9side & pulls \ a ta/y rat4 ,h] babies scamp] to h] side4 ,x's "t = a family d9n]4 ,! jagu>undi is a small species ( wild cat1 ^: range 9cludes ! ,amazon ra9 =e/4 8,x isn't a top #ec pr$ator10 biologi/ ,an?ony ,giordano says4 8,in fact x's pretty l[ on ! pr$ator totem pole40 ,2c ( competi;n f /r;g] pr$ators s* z c\g>s1 jagu>undis m/ le>n z "y/]s to 2 crafty hunt]s4 ,luckily _! moms act z cat coa*es1 t1*+ ! babies key hunt+ skills4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a "y jagu>undi pr[ls "? a jungle4,' ,jagu>undi litt]s 3ta9 "o to f\r kitt5s4 ,"s jagu>undi kitt5s h spots on _! bellies1 : 4appe> z !y get old]4 ,^! cats make at l1/ #ac 4t9ct calls4 ,kitt5 ,sitt9' ,) food 9 _! bellies1 ! family h1ds back to _! d5 locat$ 9side a holl[ log4 ,! kitt5s >e gr[+ /r;g & fei/y4 ,b :5 !y 7 born1 ! cats wei<$ less ?an a baseball & sp5t mo/ ( _! "t sleep+4 ,_! mom b>ely left _! side4 ,af ab ?ree weeks1 ! mom 2gan mak+ qk trips f ! d5 to se>* = snacks s* z rod5ts1 birds1 & reptiles4 ,^u return+1 %e'd usually *ew up ! food to make x easi] = h] babies to eat4 ,o3a.nally %e'd drop a small rod5t next to ! kitt5s & let !m play ) x4 ,? gave !m e>ly exposure to _! prey4 ,at >.d six weeks1 ! kitt5s' mom 2gan tak+ !m on field trips to wat* h] hunt4 @.<,photograph@.> ,,,a pair ( kitt5s play-wre/le4,' ,wat* & ,le>n ,! jagu>undi family em]ges f xs d>k d5 9to ! "dliundi4 8,by hunt+ dur+ ! "d1 ^! animals avoid direct competi;n = food ) o!r wild cats s* z ocelots & m>gays10 ,giordano says4 ,! mom & kitt5s *irp & :i/le to ea* o!r z !y trot am;g ! trees4 ,sudd5ly ! mom spots birds flutt]+ s"eal feet away4 ,hunt+ s*ool's 9 ses.n6 ,h] kitt5s wat* z %e goes af ! f1!r$ prey4 ,to keep f 2+ se51 ! cat creeps al;g ! gr.d1 hid+ "u plants4 ,unlike #ee des]t- or grassl&-dwell+ jagu>undis t h lik] coat4 ,? may help !m /ay cam\flag$ on ! %ad[y =e/ floor4 ,clos+ 9 on ! birds1 ! female spr9ts =w>d4 ,!n %e l1ps six feet 9 ! air & swats "o ) a paw4 ,! mom returns to h] "y1 c>ry+ ! prey 9 h] m\?4 ,dur+ ano!r \t+1 ! family comes acr a pool ( wat]4 ,! babies /& at ! $ge z _! "m wades in4 ,:5 a fi% d>ts by1 ! female qkly dunks h] paws 9 ! wat] & captures ! swimm+ snack4 ,! curi\s kitt5s obs]ve _! furry t1*]4 ,"o "d !y'll 2come copycats1 us+ ! same te*niques z _! mom does to snag food4 ,hunt+ ,try\ts ,ov] ! next mon?s1 ! kitt5s foll[ _! mom 9to ! =e/4 ,!y see h] di7+ = rod5ts & do+ h] hunt+ hi< jump4 ,! kitt5s practice _! [n moves1 mimick+ _! mom's4 ,!y *ase small mammals & l1p at birds4 ,soon !y're cat*+ _! [n d9n]s4 ,:5 ! (fspr+ >e a ye> old1 !y l1ve _! "m4 ,w&]+ 9to ! woods1 !y pe] back at h]4 ,b nei ! "y/]s nor ! mom has to worry4 ,?anks to _! "m's help1 ^! hi<- jump+ cats h hunt+ d[n6 333333333333 ,fun ,/uff games1 lauea 9 c5tral ,africa 3ta9s ! second l>ge/ ra9 =e/ 9 ! _w4 ,f9d ! #aj animals on ? li/ 9 ! sc5e4 @.<,note to ! li/4@.> "9,,h9t3 ,a duik] is a k9d ( antelope4 #a we/]n gorilla #b elephant #c gray p>rot #d ,nile crocodile #e duik]"9 #f r$ riv] hog #g *impanzee #h leop>d #i ,african pygmy-k+fi%] #eg #aj royal py?on ,^! animals wdn't hang \ s close tgr 9 ! wild4 ,? game is j = fun6 """""""""""" ,funny ,,fill-,,9 ,ra9 ,=e/ ,fun ,,,by allyson %aw,' ,ask a fr to give y ^ws to fill 9 ! blanks 9 ? /ory )\t %[+ x to hm or h]4 ,!n r1d \ l\d = a lau<4 @.<,! ^ws 2l ! s5t;es >e plac$ 9 p>5!ses af ! l[ l9e4@.> ,i 0 deep 9 ! ra9 =e/ ( .- " ) my fr .- "1 se>*+ = an anci5t ru9 call$ ! ,lo/ .- " ( ! .- "4 ,b j .- " m9utes 9to ! j\rney1 we r1liz$ we'd =gott5 \r .- " spray6 ,a sw>m ( .- " bugs 0 .- " u6 ,we .- " .- " "? ! trees & soon smack$ 9to a" .- "<"s?+ h>d">4 ,i pull$ back "s .- " & cdn't 2lieve my .- "4 ,x 0 a "p ( ! ru9,-& we cd he> .- " com+ f 9side6 ,we peek$ "? a hole 9 ! wall & saw a gr\p ( .- "4 ,!y 7 l\ng+ on /"o .- "1 snack+ on .- "1 & ev5 swimm+ 9 a pool fill$ ) .- "4 ,i guess ? ru9 isn't r1lly lo/ at all6 """""""""""" ,:at 9 ! ,_w8 ,,jungle ,,gds ,^! photos %[ close-up views ( items t come f ra9 =e/ plants4 ,unscramble ! lrs to id5tify :at's 9 ea* picture4 ^7,bonus3 ,use ! hi nasaan^2b ore^2p ^2ofefec no^2ican^2mn #ei pao^2s ^2lcoo^2thaec ^2iehnwcg mg^2u br^2uebr r^2tise z^2liarb tnsu ^1,,h9t3 ,:at did ! t\can say to ! ca%i]8 ,,answ]3 j.-.-.- .-.-t .-.- .-n .-y .-.-.-.-6 """""""""""" ,,,na;nal geographic kids,' ,,,tell u :at y ?9k6,' ,jo9 ! .7,na;nal ,geographic ,kids.' ,t1m4"9 "9,*ildr5 ( ,,ngs /aff1 ,,ngp /aff1 & 3tractors >e n eligible to "picipate4 ,only ^? select$ w 2 notifi$4 ,if y >e alr a memb] ( ! panel1 y d n ne$ to reapply4 ,"?\t ! ye> we'll 9vite y by email to complete \r late/ onl9e survey4 ,! surveys ask = op9ions ab curr5t magaz9e issues1 >ticles we're "w+ on1 & topics t a6ect kids l y4 ,apply onl9e6 ,,,sign+ up is easy6,' #a ,grab a p>5t4 #b ,g to ngkids&familyt1m4com_/jo9#bjag4 ,h yr p>5t fill \ ! 3s5t =m4 #c ,look = email 3firma;n f .7,nat ,geo ,kids.'4 ,if y h any "qs1 3tact tracy4/"o@anatgeo4com4 ,= ea* survey y complete1 y'll 2 5t]$ 9to qu>t]ly draw+s to w9 an ,,,amazon gift c>d6,' """""""""""" ,,critt] ,,*at ,,,by allyson %aw,' ,if wild animals us$ social m$ia1 :at wd !y say8 ,foll[ ? s\!rn two-to$ slo?'s "d z x updates xs fe$4 ,,,s\!rn two-to$ slo?,' ,slo?;l ,lives in3 ,nor!rn ,s\? ,am]ica ,likes3 ,snooz+ & snack+ ,,frs ,,oilbird ,little,birdie ,,l[l& ,,tapir ,t9y,trunk #fa ,,,yuruani glass frog,' ,f9d,!,frog #i p4m4 ^1,slo?;l ,sorry1 guys4 ,i'm go+ to 2 a ll late4 _?,slo?,"t ^1,t9y,trunk ,hurry up6 ,y only come d[n f ! tree canopy once a week to use ! ba?room1 s ? is ! only "t we get to see y face-to-face "4 ^1,slo?;l ,i'm hav+ tr\ble gett+ \ ( my b$1 ]1 tree4 ,plus ,i only move ab six feet a m9ute4 ,s x's gonna take me a:ile to get d[n4 ^1,f9d,!,frog ,get a move on1 ^1,slo?;l6 ,! moon is ris+ & ! frogs >e s++6 ^1,slo?;l ,%dn't ! .1birds 2 s++8 ^1,little,birdie ,i'm too busy tweet+6 _?,,lol @$sf @. #ab3#ce a4m4 ^1,slo?;l ,h[ _m ( y c d ,,?8 _?,no,h&s ^1,little,birdie ,%[-(f4 ,y "k we don't all h special tree-gripp+ claws l y d4 ^1,t9y,trunk ,b ,i d h a snorkel " = swimm+6 ,,boom4 ^1,f9d,!,frog ,,weird4 ,i hav5't g"o swimm+ s9ce ,i 0 a tadpole4 ^1,little,birdie ,eh4 ,i'll j keep liv+ t w>m1 dry cave life4 #d a4m4 ^1,slo?;l ,hey1 ^1,f9d,!,frog6 ,i'm alm z gre5 z y 444 j give ! algae a few m "ds to gr[ 9 my fur4 ^1,f9d,!,frog ,nice6 ,my gre5i% see-"? sk9 helps me hide 9 ! l1ves4 ,i guess x "ws l t = y1 too1 huh8 ^1,slo?;l ,yep6 ^1,t9y,trunk1 ,i "k y eat aquatic plants4 ,any 9t]e/ 9 a ll gre5 snack8 @$wf @. ^1,t9y,trunk ,,gross4 """""""""""" ,f ! pages ( .1,,,quiz .1:iz3 /ump yr p>5ts,' ,if yr p>5ts c't answ] ^! "qs1 maybe .1!y %d g to s*ool 9/1d ( y6 ,,,answ]s on page,' #fg #a ,h[ _m ye>s c a macaw1 a k9d #fc ( p>rot1 live 9 ! wild8 ,a4 #e ;,b4 #bj ;,c4 #fj ;,d4 #ajj #b ,ea* ye>1 alm a million p travel to ! ,&es ,m.ta9s 9 ,p]u to see : cultural site8 ,a4 ,angkor ,wat ;,b4 ,*i*5 ,itza ;,c4 ,ea/] ,isl& ;,d4 ,ma*u ,pic*u #c ,: ra9 =e/ animal is attract$ to ! gross-smell+ fl[]s ( ! kapok tree8 ,a4 snake ;,b4 monkey ;,c4 t\can ;,d4 bat #d ,a company develop$ :at new k9d ( item af /udy+ ! way butt]fly w+s produce colors8 ,a4 color-*ang+ helmets ;,b4 color scre5s = electronic devices ;,c4 tie-dy$ sunglasses ;,d4 holi"d li.d ! ,lo/ ,temple ( ,zios 9 ! virtual _w ( .1,animal .1,jam wd ne$ l;g "ds & pl5ty ( ra94 ,if x 7 on ,e>?1 ": wd x 2 f.d8 ,a4 ,>ctic ,circle ;,b4 ,equator ;,c4 ,grt ,b>ri] ,reef ;,d4 ,s\? ,pole #f ,spid] monkeys h a preh5sile tail1 m1n+ !y c .- ) _! tails4 ,a4 %oot v5om ;,b4 grab bran*es ;,c4 peel bananas ;,d4 scrat* _! backs #g ,if y 7 to make a ra9 =e/ ice #fe cr1m1 : flavors cd y use8 ,a4 lemon ;,b4 banana ;,c4 mango ;,d4 all ( ! abv #h ,: type ( animal is ,rikki-,tikki- ,tavi f .7,! ,jungle ,book.'8 ,a4 goat ;,b4 be> ;,c4 m;goose ;,d4 me]kat #i ,9 ! ,sagano ,=e/ 9 ,japan1 bamboo gr[s at a rate ( .- a "d4 ,a4 #a 9* ;,b4 #ab 9*es ;,c4 #dj 9*es ;,d4 #fj 9*es #aj ,on ! ,9donesian isl& ( ,komodo1 : l>ge animals d ,komodo dragons eat8 ,a4 wat] bu6alo ;,b4 blue :ale ;,c4 pol> be> ;,d4 hippopotamus ,my ,%ot ,^! photographs 7 tak5 by kids l y6 ,h['d y get ! %ot8 @.<,photograph@.> ^1,anole ,!zookeep]#b 8,i put my cam]a on d>k mode & us$ a fla%lid & xs wat] b[l40 ,-.1,!zookeep]#b @.<,photograph@.> ^1,9 ^1,bloom ,,dj,roll#ac @.<,photograph@.> ^7,sunset on a ,b1*^' ,,syj,pune#ai @.<,photograph@.> ^1,blue ^1,ridge ,wakesfield @.<,photograph@.> ^1,allie wisp(adr1m @.<,photograph@.> ^1,! ^1,/ripes mywildclick ,photo ,tip ( ! ,mon? @.<,photograph@.> ^1,jungle ,gelyhe ,photograph comple;t>y colors4 ,? /rik+ color cla% adds a dynamic ele;t to yr photo4 #fg ,answ]s 8,:at 9 ! ,_w80 "3 ^1,top ^1r[3 bananas1 rope1 c(fee4 ^1,middle ^1r[3 c9namon1 soap1 *ocolate4 ^1,bottom ^1r[3 *ew+ gum1 ru2] tires1 ,brazil nuts4 ^1,bonus3 ,j put x on my bill6 8,/ump ,yr ,p>5ts0 "3 #a4 ;,,,c1 #b4 ;d1 #c4 ;d1 #d4 ;b1 #e4 ;b1 #f4 ;b1 #g4 ;d1 #h4 ;c1 #i4 ;c1 #aj4 a4,' 333333333333